roylee0704 / react-flexbox-grid

A set of React components implementing flexboxgrid with the power of CSS Modules.
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SyntaxError when importing flexboxgrid.css #28

Closed pbojinov closed 8 years ago

pbojinov commented 8 years ago

Hey guys, first of all I wanted to say thanks for this project. It looks awesome and I'm excited to use it!

But I'm having some trouble with the integration. When I run the local webpack server I'm getting a syntax error on the imported flexboxgrid.css.

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { .container-fluid,

SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
    at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:414:25)
    at Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (/Users/petarbojinov/frostytechnologies/frosty-starter/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babel-register/lib/node.js:134:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
    at require (module.js:385:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/petarbojinov/frostytechnologies/frosty-starter/node_modules/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Grid.js:13:20)
    at Module._compile (module.js:435:26)
    at Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (/Users/petarbojinov/frostytechnologies/frosty-starter/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babel-register/lib/node.js:134:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
    at require (module.js:385:17)

Here's my webpack config: and I started with this boilerplate project:

Also made sure to install classnames & flexboxgrid. And I tried the alternative webpack config options in the readme. Any suggestions would be great, thanks!

silvenon commented 8 years ago

Update react-flexbox-grid to the latest version and replace your first loader with the first loader in our webpack configuration docs.

pbojinov commented 8 years ago

@silvenon I did a force update on react-flexbox-grid to the latest npm install react-flexbox-grid@0.9.5 and updated the filter loader to use the first loader from the docs, but still getting the same error.

To reproduce this, here's a clean boilerplate app ( with react-flexbox-grid installed and the webpack config configured as per the docs. If you run npm i && npm start from the project you'll be able to see the error in terminal.

At first I thought it was because style-loader and css-loader were missing but those are installed as well.

roylee0704 commented 8 years ago

contrib to doc #26

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@pbojinov found it! Webpack itself doesn't cause this error (npm run build works fine), your server.js does. It does require('./app'), which requires react-flexbox-grid, which ultimately requires flexboxgrid.css. This causes an error because Node tries to parse flexboxgrid.css like JS. You should find a different way to achieve whatever that require does.

pbojinov commented 8 years ago

@silvenon that makes perfect sense! Good catch, I'll try tweaking the webpack configs to handle that case with some excludes/includes

silvenon commented 8 years ago

Great, closing this then :+1:

pbojinov commented 8 years ago

I found out what the issue was...since the boilerplate is isomorphic, babel tries to parse a CSS file even though proper loaders are defined in the webpack.config.js.

A workaround is the add this to the top of your dev and production webpack configs and it will build fine!

require.extensions['.css'] = () => {
silvenon commented 8 years ago

Just to be clear, require.extensions is a Node feature. Wepback is loading this CSS file just fine, but Node isn't (from server.js), so here you are disabling loading CSS files, which is fine. Do classes print out fine, though?

shiroganee commented 8 years ago

Hello, got identical error (I'm running isomorphic application as well). You've got the solution maybe @pbojinov ? Cause I tried to use that

require.extensions['.css'] = () => {

and it didn't work at all

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@shiroganee which Node version are you using?

shiroganee commented 8 years ago

@silvenon 5.8 right now.

silvenon commented 8 years ago

The docs say that the feature has been deprecated, I'm not sure what that means exactly. Maybe @shiroganee is using an older version of Node where this worked?

Try moving the require.extensions part to server.js.

petermikitsh commented 8 years ago

Anyone have a solution for those of us who aren't building our server code with webpack? Universal apps don't like when you try and import css files server-side. The require.extensions workaround isn't fixing the issue for me.

Edit: switched to a similar package (, seems to work well in a universal environment.

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@petermikitsh are you using some other module bundler?

petermikitsh commented 8 years ago

@silvenon Sorry, let me elaborate further: I bundle my client side assets with webpack. I'm using babel-register for ES6 functionality for my server side code, but otherwise, I just run my app using node server.js. My app is a universal React-Redux app, so I render the initial page load on the server. When importing this package in one of my React components, the server-side code trips up on requireing a file with a css extension. I assume it's trying to parse it as javascript.

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@petermikitsh oh, I'm not familiar with that workflow, too bad you can't compile it before running it on the server… Requiring CSS, images etc. is really common when using webpack.

petermikitsh commented 8 years ago

I agree, these files are really common to require, when you are on the client. I bundle my css and js for the client specifically, and then reference them in my initial HTML payload. If this package code didn't explicitly import the css for you, and you had to add a line of code to do it yourself, it would be more flexible for my use case, which is exactly what react-flexgrid has done in their implementation. I'm not particularly opposed to compiling my server-side code, I just don't see much value in doing so, unless its to support use cases like this.

Unfortunately, that would be a breaking change for everyone currently using this package. Perhaps its something to consider for the next major release?

haocse commented 8 years ago

Try all cases, still get this error. Boilerplate:

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@petermikitsh then you wouldn't be able to load it with CSS Modules :confused: Perhaps we could make a build already compiled with webpack, @roylee0704?

petermikitsh commented 8 years ago

The most elegant solution would be to require package users to require the css files themselves. My entry point in my client-side code calls require(...css), as outlined in react-flexgrid's documentation, but this client entry point is not used server side.

I don't see why a compiled version wouldn't work. Run babel in a prepublish npm hook.

