roydejong / BeatSaberServerBrowser

Beat Saber modification that adds a Server Browser to the Online menu, making it easy to share and join custom multiplayer games.
MIT License
104 stars 11 forks source link

My game says MultiplayExtentions not deteced #59

Closed Toastypaws closed 2 years ago

Toastypaws commented 2 years ago

It says it is not detected but I have it installed and in the plugins folder Screenshot 2022-01-30 184540

roydejong commented 2 years ago


roydejong commented 2 years ago

No response, closing for now

Toastypaws commented 2 years ago

i am using version 19.0 and multiplayectentions version 0.6.2 and my logs

[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library 0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA] Initializing logger
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file 0Harmony.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file 0Harmony.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\0Harmony.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Hive.Versioning, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Hive.Versioning.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Hive.Versioning.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Hive.Versioning.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library SemVer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file SemVer.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:44 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file SemVer.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\SemVer.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file MonoMod.Utils.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file MonoMod.Utils.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\MonoMod.Utils.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Mono.Cecil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Mono.Cecil.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Mono.Cecil.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Mono.Cecil.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom IPA.Config.SelfConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Newtonsoft.Json.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA] SelfConfig Changed called
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IPA.Config.SelfConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom IPA.Loader.DisabledConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA] Configuring exit handlers
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Injector] Prepping bootstrapper
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Injector] Finding backup
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Injector] Ensuring patch on UnityEngine.CoreModule exists
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IPA.Loader.DisabledConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Mono.Cecil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Mono.Cecil.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Mono.Cecil.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Mono.Cecil.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Ionic.Zip, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edbe51ad942a3f5c
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Ionic.Zip.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Ionic.Zip.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Ionic.Zip.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA] Compressing log file E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\2022.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Injector] Ensuring game assemblies are virtualized
[DEBUG @ 17:33:45 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing Main.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Applying anti-yeet patch
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing Core.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing HMLib.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing HMUI.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing HMRendering.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing VRUI.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing BeatmapCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing GameplayCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Virtualizing HMLibAttributes.dll
[INFO @ 17:33:46 | IPA/Injector] Installing bootstrapper took 00:00:01.4710021
[DEBUG @ 17:33:47 | IPA] GameVersion set early to 1.19.0
[DEBUG @ 17:33:47 | IPA] SelfConfig Changed called
[DEBUG @ 17:33:47 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IPA.Config.SelfConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:47 | IPA/AntiMalware] Antimalware engine initialized with IPA.AntiMalware.WindowsWin32AntiMalware
[INFO @ 17:33:47 | IPA/Updater] Installing pending updates
[INFO @ 17:33:48 | IPA] Configuring permissions took 00:00:00.0121193
[DEBUG @ 17:33:48 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for AutoPauseStealth.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BeatSaberPresence.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BeatSaverDownloader.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BeatSaverVoting.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BeatTogether.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BetterSongList.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BetterSongSearch.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BSML.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BS_Utils.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for ControllerTweaks.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Counters+.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:49 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for CustomJSONData.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:50 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for DataPuller.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for DiscordCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for DiTails.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for EasyOffset.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Enhancements.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for EnvironmentMinifier.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for FasterScroll.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for FastFail.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for FCPercentage.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Heck.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Hitbloq.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for IntroSkip.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for JDFixer.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for LeaderboardCore.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:51 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for MappingExtensions.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for MorePlaylists.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for MultiplayerExtensions.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for MusicSpatializer.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Nya.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for OcuFix.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for PerformanceMeter.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for PlaylistManager.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SaberTailor.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for ScorePercentage.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for ScoreSaber.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SearchFixes.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:52 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for ServerBrowser.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SiraUtil.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SmallMenu.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SmoothCamPlus.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongBrowser.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongChartVisualizer.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongDataCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongPlayHistoryContinued.dll
[WARNING @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SoundReplacer.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:53 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for StepBackWall.dll
[NOTICE @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] No manifest.json in StreamCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for TakeMeToResults.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for TransparentWall.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Tweaks55.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest BeatSaberPlaylistsLib.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest BeatSaverSharp.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest DiscordGameSDK.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest DynamicOpenVR.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest ffmpeg.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest INIParser.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest LookupID.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest protobuf-net.manifest
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Bare manifest ScoreSaberSharp.manifest does not declare any files. Dependency resolution and verification cannot be completed.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest ScoreSaberSharp.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest SongDetailsCache.manifest
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader/Features] Encountered old features used. They no longer do anything, please move to the new format.
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Bare manifest StreamCore.manifest does not declare any files. Dependency resolution and verification cannot be completed.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest StreamCore.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest websocket-sharp.manifest
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest yt-dlp.manifest
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Could not find description file for plugin Hitbloq (; ignoring include
[INFO @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Loading metadata took 00:00:06.3032890
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader/Features] Executing DefineFeature Init
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader/Features] Executing DefineFeature Init
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Plugin 'SongBrowser' conflicts with BetterSongList@0.2.8; ignoring 'SongBrowser'
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] 'MultiplayerExtensions' is missing dependency 'BeatSaverSharp@^2.0.1'; ignoring
[INFO @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Calculating load order took 00:00:00.0136408
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IPA.Loader.DisabledConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA] Plugins loaded
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA] yt-dlp(yt-dlp@2021.9.2)() from 'Plugins\yt-dlp.manifest', Beat Saber IPA(BSIPA@4.2.1)() from 'IPA.exe', BeatSaberMarkupLanguage(BeatSaberMarkupLanguage@1.6.1)(BeatSaberMarkupLanguage.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BSML.dll', INI Parser(Ini Parser@2.5.9)() from 'Plugins\INIParser.manifest', BS_Utils(BS Utils@1.11.2)(BS_Utils.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BS_Utils.dll', SongCore(SongCore@3.9.1)(SongCore.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongCore.dll', SongDataCore(SongDataCore@1.4.6)(SongDataCore.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongDataCore.dll', BeatSaberPlaylistsLib(BeatSaberPlaylistsLib@1.5.2)() from 'Plugins\BeatSaberPlaylistsLib.manifest', SiraUtil(SiraUtil@3.0.3)(SiraUtil.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SiraUtil.dll', BetterSongList(BetterSongList@0.2.8)(BetterSongList.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BetterSongList.dll', BeatSaverSharp(BeatSaverSharp@3.3.0)() from 'Plugins\BeatSaverSharp.manifest', ScoreSaberSharp(ScoreSaberSharp@0.1.0)() from 'Plugins\ScoreSaberSharp.manifest', BeatSaver Downloader(BeatSaverDownloader@5.8.0)(BeatSaverDownloader.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BeatSaverDownloader.dll', FFmpeg(ffmpeg@4.3.3)() from 'Plugins\ffmpeg.manifest', Intro Skip(IntroSkip@4.0.0)(IntroSkip.Plugin) from 'Plugins\IntroSkip.dll', SaberTailor(SaberTailor@3.5.0)(SaberTailor.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SaberTailor.dll', ScoreSaber(ScoreSaber@3.1.11)(ScoreSaber.Plugin) from 'Plugins\ScoreSaber.dll', protobuf-net(protobuf-net@3.0.102)() from 'Plugins\protobuf-net.manifest', DiscordGameSDK(DiscordGameSDK@2.5.10)() from 'Plugins\DiscordGameSDK.manifest', DiscordCore(DiscordCore@1.0.10)(DiscordCore.Plugin) from 'Plugins\DiscordCore.dll', BeatSaberPresence(BeatSaberPresence@3.0.13)(BeatSaberPresence.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BeatSaberPresence.dll', Enhancements(Enhancements@3.0.12)(Enhancements.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Enhancements.dll', JDFixer(JDFixer@3.0.1)(JDFixer.Plugin) from 'Plugins\JDFixer.dll', BeatSaverVoting(BeatSaverVoting@2.3.3)(BeatSaverVoting.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BeatSaverVoting.dll', Counters+(Counters+@2.2.6)(CountersPlus.