roytam1 / basilisk55

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problem52 #10

Open AroKol78 opened 2 years ago

AroKol78 commented 2 years ago

sorry for the wrong location of the reported problem

Serpent 52-g4.8.win32-git-20211113-f94c0da-uxp-eedc02ee9-xpmod (I also checked some earlier versions - same) crashphoto00

I wanted to play with my photos in

still in the summer everything was working 👍 - I was playing with this option (again G .. something changed or a bug in js)

winxp32sp3 gpu accelerated on / off no difference (gpu VRAM 1GB) RAM free 1.2GB + page file + DEP (cpu supports .../SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/...)

javascript.options.wasm without this option, nothing happens


----> Wsteczne śledzenie stosu <---- WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for D:\Program Files\basilisk\ucrtbase.dll - ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll - ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
073ff8fc 0349a737 0dd6e020 00000501 073ffee0 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3baaf1 073ff918 03499d30 0501f92a 00000002 0501fa80 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3baa47 073ff92c 03490d20 073ff990 073ff988 073ffee0 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3ba040 073ff9a4 03489139 13912580 073ffa80 00000040 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3b1030 073ffa48 0348e686 13912580 00000003 13912550 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3a9449 073ffa6c 0346bf7e 044207e0 00000000 13912550 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3ae996 073ffefc 034bf1fb 13912550 00973164 13912550 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x38c28e 073fff20 032ad3d7 13912550 04420fc0 044207e0 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x3df50b 073fff3c 032b2342 073fff64 001840b8 00901cd8 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x1cd6e7 073fff68 032a82ee 044207e0 032a82e0 073fffb4 xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x1d2652 073fff78 004c62a4 00901cd8 073f5dcd 0012f54c xul!NS_RegisterXPCOMExitRoutine+0x1c85fe 073fffb4 7c80b729 001840b8 0012f54c 00000400 ucrtbase!crt_at_quick_exit+0x104 073fffec 00000000 004c6250 001840b8 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA+0x1ba

roytam1 commented 1 year ago

basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230715-3219d2d-uxp-787a64cf9-xpmod is broken no bookmarks bar, no entry download library, ...

please redownload

AroKol78 commented 1 year ago

does not load e.g.

Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

filter for ubo-legacy, had to change the mirror. I checked on FF phone and it works.

roytam1 commented 1 year ago

this is a server side problem that it doesn't send complete content. tested with mypal68 and nm27.

AroKol78 commented 11 months ago

upstream UPX - "Restore incorrect SIMD Op removals." is in release and there is no in master. (WasmBinaryIterator.cpp/h in general, it is different for master and release, probably other files too) I don't know if we will need it too.

(ps. many thanks for the work you do)

roytam1 commented 11 months ago

upstream UPX - "Restore incorrect SIMD Op removals." is in release and there is no in master. (WasmBinaryIterator.cpp/h in general, it is different for master and release, probably other files too) I don't know if we will need it too.

because he mispatched in previous commit:

but this is not my case here.

AroKol78 commented 10 months ago

It's not about a specific version, just in general. I tested on Serpent52-20231110081923 examples from for the test ok,displays well, no crash error, no crash, black page error, no crash, black frame

Error: Error: While loading model "$STATIC_ASSETS_URL/models/heliosphere/voyager_heliosphere.gltf": Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "voyager_heliosphere.bin".
Source File:
Line: 1 of course, the page does not load completely due to errors. it doesn't always crash, sometimes it's enough to re-enter the page, move around, reload... always the same crash address

