roxlukas / lmeve

LMeve - industry manager and contribution tracker for EVE Online
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esi character == 0 #61

Open dstevens79 opened 5 years ago

dstevens79 commented 5 years ago

since polling is completing from #58, figured id move these smaller things into thier own issues.

[INFORM] Killmails: Updating Killmails...
[INFORM] Characters: Updating Character 0...
[WARNING] /v4/characters/: ERROR 400: {"error":"0 does not meet minimum of 1, 'character_id' is required"}
[WARNING] Characters: getCharacter() Cannot get character information for 0 using /v4/characters/
[WARNING] Main: Exception occured in ESI(tokenID=8): getCharacter() Cannot get character information for 0 using /v4/characters/
roxlukas commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I will investigate this

roxlukas commented 5 years ago

Hi, in 0c43912 I've corrected the conditions in Killmails.php. Could you please check if it works now?