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Counters+.dll', Stream Core(Stream Core@2.2.4)() from 'Plugins\StreamCore.manifest', websocket-sharp(websocket-sharp@1.0.4)() from 'Plugins\websocket-sharp.manifest', SongDetailsCache(SongDetailsCache@1.1.11)() from 'Plugins\SongDetailsCache.manifest', DataPuller(DataPuller@2.0.11)(DataPuller.Plugin) from 'Plugins\DataPuller.dll', CustomJSONData(CustomJSONData@2.0.9)(CustomJSONData.Plugin) from 'Plugins\CustomJSONData.dll', FastFail(FastFail@2.0.5)(FastFail.Plugin) from 'Plugins\FastFail.dll', TransparentWall(TransparentWall@1.8.0)(TransparentWall.Plugin) from 'Plugins\TransparentWall.dll', PlaylistManager(PlaylistManager@1.6.2)(PlaylistManager.Plugin) from 'Plugins\PlaylistManager.dll', MappingExtensions(MappingExtensions@1.6.2)(MappingExtensions.Plugin) from 'Plugins\MappingExtensions.dll', SongPlayHistoryContinued(SongPlayHistoryContinued@1.6.1)(SongPlayHistoryContinued.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongPlayHistoryContinued.dll', ScorePercentage(ScorePercentage@1.4.9)(ScorePercentage.Plugin) from 'Plugins\ScorePercentage.dll', EasyOffset(EasyOffset@1.3.4)(EasyOffset.Plugin) from 'Plugins\EasyOffset.dll', PerformanceMeter(PerformanceMeter@1.3.2)(PerformanceMeter.Plugin) from 'Plugins\PerformanceMeter.dll', FCPercentage(FCPercentage@1.3.2)(FCPercentage.Plugin) from 'Plugins\FCPercentage.dll', StepBackWall(StepBackWall@1.3.2)(StepBackWall.Plugin) from 'Plugins\StepBackWall.dll', Heck(_Heck@1.3.2)(Heck.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Heck.dll', MorePlaylists(MorePlaylists@1.3.0)(MorePlaylists.Plugin) from 'Plugins\MorePlaylists.dll', Music Spatializer(Music Spatializer@1.2.10)(MusicSpatializer.Plugin) from 'Plugins\MusicSpatializer.dll', LeaderboardCore(LeaderboardCore@1.1.0)(LeaderboardCore.Plugin) from 'Plugins\LeaderboardCore.dll', Hitbloq(Hitbloq@1.2.1)(Hitbloq.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Hitbloq.dll', SmallMenu(SmallMenu@1.2.0)(SmallMenu.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SmallMenu.dll', BeatTogether(BeatTogether@1.2.0)(BeatTogether.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BeatTogether.dll', ControllerTweaks(ControllerTweaks@1.2.0)(ControllerTweaks.Plugin) from 'Plugins\ControllerTweaks.dll', SongChartVisualizer(SongChartVisualizer@1.1.4)(SongChartVisualizer.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongChartVisualizer.dll', TakeMeToResults(TakeMeToResults@1.1.0)(TakeMeToResults.Plugin) from 'Plugins\TakeMeToResults.dll', FasterScroll(FasterScroll@1.0.6)(FasterScroll.Plugin) from 'Plugins\FasterScroll.dll', EnvironmentMinifier(EnvironmentMinifier@1.0.4)(EnvironmentMinifier.Plugin) from 'Plugins\EnvironmentMinifier.dll', LookupID(LookupID@1.0.0)() from 'Plugins\LookupID.manifest', DiTails(DiTails@1.0.0)(DiTails.Plugin) from 'Plugins\DiTails.dll', SmoothCamPlus(SmoothCamPlus@1.0.0)(SmoothCamPlus.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SmoothCamPlus.dll', SearchFixes(SearchFixes@1.0.0)(SearchFixes.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SearchFixes.dll', ServerBrowser(ServerBrowser@0.7.5)(ServerBrowser.Plugin) from 'Plugins\ServerBrowser.dll', BetterSongSearch(BetterSongSearch@0.7.0)(BetterSongSearch.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BetterSongSearch.dll', DynamicOpenVR(DynamicOpenVR@0.4.0)() from 'Plugins\DynamicOpenVR.manifest', Nya(Nya@0.3.4)(Nya.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Nya.dll', Tweaks55(Tweaks55@0.2.5)(Tweaks55.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Tweaks55.dll', AutoPauseStealth(AutoPauseStealth@0.1.16)(AutoPauseStealth.Plugin) from 'Plugins\AutoPauseStealth.dll', OcuFix(OcuFix@0.1.0)(OcuFix.Plugin) from 'Plugins\OcuFix.dll', SoundReplacer(SoundReplacer@0.0.6)(SoundReplacer.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SoundReplacer.dll'
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | UnityEngine] OnLevelWasLoaded was found on PluginComponent
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | UnityEngine] This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | UnityEngine] Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Mod yt-dlp developed for game version 1.18.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom BeatSaberMarkupLanguage.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatSaberMarkupLanguage.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SongCore.SConfiguration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SongCore.SConfiguration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SiraUtil.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SiraUtil.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SiraUtil.Config<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Mod BetterSongList developed for game version 1.18.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom BetterSongList.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BetterSongList.Config<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Mod ScoreSaberSharp developed for game version 1.6.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library BeatSaverSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file BeatSaverSharp.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file BeatSaverSharp.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\BeatSaverSharp.dll
[NOTICE @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Plugin BeatSaver Downloader has no methods marked [OnExit] or [OnDisable]. Is this intentional?
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Mod FFmpeg developed for game version 1.13.4, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom IntroSkip.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IntroSkip.Config<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Mod SaberTailor developed for game version 1.17.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | SiraUtil] Found bind attribute in type 'ScoreSaber.Core.ReplaySystem.HarmonyPatches.FPFCPatch'
[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] Mod protobuf-net developed for game version 1.13.2, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:54 | DiscordCore] DiscordManager Awake
[INFO @ 17:33:55 | DiscordCore] DiscordClient enabled.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom BeatSaberPresence.Config.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatSaberPresence.Config.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom Enhancements.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Enhancements.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Enhancements.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom JDFixer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo JDFixer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod BeatSaverVoting developed for game version 1.17.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader/Features] Executing DefineFeature AfterInit
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom CountersPlus.ConfigModels.MainConfigModel<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo CountersPlus.ConfigModels.MainConfigModel<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod Stream Core developed for game version 1.1.0, so it may not work properly.
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod websocket-sharp developed for game version 1.13.0, so it may not work properly.
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod SongDetailsCache developed for game version 1.13.2, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library websocket-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5660b08a1845a91e
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file websocket-sharp.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file websocket-sharp.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\websocket-sharp.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | DataPuller] Logger initialized.
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Plugin CustomJSONData has no methods marked [OnExit] or [OnDisable]. Is this intentional?
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod FastFail developed for game version 1.16.3, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom FastFail.Settings.Configuration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo FastFail.Settings.Configuration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom TransparentWall.Settings.Utilities.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo TransparentWall.Settings.Utilities.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom PlaylistManager.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | PlaylistManager] Config loaded
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo PlaylistManager.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Plugin MappingExtensions has no methods marked [OnExit] or [OnDisable]. Is this intentional?
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod SongPlayHistoryContinued developed for game version 1.17.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SongPlayHistoryContinued.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SongPlayHistoryContinued.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom ScorePercentage.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo ScorePercentage.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom EasyOffset.ConfigFileData<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo EasyOffset.ConfigFileData<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom PerformanceMeter.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | PerformanceMeter] Updated configuration
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo PerformanceMeter.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | PerformanceMeter] Logger initialized.
[INFO @ 17:33:55 | FCPercentage] FCPercentage initialized.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom FCPercentage.FCPCore.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo FCPercentage.FCPCore.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | Counters+] Loaded a Custom Counter (FC Percentage).
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod StepBackWall developed for game version 1.18.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom StepBackWall.Settings.Utilities.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo StepBackWall.Settings.Utilities.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom MusicSpatializer.Settings.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo MusicSpatializer.Settings.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom Hitbloq.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Hitbloq.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Plugin SmallMenu has no methods marked [OnStart] or [OnEnable]. Is this intentional?
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Plugin SmallMenu has no methods marked [OnExit] or [OnDisable]. Is this intentional?
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SmallMenu.Settings<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod BeatTogether developed for game version 1.17.1, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SmallMenu.Settings<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom BeatTogether.Configuration.PluginConfiguration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatTogether.Configuration.PluginConfiguration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom ControllerTweaks.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Attempting to deserialize null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo ControllerTweaks.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | ControllerTweaks] Config loaded
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SongChartVisualizer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SongChartVisualizer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | FasterScroll] Logger initialized.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom FasterScroll.PluginConfig<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Attempting to deserialize null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo FasterScroll.PluginConfig<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Plugin EnvironmentMinifier has no methods marked [OnStart] or [OnEnable]. Is this intentional?
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Plugin EnvironmentMinifier has no methods marked [OnExit] or [OnDisable]. Is this intentional?
[INFO @ 17:33:55 | EnvironmentMinifier] EnvironmentMinifier started
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom EnvironmentMinifier.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod LookupID developed for game version 1.18.3, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo EnvironmentMinifier.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SmoothCamPlus.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SmoothCamPlus.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod ServerBrowser developed for game version 1.18.3, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom ServerBrowser.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo ServerBrowser.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | ServerBrowser] Added gameplay modifier tab (LobbyConfigPanel)
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod BetterSongSearch developed for game version 1.18.0, so it may not work properly.
[INFO @ 17:33:55 | BetterSongSearch] BetterSongSearch initialized.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom BetterSongSearch.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library SongDetailsCache, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file SongDetailsCache.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file SongDetailsCache.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\SongDetailsCache.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BetterSongSearch.PluginConfig<Generated>
