rpaudel42 / Pikachu

PIKACHU: Temporal Walk Based Dynamic Graph Embedding for Network Anomaly Detection
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Possibly bug in anomaly_detection.py? #4

Open Niemj8919 opened 9 months ago

Niemj8919 commented 9 months ago

Hello, recently I read your paper "PIKACHU: Temporal Walk Based Dynamic Graph Embedding for Network Anomaly Detection" and found it really helpful for my current research. I download the source code on the repo and ran "python main.py --train False" by README.md, however the program failed to run, There is an "List index out of range" error in anomaly_detection.py line 22. It seems that the Variable node_emb in function aggregate_neighbors should be a one-dimensional array,but it is actually two-dimensional. I tried to converse node_emb into one-dimensional array to fix the problem. After that the program run successfully, however the TPR is only 65%, along with a high FPR of 35%. I wonder if I actually use a wrong method to fix the problem above, or I didn't run the whole program properly?

Alepao99 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I have encountered the same problem: "List index out of range" error in anomaly_detection.py line 22