royriojas / esformatter-jsx

esformatter plugin: format jsx files (or js files with Facebook React JSX Syntax)
MIT License
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No Effect on JSX Render Function Indentation in Sublime 3 #83

Open ezra-g opened 8 years ago

ezra-g commented 8 years ago

I'm attempting to get esformatter-jsx working in Sublime 3. It appears that esformatter is not formatting markup inside the render function of a JSX template.

For example, in this gist, the tab before class Foo extends Component { is successfully removed, but the divs remain disorganized in their indentation.

I have EsFormatter v2.0.1 installed via Sublime Package Control. Output from npm list esformatter-jsx shows esformatter-jsx@7.0.1 and esformatter is esformatter@0.9.6.

Below are the contents of my EsFormatter.sublime-settings. I've noticed that two issues talk about the default configuration listed on the esformatter-jsx project page as being potentially incorrect because plugins should be part of an options array, so I've included that change with no effect (, If my problem is one of configuration, I'd be happy to file a pull request to update the project page if you can point me to how to resolve the issue here.


  "options": { 
    "plugins": [
  // this is the section this plugin will use to store the settings for the jsx formatting
  "jsx": {
    // whether to recursively format jsx expressions with esformatter
    // set this to false if you don't want JSXExpressions to be formatted recursively, like when using problematic plugins
    "formatJSXExpressions": true,
    // By default ObjectExpression and ArrayExpression in JSXExpressions are inlined,
    // if false, the Expression might expand several lines
    "JSXExpressionsSingleLine": true,
    // by default is true if set to false it works the same as esformatter-jsx-ignore
    "formatJSX": true,
    // keep the node attributes on the same line as the open tag. Default is true.
    // Setting this to false will put each one of the attributes on a single line
    "attrsOnSameLineAsTag": true,
     // how many attributes should the node have before having to put each
     // attribute in a new line. Default 1
    "maxAttrsOnTag": 1,
    // if the attributes are going to be put each one on its own line, then keep the first
    // on the same line as the open tag
    "firstAttributeOnSameLine": false,
    // default to one space. Make it empty if you don't like spaces between JSXExpressionContainers
    "spaceInJSXExpressionContainers": " ",
    // align the attributes with the first attribute (if the first attribute was kept on the same line as on the open tag)
    "alignWithFirstAttribute": true,
    "htmlOptions": { // same as the ones passed to js-beautifier.html
      "brace_style": "collapse",
      "indent_char": " ",
      "indent_size": 2,
      "max_preserve_newlines": 2,
      "preserve_newlines": true
royriojas commented 8 years ago

hi @ezra-g,

not sure I understand correctly the issue, I haven't try this plugin with sublime-esformatter, it seems that package requires you to install esformatter either in the project folder or globally. How are you installing esformatter?

if globally I bet you need to also install this plugin as global, the instructions you mentioned were for sublime jsfmt a different package, so not sure they apply to the one you're using.