crash report: ``` CRASH --> basilisk.exe, wersja, moduł powodujący błąd vcruntime140.dll, wersja 14.28.29213.0, adres błędu 0x000035c0. eax=00000000 ebx=0095f000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000020 esi=28375000 edi=0095f000 eip=003d35c0 esp=001af67c ebp=001af698 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000202 *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for D:\Program Files\basilisk\VCRUNTIME140.dll - funkcja: VCRUNTIME140!memcpy 003d35a0 8bc6 mov eax,esi 003d35a2 83e00f and eax,0xf 003d35a5 85c0 test eax,eax 003d35a7 0f85e3000000 jne VCRUNTIME140!memcpy+0x540 (003d3690) 003d35ad 8bd1 mov edx,ecx 003d35af 83e17f and ecx,0x7f 003d35b2 c1ea07 shr edx,0x7 003d35b5 7466 jz VCRUNTIME140!memcpy+0x4cd (003d361d) 003d35b7 8da42400000000 lea esp,[esp] 003d35be 8bff mov edi,edi BŁĄD ->003d35c0 660f6f06 movdqa xmm0,oword ptr [esi] ds:0023:28375000=???????????????????????????????? 003d35c4 660f6f4e10 movdqa xmm1,oword ptr [esi+0x10] 003d35c9 660f6f5620 movdqa xmm2,oword ptr [esi+0x20] 003d35ce 660f6f5e30 movdqa xmm3,oword ptr [esi+0x30] 003d35d3 660f7f07 movdqa oword ptr [edi],xmm0 003d35d7 660f7f4f10 movdqa oword ptr [edi+0x10],xmm1 003d35dc 660f7f5720 movdqa oword ptr [edi+0x20],xmm2 003d35e1 660f7f5f30 movdqa oword ptr [edi+0x30],xmm3 003d35e6 660f6f6640 movdqa xmm4,oword ptr [esi+0x40] 003d35eb 660f6f6e50 movdqa xmm5,oword ptr [esi+0x50] 003d35f0 660f6f7660 movdqa xmm6,oword ptr [esi+0x60] *----> Wsteczne śledzenie stosu <----* *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for D:\Program Files\basilisk\xul.dll - WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for D:\Program Files\basilisk\basilisk.exe *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll - ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 001af698 02fc0f29 0a24c408 28375000 0095f000 VCRUNTIME140!memcpy+0x470 001af6dc 02fc0d0a 0a24c408 02fbd8d0 28375000 xul!mozilla__net__LoadInfo__GetPrincipalToInherit+0xd809 001af6f8 03cfa776 0a24c408 28375000 0029e3bc xul!mozilla__net__LoadInfo__GetPrincipalToInherit+0xd5ea 001af720 03cf5fad 00909e44 009611e0 0090c160 xul!mozilla_dump_image+0x6a6d06 001af7b4 02fc03bc 1a443e20 0a24c408 009611e0 xul!mozilla_dump_image+0x6a253d 001af7c8 02fceaaa 009611e0 0090b890 0090b880 xul!mozilla__net__LoadInfo__GetPrincipalToInherit+0xcc9c 001af8a8 02fe8df9 0090c160 00000000 001af8c7 xul!XRE_AddStaticComponent+0x8a6a 001af8bc 031c18e3 0190c160 00000000 0091b0c0 xul!NS_StringGetMutableData+0x3729 001af8e8 031acb16 0091b0c0 00909e40 0090c160 xul!mozilla__net__LoadInfo__SetVerifySignedContent+0x1a7973 001af91c 031ac81e 00000001 031a3d00 00000000 xul!mozilla__net__LoadInfo__SetVerifySignedContent+0x192ba6 001af938 0415e83f 00000000 001afc69 001af960 xul!mozilla__net__LoadInfo__SetVerifySignedContent+0x1928ae 001af948 0419d7a3 00909e40 001afc69 085a3f00 xul!mozilla__NormalizedConstraintSet__Range__Merge+0x27c6af 001af960 047989c0 00909e40 0090b970 001afb2c xul!mozilla__NormalizedConstraintSet__Range__Merge+0x2bb613 001af970 047afac9 085a3f00 001afb74 00904280 xul!XRE_StartupTimelineRecord+0x1710 001afb2c 047ae942 00904220 00904160 00000000 xul!XRE_GetFileFromPath+0x78c9 001afb54 047b03e3 00000000 001d9ed8 00000000 xul!XRE_GetFileFromPath+0x6742 001afc6c 00401886 00000001 001d9ed8 001afe98 xul!XRE_main+0xb3 001afefc 00401446 00000001 001d9ed8 001d7d78 basilisk+0x1886 001aff40 00401baf 00000001 001d9ed8 001d7d78 basilisk+0x1446 001aff78 00402741 001d9ed8 fffffd80 001da678 basilisk+0x1baf 001affc0 7c816037 00380031 00390033 7ffde000 basilisk+0x2741 001afff0 00000000 004027c9 00000000 78746341 kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle+0x49 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/HeatShield/edl2020_heatshield.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_heatshield.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/Entry_Burn/edl2020_entryBurn.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_entryBurn.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/Backshell/edl2020_backshell.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: TypeError: a is null Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/SkyCrane_Thrusters/edl2020_skyCraneThrusters.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_skyCraneThrusters.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/ChuteCap/edl2020_chuteCap.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_chuteCap.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/Perse/edl2020_perse.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: TypeError: a is null Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/SkyCrane_Plumes/edl2020_skyCranePlumes.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_skyCranePlumes.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "$STATIC_ASSETS_URL/models/phobos/phobos.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "phobos.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "$STATIC_ASSETS_URL/models/deimos/deimos.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "deimos.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/CruiseStage/edl2020_cruiseStage.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_cruiseStage.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Error: Error: While loading model "assets/models/SkyCrane/edl2020_skyCrane.gltf": Error: Error loading gltf: Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "edl2020_skyCrane.bin". Source File: Line: 2 Warning: Error: WebGL: texImage2D: Conversion requires pixel reformatting. Source File: Line: 2 ```

