podman run --rm --name docker_registry_proxy -it \
--net kind --hostname docker-registry-proxy \
-v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_cache:/docker_mirror_cache \
-v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_certs:/ca \
Adding certificate for registry: docker.caching.proxy.internal
Adding certificate for registry: registry-1.docker.io
Adding certificate for registry: auth.docker.io
Adding certificate for registry: k8s.gcr.io
Adding certificate for registry: gcr.io
Adding certificate for registry: quay.io
INFO: Will create certificate with names DNS:docker.caching.proxy.internal,DNS:registry-1.docker.io,DNS:auth.docker.io,DNS:k8s.gcr.io,DNS:gcr.io,DNS:quay.io
INFO: CA already exists. Good. We'll reuse it.
INFO: Generate IA key
INFO: Create a signing request for the IA: docker-registry-proxy 2024.11.13 17:06
INFO: Sign the IA request with the CA cert and key, producing the IA cert
INFO: Initialize the serial number for signed certificates
INFO: Create the key (w/o passphrase..)
INFO: Create the signing request, using extensions
INFO: Sign the request, using the intermediate cert and key
INFO: Concatenating fullchain.pem...
INFO: Concatenating fullchain_with_key.pem
Adding Auth for registry 'some.authenticated.registry' with user 'oneuser'.
Adding Auth for registry 'another.registry' with user 'user'.
Manifest caching config: ---
# First tier caching of manifests; configure via MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_REGEX and MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_TIME
location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/(stable|nightly|production|test) {
set $docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-primary";
proxy_cache_valid 10m;
include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf";
# Secondary tier caching of manifests; configure via MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_REGEX and MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_TIME
location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/(.*)(\d|\.)+(.*)(\d|\.)+(.*)(\d|\.)+ {
set $docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-secondary";
proxy_cache_valid 60d;
include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf";
# Default tier caching for manifests. Caches for 1h (from MANIFEST_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME)
location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/ {
set $docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-default";
proxy_cache_valid 1h;
include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf";
Timeout configs: ---
# Timeouts
# ngx_http_core_module
keepalive_timeout 300s;
send_timeout 60s;
client_body_timeout 60s;
client_header_timeout 60s;
# ngx_http_proxy_module
proxy_read_timeout 60s;
proxy_connect_timeout 60s;
proxy_send_timeout 60s;
# ngx_http_proxy_connect_module - external module
proxy_connect_read_timeout 60s;
proxy_connect_connect_timeout 60s;
proxy_connect_send_timeout 60s;
Upstream SSL certificate verification enabled.
Testing nginx config...
2024/11/13 17:06:50 [emerg] 68#68: invalid port in resolver "fc00:f853:ccd:e793::1" in /etc/nginx/resolvers.conf:1
nginx: [emerg] invalid port in resolver "fc00:f853:ccd:e793::1" in /etc/nginx/resolvers.conf:1
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
The command able to start the proxy fails