roxlukas / lmeve

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Tasks: Carry on next month #19

Closed Llediarth closed 9 years ago

Llediarth commented 9 years ago

It would be great if created tasks could be carried on in the next month.

Current situation: Tasks can be created either as one time tasks or repetitive tasks. Both ways are quite suboptimal when having a lot of tasks withhin a corp.

Issues: Mats brought to arrays at the beginning of tasks > left overs at the end of the month > accumulate over month > hazzle to sort out

Solution: when creating tasks, it should be possible to mark them not only as one time task or repetitive task but as well as "take over to next month". Even further, this should be default as also with repetitive tasks a lot of mats and especially t2-copies get stockpiled. Tasks should not reset at the beginning of a new month. At least an option to set this would be nice :-)

roxlukas commented 9 years ago

Well, this isn't so easy as it sounds. Here's why:

So a COUNT aggregate query needs borders. Months are natural borders, and so are weeks that were used in Aideron Robotics tool. This makes it impossible to implement your suggestion in recurring tasks.

It looks a bit better in non-recurring tasks. What we could do, because all tasks have a creation date, is to use this creation date as the first border. Unfortunately we still need something as the end border, otherwise task progress will keep counting to infinity. Using:

HAVING COUNT() <= taskAmount

as the second border would be possible - it would cause "display until it's finished" behaviour.

There is one easier, in-game solution though: simply empty all labs and assembly arrays before re-filling them ;-)

Llediarth commented 9 years ago

Can we then at least use as end border for non-recurring task: following month?

We just need it to keep the non-recurring tasks alive a few days into the following month. No need to keep the end border for ever into eternity. Two month instead of one should be totally sufficient.

roxlukas commented 9 years ago

In my opinion "until it's finished" would be more logical option than "two months". What do you think?

Llediarth commented 9 years ago

But isnt that excactly the issue we might run into? What happens if someone gets afk or for what ever reason doesnt finish the job?

roxlukas commented 9 years ago

The task will keep showing until it's a) completed or b) deleted What I want to avoid is for the task to show up infinitely without any way to complete. There must be a way (condition) to complete the task, so it stops displaying ;-)

roxlukas commented 9 years ago

Added in ca4d948