[WARNING @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Loader] Mod DynamicOpenVR developed for game version 1.13.4, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | Nya] Logger initialized.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom Nya.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Nya.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | Nya] Config loaded
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom Tweaks55.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Tweaks55.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Logger initialized.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom AutoPauseStealth.PluginSettings<Generated>
[NOTICE @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Attempting to deserialize null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo AutoPauseStealth.PluginSettings<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom OcuFix.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo OcuFix.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl ReadFrom SoundReplacer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:55 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SoundReplacer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Beat Saber
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Running on Unity 2019.4.28f1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Game version 1.19.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Loading plugins from Plugins and found 65
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] yt-dlp (yt-dlp): 2021.9.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Beat Saber IPA (BSIPA): 4.2.1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatSaberMarkupLanguage (BeatSaberMarkupLanguage): 1.6.1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] INI Parser (Ini Parser): 2.5.9
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BS_Utils (BS Utils): 1.11.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SongCore (SongCore): 3.9.1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SongDataCore (SongDataCore): 1.4.6
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatSaberPlaylistsLib (BeatSaberPlaylistsLib): 1.5.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SiraUtil (SiraUtil): 3.0.3
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BetterSongList (BetterSongList): 0.2.8
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatSaverSharp (BeatSaverSharp): 3.3.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] ScoreSaberSharp (ScoreSaberSharp): 0.1.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatSaver Downloader (BeatSaverDownloader): 5.8.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] FFmpeg (ffmpeg): 4.3.3
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Intro Skip (IntroSkip): 4.0.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SaberTailor (SaberTailor): 3.5.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] ScoreSaber (ScoreSaber): 3.1.11
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] protobuf-net (protobuf-net): 3.0.102
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] DiscordGameSDK (DiscordGameSDK): 2.5.10
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] DiscordCore (DiscordCore): 1.0.10
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatSaberPresence (BeatSaberPresence): 3.0.13
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Enhancements (Enhancements): 3.0.12
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] JDFixer (JDFixer): 3.0.1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatSaverVoting (BeatSaverVoting): 2.3.3
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Counters+ (Counters+): 2.2.6
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Stream Core (Stream Core): 2.2.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] websocket-sharp (websocket-sharp): 1.0.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SongDetailsCache (SongDetailsCache): 1.1.11
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] DataPuller (DataPuller): 2.0.11
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] CustomJSONData (CustomJSONData): 2.0.9
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] FastFail (FastFail): 2.0.5
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] TransparentWall (TransparentWall): 1.8.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] PlaylistManager (PlaylistManager): 1.6.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] MappingExtensions (MappingExtensions): 1.6.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SongPlayHistoryContinued (SongPlayHistoryContinued): 1.6.1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] ScorePercentage (ScorePercentage): 1.4.9
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] EasyOffset (EasyOffset): 1.3.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] PerformanceMeter (PerformanceMeter): 1.3.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] FCPercentage (FCPercentage): 1.3.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] StepBackWall (StepBackWall): 1.3.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Heck (_Heck): 1.3.2
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] MorePlaylists (MorePlaylists): 1.3.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Music Spatializer (Music Spatializer): 1.2.10
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] LeaderboardCore (LeaderboardCore): 1.1.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Hitbloq (Hitbloq): 1.2.1
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SmallMenu (SmallMenu): 1.2.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BeatTogether (BeatTogether): 1.2.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] ControllerTweaks (ControllerTweaks): 1.2.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SongChartVisualizer (SongChartVisualizer): 1.1.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] TakeMeToResults (TakeMeToResults): 1.1.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] FasterScroll (FasterScroll): 1.0.6
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] EnvironmentMinifier (EnvironmentMinifier): 1.0.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] LookupID (LookupID): 1.0.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] DiTails (DiTails): 1.0.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SmoothCamPlus (SmoothCamPlus): 1.0.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SearchFixes (SearchFixes): 1.0.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] ServerBrowser (ServerBrowser): 0.7.5
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] BetterSongSearch (BetterSongSearch): 0.7.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] DynamicOpenVR (DynamicOpenVR): 0.4.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Nya (Nya): 0.3.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Tweaks55 (Tweaks55): 0.2.5
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] AutoPauseStealth (AutoPauseStealth): 0.1.16
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] OcuFix (OcuFix): 0.1.0
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] SoundReplacer (SoundReplacer): 0.0.6
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Stream Core: 2.2.4
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | IPA] Initializing plugins took 00:00:01.4437995
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | BS_Utils] [BS-Utils]  Applying Harmony Patches
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | SongCore] 18 Inserting Clamp Instruction for SaveData Reading
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | SongCore] 33 Inserting Clamp Instruction for Note Processor
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | Harmony] ### Exception from user "Kinsi55.BeatSaber.BetterSongList", Harmony v2.7.0.0
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | Harmony] ### Original: static System.Reflection.MethodBase BetterSongList.HarmonyPatches.UI.deletebuttont::TargetMethod()
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | Harmony] ### Patch class: BetterSongList.HarmonyPatches.UI.deletebuttont
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | Harmony] ### System.Exception: Method static System.Reflection.MethodBase BetterSongList.HarmonyPatches.UI.deletebuttont::TargetMethod() returned an unexpected result: null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | Harmony] ###   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.RunMethod[S,T] (T defaultIfNotExisting, T defaultIfFailing, System.Func`2[T,TResult] failOnResult, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00117] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library INIParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79af7b307b65cf3c
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file INIParser.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:56 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file INIParser.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\INIParser.dll
[INFO @ 17:33:56 | BeatSaver Downloader] Creating sprites...
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | BeatSaver Downloader] Creating sprites... Done!
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | SaberTailor] Configuration has been set
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | SaberTailor] SaberTailor v.3.5.0 has started.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | JDFixer] OnApplicationStart()
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | DataPuller] OnApplicationStart
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | TransparentWall] TransparentWall v.1.8.0 has started.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library BeatSaberPlaylistsLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file BeatSaberPlaylistsLib.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file BeatSaberPlaylistsLib.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\BeatSaberPlaylistsLib.dll
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Applying Harmony patches...
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Scanning votedSongs.json...
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Update done.
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Scanning votedSongs.json...
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | ScorePercentage] Starting ScorePercentage Plugin
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | PerformanceMeter] OnApplicationStart
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeterController: Awake()
[INFO @ 17:33:57 | StepBackWall] StepBackWall v.1.3.2 has started.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | LeaderboardCore] Applying Harmony patches.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | FasterScroll] FasterScrollController: Awake()
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | FasterScroll] Applying Harmony patches.
[DEBUG @ 17:33:57 | SearchFixes] Applying Harmony patches.
[WARNING @ 17:33:58 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named SiraUtil.Sabers.SiraSaberBurnMarkArea
[WARNING @ 17:33:58 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named SiraUtil.Sabers.SiraSaberBurnMarkArea
[WARNING @ 17:33:59 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named SiraUtil.Sabers.SiraObstacleSaberSparkleEffectManager
[WARNING @ 17:33:59 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named SiraUtil.Sabers.SiraObstacleSaberSparkleEffectManager
[DEBUG @ 17:33:59 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Tweaks55.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 17:33:59 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: Awake()
[DEBUG @ 17:33:59 | AutoPauseStealth] Applying Harmony patches.
[WARNING @ 17:33:59 | OcuFix] Oculus vrmode not set, ignoring
[DEBUG @ 17:33:59 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library ScoreSaberSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:33:59 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file ScoreSaberSharp.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:33:59 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file ScoreSaberSharp.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\ScoreSaberSharp.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: Start()
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Font loading complete
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(EmptyTransition : Assets/Scenes/Tools/EmptyTransition.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallbacks for 'Segoe UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Tahoma'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Meiryo UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] -> Not found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Meiryo UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] -> Not found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'MS UI Gothic'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Microsoft JhengHei UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Microsoft JhengHei UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Microsoft YaHei UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Microsoft YaHei UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Malgun Gothic'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Malgun Gothic'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'PMingLiU'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] -> Not found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'SimSun'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Gulim'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] -> Not found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Yu Gothic UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] -> Not found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Yu Gothic UI'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] -> Not found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Reading fallback 'Segoe UI Symbol'