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@petermikitsh simply requiring the CSS file yourself won't give you the benefit of CSS Modules. This is already built with Babel, but there should definitely also be a completely compiled build, for people who don't use webpack for any reason.

rsteckler commented 8 years ago

I'm using react-redux-universal-hot-example as boilerplate and had the same error. They already have webpack-isomorphic-tools installed and configured, but I had to make the following change on line 65 of /webpack/webpack-isomorphic-tools.js:

      extensions: ['less','scss','css'],
silvenon commented 8 years ago
extensions: ['.less','.scss','.css'],
silvenon commented 8 years ago

Also, you need other extensions as well. This will overwrite the existing ones, not append to them. You need to add back .js, webpack.js and whatever the default ones where.

rsteckler commented 8 years ago

I only appended .css. The others already existed. Here's the original.

silvenon commented 8 years ago

@rsteckler my bad. So it worked for you? There's no issue? I misunderstood your comment then :+1:

rsteckler commented 8 years ago

Sorry I wasn't clear. It's now working for me in dev and prod builds :)

SpainTrain commented 7 years ago

I was having this issue and solved it like so in server webpack config:

mrsufgi commented 7 years ago

@rsteckler I'm also using universal hot but it can't get it to work in prod (only in dev) can u share you prod.config and dev.config as well as the webpack isomorphic?

well in some weird magic trick, it works. I removed the webpack loader in the .prod and added { test: /\.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style', 'css?modules&importLoaders=2&sourceMap!autoprefixer?browsers=last 2 version!sass?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap=true&sourceMapContents=true') },

which is based on the scss and less configs in prod loader :) works with server side rendered and media queries, in fact after researching all react optional grid / masonry / layout systems this one is the only one that works with SSR (server side rendered) react applications.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@pbojinov's solution got me past the compile failure. then I get some other errors:

Error in ./~/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Grid.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'style' in /Users/jhabdas/Developer/project/node_modules/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components
 @ ./~/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Grid.js 18:19-41

Error in ./~/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Col.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'style' in /Users/jhabdas/Developer/project/node_modules/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components
 @ ./~/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Col.js 14:19-41

Error in ./~/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Row.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'style' in /Users/jhabdas/Developer/project/node_modules/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components
 @ ./~/react-flexbox-grid/lib/components/Row.js 18:19-41
├── flexboxgrid@6.3.1
├── react-flexbox-grid@0.10.2

I feel so dirty.

EDIT: Opened #70 to tackle this as it's off-topic for this thread.

silvenon commented 7 years ago

@jhabdas can you paste your webpack config?

silvenon commented 7 years ago

@mrsufgi you too, if you still have issues.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Configs can be found here, @silvenon: Thank you kindly for any help you can provide.

mschipperheyn commented 7 years ago

@jhabas if you ignore the css as you do in the server config, I assume the the style object, that classNames.js tries to import as an object reference, will be undefined and lead to an error.

mschipperheyn commented 7 years ago

In other news, if you use instead, you're using styled components, bypassing the whole nightmare

ranneyd commented 7 years ago

Just a heads up, using browserify results in similar issues. It goes down the chain and tries to import the css as js. You should consider reworking how the css works to be friendlier to other build systems.

silvenon commented 7 years ago

@ranneyd the next version (will be releasing soon) will not require CSS Modules. I haven't tried it, but the only thing you will need to make it work with browserify is something like cssify.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I imagine there are some tradeoffs being made to drop CSS modules? FWIW having a lib targeted at CSS modules is why I started using this in the first place. I'd rather have a couple of sharp, purpose made tools than a Swiss Army knife. But that's just me.

silvenon commented 7 years ago

@jhabdas we will still support CSS Modules like before, but in case they aren't configured, react-flexbox-grid will fall back to regular classes.

Personally I think that CSS Modules are a bit of an overkill for this library, so now we'll finally have a release which doesn't require them.

Let me know if I misunderstood what you meant. 😉

palavrov commented 7 years ago

Got the same error. My fix was to use

danny-andrews commented 7 years ago

I believe the right solution for this is to distribute a pre-built version of this library. Consumers of a library shouldn't have to add special config options to their build process just to use them. The distributed version of the library should be compatible with its targeted environment.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Consumers of a library shouldn't have to add special config options to their build process just to use them.

Following that logic. Why would one need a build process anyway?

danny-andrews commented 7 years ago

To build your own files, not your dependencies.

slavab89 commented 7 years ago

This is the solution that i've used and it seems to have worked

For the browser rules:

  test: /\.css$/,
  use: [
    { loader: 'style-loader' },
    { loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: true } }
  include: /flexboxgrid/
  test: /\.css$/,
  include: /src/myapp/css,
  exclude: /flexboxgrid/

For the server rules:

  test: /\.css$/,
  use: { loader: 'css-loader/locals', options: { modules: true } },
  include: /flexboxgrid/
  test: /\.css$/,
  include: /src/myapp/css,
  exclude: /flexboxgrid/

For production, you should probably use the ExtractTextPlugin on the browser side.

roylee0704 commented 7 years ago

It should be fixed under v1.1.4 now

mschipperheyn commented 7 years ago

I still have the error. Are there any remaining requirements to be satisfied for the fix to work?

danny-andrews commented 7 years ago

@mschipperheyn Which version are you using?

danny-andrews commented 7 years ago

Okay folks, here's what I've gathered from your helpful comments and from experimenting with this myself:

  1. If you are using webpack, try css-loader/locals (thanks @SpainTrain and @slavab89!)
  2. If you are not using webpack, try css-modules-require-hook
  3. If you don't want to deal with CSS-modules at all, use the pre-built build (dist/react-flexbox-grid.(js|css)) (v1.1.5+).

I'll be updating the docs to reflect this shortly! Let me know if none of these solutions work for your use-case!

MM3y3r commented 7 years ago

We also encounter this error. A fix would be appreciated.

danny-andrews commented 7 years ago

@MaximusDesign Have you tried any of the solutions listed above?