rowland / fb

Firebird Extension Library for Ruby
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Add support for returning values... #74

Open adrianlmm opened 4 years ago

adrianlmm commented 4 years ago

Greetings, is not possible to retrieve values in statements with the RETURNING clause, example:


After the execution this stament returns the autogenerated ID but is not possible to retrieve it in the current version of fb.

jwood381 commented 4 years ago

The "returning" clause actual is supported, but sometimes doesn't work due to configuration error. I think the issue has to with copying libraries to proper folder but I have been unable to reliable recreate the problem. Sorry, I can't be more helpful :)

adrianlmm commented 3 years ago

Returnig values stopped working in the recent versions of Firebird, the developers changed the behavior and now is not working.

adrianlmm commented 9 months ago

I believe the issue is in the line 2065 of fb.c

isc_dsql_execute2(fb_connection->isc_status, &fb_connection->transact, &fb_cursor->stmt, SQLDA_VERSION1, NULL, NULL);

The last parameter should be a pointer to an out buffer when the statement type is "isc_info_sql_stmt_exec_procedure", that's the statement type when the query contains the RETURNING keyword.

Can anyone check it out?