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Waiting for default font presence
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraInitializationInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSettingsInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: PluginInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: XInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: CoreInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerAppInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: ScvAppInstaller onto PCAppInit
[DEBUG @ 17:34:00 | SiraUtil] Installing: PluginInstaller onto PCAppInit
[NOTICE @ 17:34:00 | Counters+] Registered 98 settings to Heck's settable settings system.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Newtonsoft.Json.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | DiscordCore] Writing to File @ E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\DiscordCore.json
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(PCInit : Assets/Scenes/Inits/PCInit.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | BeatSaberPresence/PresenceController] Initializing Presence Controller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] Setting up default font fallbacks
[DEBUG @ 17:34:01 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(EmptyTransition : Assets/Scenes/Tools/EmptyTransition.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:02 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library RumbleMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:34:02 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file RumbleMod.dll
[CRITICAL @ 17:34:02 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library RumbleMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:02 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library RumbleMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:34:02 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file RumbleMod.dll
[CRITICAL @ 17:34:02 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library RumbleMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null found
[DEBUG @ 17:34:03 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(HealthWarning : Assets/Scenes/HealthWarning.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:06 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(EmptyTransition : Assets/Scenes/Tools/EmptyTransition.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:07 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(ShaderWarmup : Assets/Scenes/Inits/ShaderWarmup.unity)
[WARNING @ 17:34:07 | UnityEngine] Can't set camera projection to orthographic when XR is running and rendering to the main view. Camera is no longer valid to use for rendering. Please check camera projection settings of all camera components in your scene.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:07 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(EmptyTransition : Assets/Scenes/Tools/EmptyTransition.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zBPaXlRJpzsn85NdbQ_8zzf0= onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: XMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: JDFixerMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: MenuUIInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: MorePlaylistsMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: LeaderboardCoreMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: HitbloqMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SmallMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksRemapInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: DiDMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SCPMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaMenuInstaller onto MainSettingsMenuViewControllersInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | BeatTogether] Fetching status for 'BeatTogether' from ''.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | BeatTogether] Fetching status for 'Official Servers' from ''.
[INFO @ 17:34:09 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | BeatTogether] Finished fetching status for 'BeatTogether' from ''.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | BeatTogether] Finished fetching status for 'Official Servers' from ''.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo PlaylistManager.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[INFO @ 17:34:09 | ScoreSaber] Creating view controllers...
[DEBUG @ 17:34:09 | BS_Utils] UserInfo found: 76561198332961046: Toastypaws_YT on Steam
[INFO @ 17:34:10 | Nya] Attempting to get image url from, sfw/neko
[INFO @ 17:34:10 | SongCore] Finished reading cached hashes for 95 songs!
[INFO @ 17:34:10 | SongCore] Finished reading cached Durations for 95 songs!
[INFO @ 17:34:10 | SongCore] Starting full song refresh
[INFO @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoadedFresh()
[INFO @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] [WebRequestCaching] WebCachePath : C:/Users/Kaydin/AppData/Local/Temp/Hyperbolic Magnetism/Beat Saber/WebCache/
[DEBUG @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] Sending Web Request:
[INFO @ 17:34:11 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] The menu scene was loaded.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] Success downloading data!
[DEBUG @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[DEBUG @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] [WebRequestCaching] Etag cache hit :
[INFO @ 17:34:11 | SongDataCore] Constructing BeatStarDataFile
[NOTICE @ 17:34:11 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:34:12 | SongCore] Loaded 95 new songs (95) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 1.2927883 seconds
[INFO @ 17:34:12 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 95 songs!
[INFO @ 17:34:12 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 95 songs!
[INFO @ 17:34:12 | Nya] Loading image from
[DEBUG @ 17:34:14 | SongDataCore] Removing 91109 songs from BeatStar database.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:14 | SongDataCore] Processing BeatStar data took 3197ms
[INFO @ 17:34:14 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[INFO @ 17:34:36 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | BetterSongList] Stuff isnt ready yet... Preparing it and then reloading list: Sorter False, Filter 
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 4ms
[INFO @ 17:34:36 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | ScoreSaber] Creating leaderboard & panel view...
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library protobuf-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file protobuf-net.dll
[DEBUG @ 17:34:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file protobuf-net.dll as E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\protobuf-net.dll
[INFO @ 17:34:37 | ScoreSaber] Setting up services...
[DEBUG @ 17:34:37 | ScoreSaber] Leaderboard service setup!
[DEBUG @ 17:34:37 | ScoreSaber] Player service setup!
[DEBUG @ 17:34:37 | ScoreSaber] Getting local player info...
[INFO @ 17:35:26 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:35:56 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 17:35:56 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:35:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:35:57 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:35:58 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:35:58 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:36:00 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 17:36:00 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:00 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:36:03 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:36:04 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:36:04 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:36:04 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: True | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 5.052631 | Last Object Time: 236.2105
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: 3.052631 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 17:36:04 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:05 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:36:05 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:36:05 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:36:05 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:36:05 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:05 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:36:06 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:36:19 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:19 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:19 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:20 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:36:20 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:36:20 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:36:20 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:36:20 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:36:20 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:36:20 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:20 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:36:20 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:36:20 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[DEBUG @ 17:36:20 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:36:23 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:27 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 17:36:27 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:27 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:36:28 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:28 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:29 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:36:32 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:32 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:36:32 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[DEBUG @ 17:36:37 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:36:38 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:36:38 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:36:38 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 2.019448 | Last Object Time: 201.819
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:36:38 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:36:38 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:36:38 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:36:38 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:36:38 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:36:38 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:36:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:38:47 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:38:47 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:38:47 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:38:47 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:38:47 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:38:48 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:38:48 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:38:48 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:38:48 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:38:48 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:38:48 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:48 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:38:48 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:38:48 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:38:50 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:50 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:50 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:51 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:51 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:51 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:51 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:51 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:54 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:54 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:55 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:55 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:55 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:56 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:56 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:56 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:57 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:57 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:57 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:58 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:58 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:58 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:59 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:59 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:38:59 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:38:59 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:38:59 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:39:00 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:00 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[INFO @ 17:39:00 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:00 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] Hitbloq.Managers.HitbloqManager+<OnLeaderboardSet>d__19.MoveNext () (at <312396c9c8454049861ed5765f1c0269>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <451019b49f1347529b43a32c5de769af>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 17:39:00 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[DEBUG @ 17:39:01 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:39:02 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:39:02 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:39:02 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 1.820753 | Last Object Time: 202.6206
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 17:39:02 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:39:02 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:39:02 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:39:02 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:39:02 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:39:03 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:39:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:41:00 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:00 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:00 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:01 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:41:01 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:01 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:41:01 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:41:01 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:41:01 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:41:01 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:41:01 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:01 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:41:01 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:41:01 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:41:03 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:41:07 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:07 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:41:08 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:08 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:41:09 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 17:41:09 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:09 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:41:10 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:10 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:41:11 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 17:41:11 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:11 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:41:12 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:41:13 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:41:13 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:41:13 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: True
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 2.727273 | Last Object Time: 202.9091
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: 206.5909
[DEBUG @ 17:41:13 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:13 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:41:13 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:41:13 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:41:13 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:41:14 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:41:14 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:41:37 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:37 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:37 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:41:37 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:41:37 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:41:38 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:41:38 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:41:38 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:41:38 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:41:38 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:41:38 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:41:38 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:41:38 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:41:38 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[DEBUG @ 17:41:38 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:41:39 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:43:49 | BetterSongSearch] Opening connection for 0-0
[DEBUG @ 17:43:49 | BetterSongSearch] [0-0] Opened connection: OK
[DEBUG @ 17:43:49 | BetterSongSearch] downloadSize: 8874871, isDownloadingFromCache: False
[DEBUG @ 17:43:49 | BetterSongSearch] Waiting for all chunks to download...
[DEBUG @ 17:43:51 | BetterSongSearch] [0-0] Downloaded 8874871 bytes (0 left)
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:43:52 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | SongCore] Loaded 96 new songs (96) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0087258 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:43:52 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:43:52 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[WARNING @ 17:43:52 | UnityEngine] Dynamically unloading a sound that hasn't finished loading yet. If you see this message a lot, some scripts may be doing too many dynamic load/unload operations which will negatively affect performance.
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 96 songs!
[INFO @ 17:43:52 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 96 songs!
[INFO @ 17:43:53 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:43:53 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:43:57 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:44:00 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:00 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:44:01 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:44:02 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:44:02 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:44:02 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: True
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 2.033898 | Last Object Time: 163.7288
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: 174.143
[DEBUG @ 17:44:02 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:44:02 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:44:03 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:44:03 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:44:03 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:44:03 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:44:03 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:44:03 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:45:19 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:45:19 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:45:19 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:45:20 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:45:20 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:45:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:45:20 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:45:20 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:45:20 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:45:20 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:45:20 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:45:20 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:45:20 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:45:20 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:45:22 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:45:24 | BeatSaver Downloader] Fetching 3 new page(s)
[DEBUG @ 17:45:25 | BeatSaver Downloader] Establishing Already Downloaded Songs
[INFO @ 17:45:29 | BeatSaver Downloader] Fetching 3 new page(s)
[INFO @ 17:46:08 | BeatSaver Downloader] Download pressed for song: Mask (Official Sus Remix) Updated!
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | BeatSaver Downloader] Downloaded zip!
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | BeatSaver Downloader] Extracting...
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | BeatSaver Downloader] E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels/1a6a1 (Mask (Official Sus Remix) Updated! - Pyrokin)
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:46:09 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | SongCore] Loaded 97 new songs (97) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0047116 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:46:09 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 97 songs!
[INFO @ 17:46:09 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 97 songs!
[INFO @ 17:46:29 | BeatSaver Downloader] Download pressed for song: Mask
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Loaded 97 new songs (97) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0031744 seconds
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | BeatSaver Downloader] Downloaded zip!
[CRITICAL @ 17:46:34 | BeatSaver Downloader] Failed to download Song!
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Loaded 97 new songs (97) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0026126 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:46:34 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 97 songs!
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 97 songs!
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 97 songs!
[DEBUG @ 17:46:34 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:46:34 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 97 songs!
[INFO @ 17:46:35 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 17:46:35 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:46:38 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:38 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:46:41 | SongCore] Custom Song Colors On
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:46:41 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:46:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:46:41 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:46:41 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: True
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 1.117188 | Last Object Time: 166.75
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: 172.53
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:46:42 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:46:42 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:46:42 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:46:42 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:46:42 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:46:42 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:46:43 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:47:25 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:47:25 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:47:25 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:47:26 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:47:26 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:47:26 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:47:26 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:47:26 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:47:26 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:47:26 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:47:26 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:47:26 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:47:26 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:47:26 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:47:27 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:47:27 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:47:31 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:47:42 | BeatSaver Downloader] Fetching 3 new page(s)
[INFO @ 17:47:52 | BeatSaver Downloader] Fetching 3 new page(s)
[INFO @ 17:47:56 | BeatSaver Downloader] Download pressed for song: Mask
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | BeatSaver Downloader] Downloaded zip!
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | BeatSaver Downloader] Extracting...
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | BeatSaver Downloader] E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels/182df (Mask - CallumN2006)
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:48:00 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | SongCore] Loaded 98 new songs (98) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.004115 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:48:00 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 98 songs!
[INFO @ 17:48:00 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 98 songs!
[INFO @ 17:48:27 | BeatSaver Downloader] Fetching 3 new page(s)
[INFO @ 17:48:36 | BeatSaver Downloader] Fetching 3 new page(s)
[INFO @ 17:48:45 | BeatSaver Downloader] Download pressed for song: The Real Slim Shady
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | BeatSaver Downloader] Downloaded zip!
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | BeatSaver Downloader] Extracting...
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | BeatSaver Downloader] E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels/15a53 (The Real Slim Shady - GameStarMaxi)
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:48:47 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | SongCore] Loaded 99 new songs (99) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0036904 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:48:47 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 99 songs!
[INFO @ 17:48:47 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 99 songs!
[INFO @ 17:48:50 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 17:48:50 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:48:50 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:50 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:48:52 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:52 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:48:53 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:48:54 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:48:54 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:48:54 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: True | Skippable Outro: True
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 8.41483 | Last Object Time: 160.703
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: 6.41483 | Outro Skip Time: 172.153
[DEBUG @ 17:48:54 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:48:54 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:48:54 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:48:54 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:48:54 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:48:55 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:48:55 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:48:56 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:49:16 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:16 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:16 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:17 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:49:17 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:17 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:49:17 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:49:17 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:49:17 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:49:17 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:49:17 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:17 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:49:17 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:49:17 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:49:18 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:18 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:49:19 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:49:20 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:49:20 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:49:20 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 1.007813 | Last Object Time: 282.6875
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 17:49:20 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:49:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:49:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:49:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:21 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:49:21 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:49:21 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:21 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:49:21 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:49:21 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:49:21 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:49:21 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:49:21 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:49:21 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:49:22 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:50:04 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:04 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:04 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:05 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:50:05 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:05 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:50:05 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:50:05 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:50:05 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:50:05 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:50:05 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:05 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:50:05 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:50:05 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:50:08 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:37 | BetterSongSearch] Opening connection for 0-0
[DEBUG @ 17:50:38 | BetterSongSearch] [0-0] Opened connection: OK
[DEBUG @ 17:50:38 | BetterSongSearch] downloadSize: 3218055, isDownloadingFromCache: False
[DEBUG @ 17:50:38 | BetterSongSearch] Waiting for all chunks to download...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:39 | BetterSongSearch] [0-0] Downloaded 3218055 bytes (0 left)
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:50:40 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongCore] Loaded 100 new songs (100) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0058561 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:50:40 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:40 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 100 songs!
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 100 songs!
[INFO @ 17:50:40 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:40 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:50:47 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:50:48 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:50:48 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:50:48 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: True
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 1.498751 | Last Object Time: 165.612
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: 171.535
[DEBUG @ 17:50:48 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:50:48 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:50:48 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:50:48 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:48 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:49 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:50:49 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:50:49 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:49 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:50:49 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:50:49 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:50:49 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:50:49 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:50:49 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:50:49 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:51:50 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:51:50 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:51:50 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[DEBUG @ 17:51:50 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:51:50 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:51:50 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:51:50 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 17:51:51 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:51:51 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:51:51 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:51:51 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:51:51 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:51:51 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[DEBUG @ 17:51:51 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:51:52 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:45 | BetterSongSearch] Opening connection for 0-0
[DEBUG @ 17:54:46 | BetterSongSearch] [0-0] Opened connection: OK
[DEBUG @ 17:54:46 | BetterSongSearch] downloadSize: 2625020, isDownloadingFromCache: False
[DEBUG @ 17:54:46 | BetterSongSearch] Waiting for all chunks to download...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:47 | BetterSongSearch] [0-0] Downloaded 2625020 bytes (0 left)
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:54:51 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongCore] Loaded 101 new songs (101) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0074096 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:54:51 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:51 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 101 songs!
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 101 songs!
[INFO @ 17:54:51 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:51 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 17:54:53 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 17:54:53 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 17:54:53 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 2.61 | Last Object Time: 165.086
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 17:54:53 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:54:54 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 17:54:54 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 17:54:54 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 17:54:54 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 17:54:54 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 17:54:54 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 17:57:44 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 17:57:44 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[INFO @ 17:57:44 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Saved a new record custom_level_B7241656E4881BA0710A1AAB820335B516AC04AD___2___Standard (337631).
[DEBUG @ 17:57:44 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[INFO @ 17:57:44 | ScoreSaber] Attempting score upload...
[INFO @ 17:57:45 | ScoreSaber] Score uploaded!
[DEBUG @ 17:57:45 | PerformanceMeter] Found 567 primary notes, 0 secondary notes
[DEBUG @ 17:57:45 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 17:57:45 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 17:57:46 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 17:57:46 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 17:57:46 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter menu created successfully
[INFO @ 17:57:46 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:57:46 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 17:57:46 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 17:57:46 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 17:57:46 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 17:57:46 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[INFO @ 17:57:46 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 17:57:46 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[DEBUG @ 17:57:46 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 17:57:52 | BeatSaverVoting] Getting a ticket...
[DEBUG @ 17:57:52 | BeatSaverVoting] Waiting for Steam callback...
[DEBUG @ 17:57:52 | BeatSaverVoting] Voting BM...
[DEBUG @ 17:57:53 | BeatSaverVoting] Current vote count: 156, new total: 157
[INFO @ 17:57:53 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Scanning votedSongs.json...
[INFO @ 17:57:53 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Update done.
[INFO @ 17:57:53 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:57:53 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 17:59:55 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 17:59:59 | SongCore] Starting song refresh
[NOTICE @ 17:59:59 | SongCore] Folder: 'E:/Games/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Cache' is missing info.dat files!
[INFO @ 17:59:59 | SongCore] Loaded 102 new songs (102) in CustomLevels | 0 in seperate folders) in 0.0665217 seconds
[DEBUG @ 17:59:59 | BetterSongList] Getting SongFolder dates took 0ms
[INFO @ 17:59:59 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 102 songs!
[INFO @ 17:59:59 | SongCore] Updating cached Map Lengths for 102 songs!
[INFO @ 18:00:02 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Solo] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 18:00:02 | Nya] Loading image from
[DEBUG @ 18:00:02 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 18:00:02 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:02 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 18:00:03 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:03 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 18:00:10 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 18:00:11 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 18:00:11 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 18:00:11 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 2.142857 | Last Object Time: 62.50279
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:00:11 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 18:00:11 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 18:00:11 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 18:00:11 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 18:00:11 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:00:11 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:00:12 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 18:00:12 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 18:01:19 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:19 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[INFO @ 18:01:19 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Saved a new record custom_level_AFA21CA2DC27AC806713DB3535F51A588A4785B5___2___Standard (82424).
[DEBUG @ 18:01:19 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[INFO @ 18:01:19 | ScoreSaber] Attempting score upload...
[INFO @ 18:01:19 | ScoreSaber] Score uploaded!
[DEBUG @ 18:01:20 | PerformanceMeter] Found 132 primary notes, 0 secondary notes
[DEBUG @ 18:01:20 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 18:01:20 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:20 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 18:01:20 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:20 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter menu created successfully
[INFO @ 18:01:21 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:01:21 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 18:01:21 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 18:01:21 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:21 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 18:01:21 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[INFO @ 18:01:21 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:21 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[DEBUG @ 18:01:21 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 18:01:22 | BeatSaverVoting] Getting a ticket...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:22 | BeatSaverVoting] Waiting for Steam callback...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:23 | BeatSaverVoting] Voting BM...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:23 | BeatSaverVoting] Current vote count: 41, new total: 42
[INFO @ 18:01:24 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Scanning votedSongs.json...
[INFO @ 18:01:24 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Update done.
[INFO @ 18:01:24 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:01:24 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:01:25 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:25 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[DEBUG @ 18:01:26 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter reloaded successfully
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraStandardCampaignInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraSingleplayerInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: IntroSkipGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zgm7TPzfB7qn6LjrfIoW2F2Mi0FEkynNCUAk5x5KUY5rwsE43Zg== onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zlxNmXTWVKWa3HGj6Hc68280a$D9_y88MFZwa3xqEdPAn onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: #=zB9QjShXHKbSJeZzKEkW_tDMefEJS7Ojy$tbrvcqERon8 onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: CountersInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksStandardInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: NyaGameInstaller onto StandardGameplayInstaller
[NOTICE @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Loading counters...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Loading counter Missed...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Loading counter Progress...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Loading counter Score...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Loading counter Personal Best...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Loading counter FC Percentage...
[NOTICE @ 18:01:27 | Counters+] Counters loaded!
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 18:01:27 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 18:01:27 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Skippable Intro: False | Skippable Outro: False
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] First Object Time: 2.142857 | Last Object Time: 62.50279
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | Intro Skip/SkipDaemon] Intro Skip Time: -1 | Outro Skip Time: -1
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:01:27 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[INFO @ 18:01:27 | DataPuller] In singleplayer.
[INFO @ 18:01:27 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 18:01:27 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[INFO @ 18:01:27 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController.StabilityPeriodActive is true => Pausing game right after AudioTimeSyncControllerPatch::StartSong()
[DEBUG @ 18:01:27 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:01:28 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:01:28 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[DEBUG @ 18:01:28 | AutoPauseStealth] Fps dipping below threshold
[INFO @ 18:01:28 | AutoPauseStealth] Initialization Lag finished, resuming game
[DEBUG @ 18:02:35 | BS_Utils] Triggering LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 18:02:35 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[INFO @ 18:02:35 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Saved a new record custom_level_AFA21CA2DC27AC806713DB3535F51A588A4785B5___3___Standard (74845).
[DEBUG @ 18:02:35 | BS_Utils] Solo/Party mode level finished.
[INFO @ 18:02:35 | ScoreSaber] Attempting score upload...
[INFO @ 18:02:36 | ScoreSaber] Score uploaded!
[DEBUG @ 18:02:36 | PerformanceMeter] Found 132 primary notes, 0 secondary notes
[DEBUG @ 18:02:36 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 18:02:36 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony]   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony]   at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony]   at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x0000d] in <5933b4983adb4a5fb7bcaf1e4ea35e61>:0 
[WARNING @ 18:02:37 | Harmony] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named ScoreSaber.LegacyReplayPlayer
[DEBUG @ 18:02:37 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:02:37 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeter menu created successfully
[INFO @ 18:02:37 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:02:37 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 18:02:37 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 18:02:37 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 18:02:37 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 18:02:37 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[INFO @ 18:02:37 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:02:37 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[DEBUG @ 18:02:37 | ScorePercentage] Adding Percentage to HighscoreText
[INFO @ 18:02:39 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Scanning votedSongs.json...
[INFO @ 18:02:39 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:02:39 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:02:45 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:02:46 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] [Multiplayer] Initialization done.
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | BeatTogether] Applying interface for server selection.
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | BeatTogether] Get QuickPlaySongPacksOverride
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnOnlineMenuOpened (ServerBrowser.Game.Models.OnlineMenuOpenedEventArgs)
[DEBUG @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] TryDetectSteamDll (path=E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_api64.dll, result=True)
[DEBUG @ 18:02:47 | DiscordCore] Writing to File @ E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\DiscordCore.json
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [PresenceManager] Started provider: ServerBrowser.Presence.DiscordCore.DiscordPresenceProvider
[DEBUG @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI initialized
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [PresenceManager] Started provider: ServerBrowser.Presence.Steam.SteamPresenceProvider
[DEBUG @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] Multiplayer / Online menu opened for the first time, setting up.
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] Got local network player (platform: Steam, platformUserId: 76561198332961046, userName: Toastypaws_YT)
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] Running ServerBrowser/0.7.5 (BeatSaber/1.19.0) (steam)
[INFO @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:02:47 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[WARNING @ 18:02:47 | BeatTogether] Could not get QuickPlaySongPacksOverride
[DEBUG @ 18:02:47 | BeatTogether] ContinueWith running for quickplaySongPackOverrides
[DEBUG @ 18:02:49 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatTogether.Configuration.PluginConfiguration<Generated>
[INFO @ 18:02:49 | BeatTogether] On Official Servers or not modded with MpEx!
[INFO @ 18:02:49 | BeatTogether] MultiplayerExtensions not installed, not overriding packs
[DEBUG @ 18:02:49 | BeatTogether] Patching master server end point (EndPoint='').
[WARNING @ 18:02:49 | ServerBrowser] Default master server appears to be modded:
[INFO @ 18:02:49 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnMasterServerChanged (
[INFO @ 18:02:49 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:02:49 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[DEBUG @ 18:02:49 | BeatTogether] Patching master server status URL (URL='').
[DEBUG @ 18:02:49 | BeatTogether] Master server selection changed (, StatusUrl=
[INFO @ 18:02:52 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnOnlineMenuOpened (ServerBrowser.Game.Models.OnlineMenuOpenedEventArgs)
[INFO @ 18:02:52 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:02:52 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[DEBUG @ 18:02:53 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatTogether.Configuration.PluginConfiguration<Generated>
[INFO @ 18:02:53 | BeatTogether] Get QuickPlaySongPacksOverride
[INFO @ 18:02:53 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnMasterServerChanged (
[INFO @ 18:02:53 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:02:53 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[DEBUG @ 18:02:53 | BeatTogether] Master server selection changed (, StatusUrl=
[WARNING @ 18:02:53 | BeatTogether] Could not get QuickPlaySongPacksOverride
[DEBUG @ 18:02:53 | BeatTogether] ContinueWith running for quickplaySongPackOverrides
[INFO @ 18:03:16 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnMasterServerChanged (
[INFO @ 18:03:16 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:16 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] HandleConnectToServerSuccess (userId=70ITvFPLLECt53wynRV15Q, userName=, remoteEndPoint=, secret=d6ZOdBW/gUaMT4hz2rsgCA, code=34FF8, isDedicatedServer=True, managerId=OYFnBUEgnG+BWncw1RcJkx)
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnBeforeConnectToServer (ServerBrowser.Game.Models.ConnectToServerEventArgs)
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] Multiplayer session is now connected.
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnSessionConnected (ServerBrowser.Game.Models.SessionConnectedEventArgs)
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (LobbySetup)
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] A player joined the session: YT_RedPyro
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnPlayerConnected ([ConnectedPlayer YT_RedPyro(OYFnBUEgnG+BWncw1RcJkx) isMe:False isConnectionOwner:False])
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=In Online menu, Details=)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnPartyOwnerChanged (OYFnBUEgnG+BWncw1RcJkx)
[INFO @ 18:03:18 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnPartyOwnerChanged (OYFnBUEgnG+BWncw1RcJkx)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:19 | ServerBrowser] Lobby connection type change: PartyClient
[INFO @ 18:03:19 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnConnectionTypeChanged (PartyClient)
[INFO @ 18:03:19 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:03:19 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:03:19 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnServerCodeChanged (34FF8)
[INFO @ 18:03:19 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:04:13 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:15 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:33 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:34 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:36 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:40 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:41 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:42 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[DEBUG @ 18:04:43 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 18:04:43 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:44 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:04:44 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:04:52 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (LobbyCountdown)
[INFO @ 18:04:52 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:04:52 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:05:00 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (GameStarting)
[INFO @ 18:05:00 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:05:00 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:05:05 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (GameRunning)
[INFO @ 18:05:05 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:05:05 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[DEBUG @ 18:05:05 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[INFO @ 18:05:05 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnStartingMultiplayerLevel (ServerBrowser.Game.Models.StartingMultiplayerLevelEventArgs)
[INFO @ 18:05:05 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=Playing "Spooky Beat" (Normal))
[DEBUG @ 18:05:05 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[ERROR @ 18:05:06 | PerformanceMeter] Could not reload PerformanceMeter. This may occur when playing online - if so, disregard this message.
[DEBUG @ 18:05:06 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[INFO @ 18:05:06 | AutoPauseStealth] Starting Multiplayer play session, AutoPauseStealth will NOT pause the game !
