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Firebird Extension Library for Ruby
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Problems connecting to firebird 3 #65

Closed choallin closed 5 years ago

choallin commented 5 years ago

Since it seems that issue #58 seems to be merged I make a new issue here.

I am trying to connect to a firebird 3 and am always getting an error (Firebird error unknown ISC error 335545106) which, after some research seems to be an authentication error. The firebird.log is also telling me, that the auth plugin not supported by network protocol
I have configured the db to use legacy_auth but still nothing changed. Do I have to configure something else as well?

woblavobla commented 5 years ago

@choallin check your configuration and security3.fdb. On clean Firebird you should initialize security db. Try to google on issues with connecting to clean firebird 3.

choallin commented 5 years ago

@woblavobla I am very new to Firebird (but I know postrges and mysql). Where do I find the security3.fdb? Or how can I configure it?

woblavobla commented 5 years ago

@choallin First of all you should uninstall any previous versions of Firebird and gem 'fb'. Then install Firebird 3 and gem fb. This is needed to build gem with firebird 3 header files. And try to connect again.

choallin commented 5 years ago

I did this already, but it didn't change. (Now I have th fb gem version 0.9.0)

woblavobla commented 5 years ago

@choallin you can only login with users that have been created for legacy authentication; the new Srp authentication is not supported; You should google how to correctly config legacy auth for Firebird 3.

choallin commented 5 years ago

I configured the db according to this: Do I need to create a new user for the legacy auth or should the sysdba user be allowed to log in via legacy?

woblavobla commented 5 years ago

@choallin use this guide

choallin commented 5 years ago

I installed the firebird server now on my host and everything works. Honestly I don't know why it didn't work in a vm...