rpaschoal / ng-chat

💬 A simple facebook/linkedin lookalike chat module for Angular applications.
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Styles for dark/light theme are leaking to other components #130

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Given the following example:

<h1 class="dark-theme">Some header</h1>
<ng-chat [adapter]="adapter" [userId]="userId"></ng-chat>

The <h1> element will inherit the styles for "dark-theme", even though it is not part of ng-chat.

The ng-chat decorator uses encapsulation: core.ViewEncapsulation.None, so the generated styles for "dark-theme" or "light-theme" will be applied to any element of the Angular app that match the class name "dark-theme":

.dark-theme,.dark-theme .primary-text{color:#fff;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}.dark-theme .primary-background{background-color:#565656}.dark-theme .secondary-background{background-color:#444}.dark-theme .primary-outline-color{border-color:#353535}.dark-theme .friends-search-bar{background-color:#444;border:1px solid #444;color:#fff}.dark-theme .ng-chat-people-action,.dark-theme .ng-chat-people-action>i,.dark-theme .unread-messages-counter-container{background-color:#fff;color:#444}.dark-theme .load-history-action{background-color:#444}.dark-theme .chat-window-input{background-color:#444;color:#fff}.dark-theme .file-message-container,.dark-theme .sent-chat-message-container{border-color:#444;background-color:#444}.dark-theme .file-message-container.received,.dark-theme .received-chat-message-container{background-color:#565656;border-color:#444}.dark-theme .ng-chat-footer{background-color:#444}

A quick solution would be to add a custom prefix to all generated styles. If the basic class is changed to ng-chat-dark-theme then no other components in Angular should be affected.

rpaschoal commented 4 years ago

Hi @centigrade-thomas-becker ,

Thanks for pointing this out! Will consider this enhancement for a next release!


rpaschoal commented 4 years ago

Hi @centigrade-thomas-becker ,

I haven't released this with 2.0.5 but I'm still planning to release this at some point.


ghost commented 4 years ago

Another solution would be to add the element name to the css rules, like ng-chat.dark-theme. What do you think which solution would be better?

rpaschoal commented 4 years ago

Hi @centigrade-thomas-becker , I think that adding a selector prefix to it would be ideal (Such as .ng-chat).

Would you be comfortable in getting a PR for this? If you want to work around this just remember to do some dev testing around the default light and dark themes and also to test the custom theme support as well.


ghost commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I am short on time right now.

rpaschoal commented 4 years ago

The changes discussed here were released with https://github.com/rpaschoal/ng-chat/releases/tag/3.0.1

The changes were pushed with this pull request: https://github.com/rpaschoal/ng-chat/pull/156