I don't know if I should require it to run on XP. Would have been nice. Minimal plan so as not to crash.

roytam1 commented 10 months ago

since it dies inside memcpy() which is outside of browser, I can't do much to it.

AroKol78 commented 10 months ago too I can't repeat it isOK0001

AroKol78 commented 10 months ago

test on basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20231118-3219d2d-uxp-24413daff9-xpmod

crash report: ``` eax=e5e5e5e5 ebx=077062c8 ecx=09352f70 edx=09352f8c esi=00000000 edi=077062e8 eip=00a411e5 esp=0562f770 ebp=00000003 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000206 *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for D:\Program Files\basilisk\nss3.dll - funkcja: nss3!CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID 00a411cd 30ff xor bh,bh 00a411cf 15fc77ab00 adc eax,0xab77fc 00a411d4 59 pop ecx 00a411d5 c3 ret 00a411d6 33c0 xor eax,eax 00a411d8 c3 ret 00a411d9 8b442404 mov eax,[esp+0x4] 00a411dd 8b400c mov eax,[eax+0xc] 00a411e0 c3 ret 00a411e1 8b442404 mov eax,[esp+0x4] BŁĄD ->00a411e5 f0ff4008 lock inc dword ptr [eax+0x8] ds:0023:e5e5e5ed=???????? 00a411e9 c3 ret 00a411ea 57 push edi 00a411eb 8b7c2408 mov edi,[esp+0x8] 00a411ef 85ff test edi,edi 00a411f1 7439 jz nss3!CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID+0x59c7 (00a4122c) 00a411f3 83c8ff or eax,0xffffffff 00a411f6 f00fc14708 lock xadd [edi+0x8],eax 00a411fb 752f jnz nss3!CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID+0x59c7 (00a4122c) 00a411fd ff7740 push dword ptr [edi+0x40] 00a41200 e833e3feff call nss3!PK11_FreeSlot (00a2f538) *----> Wsteczne śledzenie stosu <----* WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 nss3!CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID+0x5980 ```

fixed - it's ok

AroKol78 commented 8 months ago

It's not about a specific version, just in general. I tested on the latest Serpent 52 and it is in several previous versions. uBO --> "Trusted sites" (chrome://ublock0/content/dashboard.html#whitelist.html) --> "Export" and save.

Error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIAnnotationService.setPageAnnotation]"  nsresult: "0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)"  location: "JS frame :: resource://app/modules/DownloadsCommon.jsm :: onDownloadChanged :: line 805"  data: no]

it seems to be saving txt but the error occurs. Normal downloading and saving from the internet works fine and does not cause an error.

AroKol78 commented 4 months ago

following "Unprefix -moz-fit-content CSS keyword" --> sometimes we don't need in min-width: -moz-fit-content; and maybe somewhere else?

roytam1 commented 4 months ago

imported, thanks

AroKol78 commented 4 months ago

potential problem with about:preferences, see

roytam1 commented 4 months ago

potential problem with about:preferences, see


AroKol78 commented 3 months ago

a minor note about emoticons:

roytam1 commented 3 months ago

a minor note about emoticons:

* 20240615-3219d2d-uxp-d835b252d7-xpmod - emojis look the worse (some emoticons have lost their color), even fewer colorful emojis compared even to the version from, for example, two months ago

* 20240608-3219d2d-uxp-75b0995d95-xpmod - the version that best supported colored emojis

known issue as the emoji parsing patch has a side effect (bug) that makes selecting numbers individually becoming impossible.

AroKol78 commented 2 months ago

not error - a minor note regarding ua - last Serpent52 as if it were possible to automatically apply the values ​​​​from general.useragent.platform_version 6.6 to UXP_VERSION and maybe think of something similar for GK_VERSION general.useragent.compatMode.version 102.0 in the same file.

roytam1 commented 2 months ago

as if it were possible to automatically apply the values ​​​​from general.useragent.platform_version 6.6 to UXP_VERSION

UAO is a pref, i.e. static values. so it can't be done in a dynamic way.