rparak / PyBullet_Industrial_Robotics_Gym

The project focuses on motion planning for a wide range of robotic structures using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms to solve the problem of reaching a static or random target within a pre-defined configuration space.
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using with other reinforcement framework #1

Open ChenyangRan opened 1 month ago

ChenyangRan commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for your working. I would like to ues the ur3 model to create my gym env and train with other RL framework instaed of stable-baselines3. How should I go about modifying to achieve my goals?

rparak commented 1 month ago

Hi @ChenyangRan,

The model is trained in the designated "Training" folder, where examples for training each method are provided. You should modify the part of the script containing the "stable_baselines3" library if you want to use your own solution or another library.


If you wish to customize the environment to your specific requirements, the necessary information can be found in the "Configuration" folder, which is part of the PyBullet simulation module.


I hope everything is clear, if not, please contact me at: Roman.Parak@outlook.com

Have a great day.