roymiles / VkD

[CVPR 2024] VkD : Improving Knowledge Distillation using Orthogonal Projections
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Reproducing loss landscape plot #8

Closed charmeleonz closed 1 month ago

charmeleonz commented 2 months ago

Dear authors,

Could you kindly advise how I should go about reproducing the loss landscape visualisation (Fig. 4 in paper)?

Many thanks!

roymiles commented 1 month ago


Sure! I don't have to exact code at hand, but if I recall we did something like this:

input, _ = next(iter(dataloader))  # (B x H x W x C)
x = torch.randn_like(data)
y = torch.randn_like(data)

losses = []
for i in range(-0.1, 0.1, 0.01):
    for j in range(-0.1, 0.1, 0.01):
        new_input = input + i*x + j*y
        output = model(new_input)
        loss = loss_fn(output)
        losses.append( (i, j, loss) )

and then plotted the results with loss being on the z-axis of a surface plot (see example with matplotlib). We did the same for both types of loss functions. Hope this helps.

charmeleonz commented 1 month ago


Thanks for the hint. I am curious why the plots shown in the paper don't look like a inverted cone (as in, e.g., TAKD or DOT paper)?

roymiles commented 1 month ago

Hi, that is an interesting point! it seems TAKD uses [1] for visualisation. I would not have expected the loss landscape to be perfectly convex along two random input dimensions (unless you use very small step/perturbation sizes). We didn't put too much thought into the step-size, but it may be playing a big role on the granularity/smoothness of the overall plot. For example, our plots might be showing lots of local minima/loss valleys. The main point of our plots was to compare and contrast the global variability of the two different loss functions.

Finally, we also didn't visualise the results around a local minima, but instead just selected a random batch from the training data and did a grid around this point.

[1] Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets, NeurIPS 2018

charmeleonz commented 1 month ago

That's really helpful. Cheers!