rpaschoal / ng-chat

💬 A simple facebook/linkedin lookalike chat module for Angular applications.
MIT License
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Status indicator on chat window not syncing with friendlist #185

Open keithlim opened 3 years ago

keithlim commented 3 years ago

Hi there Rafael, Hats off to you for creating this awesome component, helping me immensely with my internship. I'd like to check on a possible bug, where as mentioned in the title, there seems to be an issue with the updating of the status color. I've seen #140, and am positive my friendlist is fetching data via polling, such that the friendlist status indicators change color successfully. But the chat window one doesn't. Could you please advise?

<ng-chat *ngIf="userId" [adapter]="adapter" [userId]="userId" [title]="title" [theme]="theme" (onMessagesSeen)="markMessagesSeen($event)" [pollFriendsList]="true" [historyEnabled]="true"> </ng-chat>


rpaschoal commented 3 years ago

Hi @keithlim ,

No worries, sorry about the delay in replying. I haven't been actively looking or contributing to this repository these days.

If you have pollFriendsList enabled, the friends list should be querying your selected Friends endpoint on a cycle basis. I would check there to see if the endpoint results are reflecting the correct status.

Hope this helps. Cheers!