royllo / explorer

A search engine / explorer for Taproot Assets living on the Bitcoin blockchain
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implement new Tapd claim ownership API #570

Open straumat opened 5 months ago

straumat commented 2 days ago

From Lightning labs slack :

WIth the latest update, Alice can also provide a 32-byte challenge to ProveAssetOwnership, which is then required by the verifier side for VerifyAssetOwnership So if Bob wants to ask Alice to create a unique proof for an asset, the steps are: Bob generates a random 32byte challenge (name it c) Bob sends c to Alice Alice calls ProveAssetOwnership for the asset, providing c in the request (field name is Challenge) Alice sends proof to Bob Bob calls VerifyAssetOwnership providing the proof of Alice, plus the challenge c Here is an itest example too 18 h 06 So now Bob can be sure that Alice did not "steal" this proof, as it is bound to the challenge he just generated