[WARNING @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Could not expose ComboUIController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[WARNING @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Could not expose GameEnergyUIPanel. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[WARNING @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[WARNING @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:05:06 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 18:05:06 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 18:05:06 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 18:05:06 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraMultiplayerInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceMultiplayerInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[INFO @ 18:05:08 | DataPuller] In multiplayer.
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:05:08 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[INFO @ 18:05:15 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 18:05:15 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 18:06:40 | BS_Utils] Triggering Multiplayer LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 18:06:40 | BS_Utils] Multiplayer level finished.
[INFO @ 18:06:40 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Saved a new record SpookyBeat___1___Standard (134371).
[DEBUG @ 18:06:40 | BS_Utils] Multiplayer level finished.
[DEBUG @ 18:06:41 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[DEBUG @ 18:06:42 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 18:06:42 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 18:06:42 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (LobbySetup)
[INFO @ 18:06:42 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:06:42 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:06:43 | Nya] Loading image from
[DEBUG @ 18:06:44 | ScorePercentage] Condition 2 is true
[INFO @ 18:06:44 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:45 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:51 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:52 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:53 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:54 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:55 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:56 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:06:56 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:06:58 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:07:02 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:07:04 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:07:05 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:07:06 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:07:06 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:07:06 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (LobbyCountdown)
[INFO @ 18:07:06 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:07:06 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:07:09 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Refreshing data...
[INFO @ 18:07:09 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:07:34 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (GameStarting)
[INFO @ 18:07:34 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:07:34 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:07:39 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (GameRunning)
[INFO @ 18:07:39 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=Playing "Spooky Beat" (Normal))
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | BS_Utils] Level Data set
[INFO @ 18:07:39 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnStartingMultiplayerLevel (ServerBrowser.Game.Models.StartingMultiplayerLevelEventArgs)
[INFO @ 18:07:39 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=Playing "Be There For You" (Expert))
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[ERROR @ 18:07:39 | PerformanceMeter] Could not reload PerformanceMeter. This may occur when playing online - if so, disregard this message.
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(GameCore : Assets/Scenes/Game/GameCore.unity)
[INFO @ 18:07:39 | AutoPauseStealth] Starting Multiplayer play session, AutoPauseStealth will NOT pause the game !
[WARNING @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Could not expose ComboUIController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[WARNING @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Could not expose GameEnergyUIPanel. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[WARNING @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[WARNING @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Could not expose CoreGameHUDController. It could not be found in the SceneContextDecorator
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameCoreInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Installing: PlaylistManagerGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Installing: ControllerTweaksGameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[DEBUG @ 18:07:39 | SiraUtil] Installing: GameInstaller onto GameCoreSceneSetup
[INFO @ 18:07:39 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] EnvironmentModifier
[INFO @ 18:07:40 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Modifying Environment...
[INFO @ 18:07:40 | EnvironmentMinifier/EnvironmentModifier] Done!
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: FPFCInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraGameplayInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SiraMultiplayerInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: PresenceMultiplayerInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: XGameInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: ClientInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil] Installing: SvcGameInstaller onto MultiplayerLocalActivePlayerInstaller
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SongChartVisualizer/ChartViewController] Loading assetbundle..
[INFO @ 18:07:41 | DataPuller] In multiplayer.
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Found a new saber model controller.
[DEBUG @ 18:07:41 | SiraUtil/SaberModelManager] Adding model to cache, establishing a link.
[INFO @ 18:07:49 | SongDataCore] OnGameSceneLoaded()
[DEBUG @ 18:07:49 | SongDataCore] Unload SongDataCore data.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:01 | BS_Utils] Triggering Multiplayer LevelFinishEvent.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:01 | BS_Utils] Multiplayer level finished.
[INFO @ 18:09:01 | SongPlayHistoryContinued] Saved a new record BeThereForYou___3___OneSaber (99298).
[DEBUG @ 18:09:01 | BS_Utils] Multiplayer level finished.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:02 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: LoadingScene(MainMenu : Assets/Scenes/Menus/MainMenu.unity)
[INFO @ 18:09:02 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberPresence set menu presence
[DEBUG @ 18:09:02 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[INFO @ 18:09:03 | Nya] Loading image from
[INFO @ 18:09:03 | SongDataCore] OnMenuSceneLoaded()
[INFO @ 18:09:03 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 18:09:03 | SongDataCore] Force the use of the cached data without causing a server request...
[DEBUG @ 18:09:03 | SongDataCore] Started data processing thread!
[INFO @ 18:09:03 | SongDataCore] Success processing data:
[INFO @ 18:09:03 | ServerBrowser] [MpEvents] OnLobbyStateChanged (LobbySetup)
[INFO @ 18:09:03 | ServerBrowser] [DiscordPresenceProvider] Setting Discord activity (State=Toastypaws_YT's game, Details=In lobby)
[DEBUG @ 18:09:03 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] SteamAPI did clear activity
[INFO @ 18:09:04 | Nya] Loading image from
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | DataPuller] OnApplicationQuit
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | ScorePercentage] Stopping ScorePercentage Plugin
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | PerformanceMeter] OnApplicationQuit
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | ServerBrowser] [SteamPresenceProvider] TryDetectSteamDll (path=E:\Games\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_api64.dll, result=True)
[WARNING @ 18:09:14 | OcuFix] Oculus vrmode not set, ignoring
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SoundReplacer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo OcuFix.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo AutoPauseStealth.PluginSettings<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Tweaks55.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Nya.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BetterSongSearch.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo ServerBrowser.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SmoothCamPlus.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo EnvironmentMinifier.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo FasterScroll.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SongChartVisualizer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo ControllerTweaks.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatTogether.Configuration.PluginConfiguration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SmallMenu.Settings<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Hitbloq.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo MusicSpatializer.Settings.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo StepBackWall.Settings.Utilities.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo FCPercentage.FCPCore.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo PerformanceMeter.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo EasyOffset.ConfigFileData<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo ScorePercentage.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SongPlayHistoryContinued.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo PlaylistManager.Configuration.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo TransparentWall.Settings.Utilities.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo FastFail.Settings.Configuration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo CountersPlus.ConfigModels.MainConfigModel<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo JDFixer.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo Enhancements.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatSaberPresence.Config.PluginConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IntroSkip.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BetterSongList.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SiraUtil.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo SongCore.SConfiguration<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo BeatSaberMarkupLanguage.Config<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IPA.Loader.DisabledConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | IPA/Config] Generated impl WriteTo IPA.Config.SelfConfig<Generated>
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | AutoPauseStealth] AutoPauseStealthController: OnDestroy()
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | PerformanceMeter] PerformanceMeterController: OnDestroy()
[DEBUG @ 18:09:14 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] EditableBeatmapSelectionView.set_interactable (System.Boolean value) (at <61b25dd7a0ad4aaab4c9977e15494319>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] LobbySetupViewController.SetLobbyState (MultiplayerLobbyState lobbyState) (at <61b25dd7a0ad4aaab4c9977e15494319>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] GameServerLobbyFlowCoordinator.HandleLobbyGameStateControllerGameStateChanged (MultiplayerLobbyState state) (at <61b25dd7a0ad4aaab4c9977e15494319>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] (wrapper dynamic-method) LobbyGameStateController.DMD<LobbyGameStateController::set_state>(LobbyGameStateController,MultiplayerLobbyState)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] LobbyGameStateController.Deactivate () (at <61b25dd7a0ad4aaab4c9977e15494319>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] LobbyGameStateController.Dispose () (at <61b25dd7a0ad4aaab4c9977e15494319>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] Zenject.DisposableManager.Dispose () (at <b2cc02012594432582d34a1cdfb29cd9>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] Rethrow as ZenjectException: Error occurred while disposing IDisposable with type 'LobbyGameStateController'
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] Zenject.DisposableManager.Dispose () (at <b2cc02012594432582d34a1cdfb29cd9>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 18:09:15 | UnityEngine] Zenject.MonoKernel.OnDestroy () (at <b2cc02012594432582d34a1cdfb29cd9>:0)
[INFO @ 18:09:15 | DiscordCore] DiscordClient disabled.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:15 | BeatSaberMarkupLanguage] NotifyUpdater destroyed.
[DEBUG @ 18:09:15 | FasterScroll] FasterScrollController: OnDestroy()
roydejong commented 2 years ago

Your logs contain the following line:

[WARNING @ 17:33:54 | IPA/Loader] 'MultiplayerExtensions' is missing dependency 'BeatSaverSharp@^2.0.1'; ignoring

MultiplayerExtensions is not enabled because you are missing one or more of its dependencies, at least BeatSaverSharp.

Please refer to their README for more info:

Toastypaws commented 2 years ago

let me try now with beat saver sharp

Toastypaws commented 2 years ago

image it still says it

Toastypaws commented 2 years ago

do i need to use version 1.18.3?

roydejong commented 2 years ago

Yes. Sorry, I only just realized you said you're on Beat Saber 1.19. That is not supported.

You can't play modded multiplayer on 1.19. You'll need to downgrade your game if you want to do that.

If you need more help I really recommend you ask on BSMG (#pc-help), this is a little out of my scope.

Toastypaws commented 2 years ago

ok i know how to downgrade i just need to know what version and what mods and what mod versions