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wintc-taskband's start menu opens as a window instead of a pop-up in Devuan #292

Closed knightcole closed 2 months ago

knightcole commented 2 months ago

I am running on Devuan Excalibur (equivalent to Debian Trixie)

I installed all the required dependencies and after building and installing the deb packages, I ran wintc-taskband and clicked the start menu, and noticed that the menu opened as a window with the name "Popup" instead of as an actual start menu like in the README screenshot. Is there a way to fix this?


If it helps, I attached the stdout and stderr output of


rozniak commented 2 months ago

It should hint to not use window decorations - you're not using something like gtk3-nocsd are you ?

knightcole commented 2 months ago

I checked for gtk3-nocsd and it came preinstalled! Removing it fixed the issue. Thanks!


As an aside, I think it would be useful to add an instruction to uninstall gtk3-nocsd if it's installed in the system.

knightcole commented 2 months ago

Interacting with certain buttons closes the program for some reason. I ran it with the terminal and clicking Documents and Computer causes this:

xdg-mime: file 'exo-open --launch FileManager /home/coder900/Documents' does not exist
xdg-mime: file 'exo-open --launch FileManager /' does not exist
Segmentation fault
rozniak commented 2 months ago

Do you have exo-open ? It should be part of XFCE... :thinking:

If it's crashing because exo-open is missing then that is a bug I need to deal with!

knightcole commented 2 months ago

I have exo-open. When I run the command separately, it works. Maybe it's trying to interpret a command as a file?

rozniak commented 2 months ago

Part of that is the look up, in case it refers to a file on disk (determine file MIME, then open it with MIME handler)

It should be failing through that to the final 'just run the command' case though. Maybe I'll have to try spinning up a Devuan VM to have a poke

rozniak commented 2 months ago

I have managed to reproduce the crash on a Devuan Excalibur VM - haven't debugged yet but when I open My Documents, it is successful in opening Thunar, and then wintc-taskband segfaults afterwards.

rozniak commented 2 months ago

Reproducible for me when opening a new Thunar window at / . Crashes in GTK, after gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf()

Building GTK from Devuan/Debian Salsa sources to see if I can confirm if this is a GTK bug in 3.24.41-1 or if somehow the usage of GTK is wrong. Re-reading the docs I'm sure the taskband/shelldpa code is correct (maintain a reference to the pixbuf, set image (GTK adds a ref), unref ours).

rozniak commented 2 months ago

Screenshot of backtrace (gobject sources not shown - only GTK3/wintc) image

rozniak commented 2 months ago

Next steps - will need to check if this problem still occurs in latest GTK 3.24 branch upstream. If the issue persists, bisect against latest known working version of GTK 3 (whatever is latest on like Arch Linux or Alpine I guess? pretty sure those are working)

rozniak commented 2 months ago

Issue does not occur with the latest upstream GTK 3-24 branch. Just for confirmation I tested with the upstream GTK 3.24.41 tag, and the crash occurs there.

@knightcole Unfortunately I don't have any immediate solution to the crash, it resides in the particular version of GTK 3 currently packaged in Devuan Excalibur/Debian Trixie.

knightcole commented 2 months ago

I see. Still, thanks for your help regardless! And good luck on your project! (^^

rozniak commented 2 months ago

Not sure what the those distro branches update schedules are like, but yeah in theory whenever they update GTK 3, the crash should be resolved. :grin: