rpbouman / open-msp-viewer

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Resource pane in gantt chart #9

Open rpbouman opened 10 years ago

rpbouman commented 10 years ago

This would be a new pane, beneath the current task and calendar pane. On the left half, currently the task pane, this would show the resource id and label. In the right half, the calendarpane, this would show how the resources was assigned and how it contributes to the task.

This would allow one to analyze timephased data, assignements, etc. in detail in a natural way. (Don't think MS Project has a comparable feature)

rpbouman commented 10 years ago

Note: dojox seems to have something like that: http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/nightly/dojotoolkit/dojox/gantt/tests/test_Gantt.html