rpautrat / SuperPoint

Efficient neural feature detector and descriptor
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problems with descriptor_loss #198

Closed Bohrhh closed 3 years ago

Bohrhh commented 3 years ago
def descriptor_loss(descriptors, warped_descriptors, homographies,
                    valid_mask=None, **config):
    # Compute the position of the center pixel of every cell in the image
    (batch_size, Hc, Wc) = tf.unstack(tf.to_int32(tf.shape(descriptors)[:3]))
    coord_cells = tf.stack(tf.meshgrid(
        tf.range(Hc), tf.range(Wc), indexing='ij'), axis=-1)
    coord_cells = coord_cells * config['grid_size'] + config['grid_size'] // 2  # (Hc, Wc, 2)
    # coord_cells is now a grid containing the coordinates of the Hc x Wc
    # center pixels of the 8x8 cells of the image

    # Compute the position of the warped center pixels
    warped_coord_cells = warp_points(tf.reshape(coord_cells, [-1, 2]), homographies)
    # warped_coord_cells is now a list of the warped coordinates of all the center
    # pixels of the 8x8 cells of the image, shape (N, Hc x Wc, 2)

    # Compute the pairwise distances and filter the ones less than a threshold
    # The distance is just the pairwise norm of the difference of the two grids
    # Using shape broadcasting, cell_distances has shape (N, Hc, Wc, Hc, Wc)
    coord_cells = tf.to_float(tf.reshape(coord_cells, [1, 1, 1, Hc, Wc, 2]))
    warped_coord_cells = tf.reshape(warped_coord_cells,
                                    [batch_size, Hc, Wc, 1, 1, 2])
    cell_distances = tf.norm(coord_cells - warped_coord_cells, axis=-1)
    s = tf.to_float(tf.less_equal(cell_distances, config['grid_size'] - 0.5))
    # s[id_batch, h, w, h', w'] == 1 if the point of coordinates (h, w) warped by the
    # homography is at a distance from (h', w') less than config['grid_size']
    # and 0 otherwise

    # Normalize the descriptors and
    # compute the pairwise dot product between descriptors: d^t * d'
    descriptors = tf.reshape(descriptors, [batch_size, Hc, Wc, 1, 1, -1])
    descriptors = tf.nn.l2_normalize(descriptors, -1)
    warped_descriptors = tf.reshape(warped_descriptors,
                                    [batch_size, 1, 1, Hc, Wc, -1])
    warped_descriptors = tf.nn.l2_normalize(warped_descriptors, -1)
    dot_product_desc = tf.reduce_sum(descriptors * warped_descriptors, -1)
    dot_product_desc = tf.nn.relu(dot_product_desc)
    dot_product_desc = tf.reshape(tf.nn.l2_normalize(
        tf.reshape(dot_product_desc, [batch_size, Hc, Wc, Hc * Wc]),
        3), [batch_size, Hc, Wc, Hc, Wc])
    dot_product_desc = tf.reshape(tf.nn.l2_normalize(
        tf.reshape(dot_product_desc, [batch_size, Hc * Wc, Hc, Wc]),
        1), [batch_size, Hc, Wc, Hc, Wc])
    # dot_product_desc[id_batch, h, w, h', w'] is the dot product between the
    # descriptor at position (h, w) in the original descriptors map and the
    # descriptor at position (h', w') in the warped image

    # Compute the loss
    positive_dist = tf.maximum(0., config['positive_margin'] - dot_product_desc)
    negative_dist = tf.maximum(0., dot_product_desc - config['negative_margin'])
    loss = config['lambda_d'] * s * positive_dist + (1 - s) * negative_dist

    # Mask the pixels if bordering artifacts appear
    valid_mask = tf.ones([batch_size,
                          Hc * config['grid_size'],
                          Wc * config['grid_size']], tf.float32)\
        if valid_mask is None else valid_mask
    valid_mask = tf.to_float(valid_mask[..., tf.newaxis])  # for GPU
    valid_mask = tf.space_to_depth(valid_mask, config['grid_size'])
    valid_mask = tf.reduce_prod(valid_mask, axis=3)  # AND along the channel dim
    valid_mask = tf.reshape(valid_mask, [batch_size, 1, 1, Hc, Wc])

    normalization = tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask) * tf.to_float(Hc * Wc)
    # Summaries for debugging
    # tf.summary.scalar('nb_positive', tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask * s) / normalization)
    # tf.summary.scalar('nb_negative', tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask * (1 - s)) / normalization)
    tf.summary.scalar('positive_dist', tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask * config['lambda_d'] *
                                                     s * positive_dist) / normalization)
    tf.summary.scalar('negative_dist', tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask * (1 - s) *
                                                     negative_dist) / normalization)
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(valid_mask * loss) / normalization
    return loss

I'm confused by cell_distances and dot_product_desc. cell_distances = tf.norm(coord_cells - warped_coord_cells, axis=-1) where coord_cells with shape (1,1,1,Hc,Wc,2) and warped_coord_cells with shape (batch_size, Hc, Wc, 1, 1, 2)

However, dot_product_desc = tf.reduce_sum(descriptors * warped_descriptors, -1) where descriptors with shape (batch_size, Hc, Wc, 1, 1, -1) and warped_descriptors with shape (batch_size, 1, 1, Hc, Wc, -1)

They are inconsistent for the position of Hc and Wc. The shape of coord_cells should be (1,Hc,Wc,1,1,2) and the shape of warped_coord_cells should be (batch_size, 1, 1, Hc, Wc, 2). Am I right?

rpautrat commented 3 years ago

Hi, the naming warped_coord_cells is a bit unfortunate. If you follow the operations, the cell_distances is computed on the warped image. So coord_cells actually refers to the unchanged coordinates in the warped image, and warped_coord_cells corresponds to the coordinates of the original image that have been warped by the homography.

On the contrary, descriptors corresponds to the original image, and warped_descriptors corresponds to the warped image. So the correct association is coord_cells<->warped_descriptors and warped_coord_cells<->descriptors, as is currently used in the code.

I hope this is a bit clearer now. I agree that this part of the code is a bit confusing to parse.

Bohrhh commented 3 years ago

got it, thank you very much for your explanation!