roxaskeyheart / Chroma-for-Stardew-Valley

Chroma for Stardew Valley is a lightweight Windows application which connects Stardew Valley with Razer Chroma devices. You can use this to make your keyboard, mouse, headset, etc. react to events, elements & other in-game functions by creating visual alerts using the devices' countless lighting options.
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"Time of Day" Theme not working in v1.4 #4

Closed stubmle closed 7 years ago

stubmle commented 7 years ago

Hey boss, it's me again. The latest release seems to work as it should, with the exception of the "Time of Day" theme. If I change the theme from "Seasonal" to "ToD" while an instance of the game is running, nothing happens. If I change the theme to ToD and then launch the game, most of my keys are not lit, except for the "Y" key, which is red. If I then change the theme to "Seasonal," it reverts to the expected appearance. Everything else seems to work as expected, it's just the ToD theme that is malfunctioning.

roxaskeyheart commented 7 years ago

What type of Keyboard are you using?

stubmle commented 7 years ago

I've got a Blackwidow keyboard and a Deathadder mouse.

roxaskeyheart commented 7 years ago

So with this app, the keyboard will display the seasonal color over the keyboard keys and the time of day over the num-pad as standard. The drop down box to change from Seasonal to Time of Day and vice versa theme's is for other devices connected which are not a keyboard (ie. Mouse, Headset, Mousepad, etc.).

So it makes sense changing these wouldn't actually affect your keyboard normally, but according to you it does seem to affect your keyboard to some extent. I tested it on my Blackwidow Chroma and it seemed to be working fine so I'm unsure what is causing the keys to go dark for you.

Are you running the latest version of Synapse?

stubmle commented 7 years ago

Oh, I didn't know the themes worked like that... but anyway, I am now using the latest Synapse version, yes. It was out-of-date until today, but the issue still occurs after updating: if I load a save with the Time of Day theme set, it shuts off most of my keyboard lights (just those that should have the seasonal color, not any of the control or macro keys) & sets Y to be red. However, it does work as intended on the mouse- it changes to the expected color. If I change the theme after loading a save, it works perfectly- the mouse changes and the keyboard stays the same. It's only if the save is loaded with ToD enabled that I see the issue. Based on what you said just now- that seasonal colors should always be displayed on the keyboard- it seems possible that the initial time state on load-in somehow passes an invalid value to the "season" variable, resulting in Y turning red and the rest deactivating. I'm not very familiar with the game's code, but maybe it's something like that? Of course, that wouldn't explain why it works for you & not for me... I do have the Overwatch edition Blackwidow keyboard. AFAIK, it's identical to the standard one under the hood, but perhaps there is some difference I am unaware of.

roxaskeyheart commented 7 years ago

I have resolved this issue and released an update to address this (1.45). Additionally I have changed the way the theme selector works, please refer to release notes.