roxma / nvim-yarp

Yet Another Remote Plugin Framework for Neovim
MIT License
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Question about Requirements for Vim 8 #7

Closed gilfuser closed 6 years ago

gilfuser commented 6 years ago

Hi. I'm sorry I'm making a question here, where I should report an issue. I couldn't find other communication channel. I'm new to Vim, and even more to nvim-yarp. I'm here because it is requested for Neoplet. I'm using Vim 8. I can't understand in the Requirements, in the Read-Me, where should I evaluate this: "g:python3_host_prog pointed to your python3 executable, or echo exepath('python3') is not empty." and what does it mean.

thank you in advance

bests, Gil

roxma commented 6 years ago

"g:python3_host_prog pointed to your python3 executable

Means: let g:python3_host_prog="/path/to/your/python3" in your vimrc

means :echo exepath('python3')