royriojas / esformatter-jsx

esformatter plugin: format jsx files (or js files with Facebook React JSX Syntax)
MIT License
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conflict with esformatter-quotes plugin #76

Closed millermedeiros closed 8 years ago

millermedeiros commented 8 years ago

since this plugin removes the JSXElement from the tree (replaces it with a comment), other plugins aren't able to make changes to the JSX unless they also use stringAfter

esformatter@0.9 uses Babylon and is able to parse JSX, so maybe you don't need the stringBefore/stringAfter hack anymore.


royriojas commented 8 years ago

Hi @millermedeiros,

you're right, will see if it is possible to remove the stringBefore/stringAfter hack.


royriojas commented 8 years ago

Hi @millermedeiros,

I removed the replacement of jsxElements on stringBefore. But this plugin added an option to not recursively format the jsxExpressions so in order to honor that option I have instead now to replace the jsxExpressions during stringBefore. if the option formatJSXExpressions is set to true (which is the default value) then you will have the desired results.

Hope this is good enough. In my tests this worked fine. It format this:

function render(count) {
  return <input type='text'
           onChange={ this.change('some nice') }
           value={ word } />;

into this

function render(count) {
  return <input type='text'
                onChange={ this.change('some nice') }
                value={ word } />;

using these settings

  "jsx": {
    "formatJSX": true,
    "attrsOnSameLineAsTag": false,
    "maxAttrsOnTag": 1,
    "firstAttributeOnSameLine": true,
    "spaceInJSXExpressionContainers": " ",
    "alignWithFirstAttribute": true,
    "formatJSXExpressions": true,
    "htmlOptions": {
      "brace_style": "collapse",
      "indent_char": " ",
      "indent_size": 2,
      "max_preserve_newlines": 2,
      "preserve_newlines": true
  "quotes": {
    "type": "single",
    "avoidEscape": true