rpbouman / xmondrian

A java web archive (.WAR) to easily deploy and run the mondrian OLAP engine. Includes example schemas and datasets, client libraries, and web-frontends.
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 6 forks source link

Version of xmondrian for Mondrian 4 #4

Open julianhyde opened 7 years ago

julianhyde commented 7 years ago

Maybe this has been discussed already and I've missed it/forgotten it, but would it be possible to create a variant of xmondrian that embeds Mondrian 4?

My colleagues report that xmondrian is very convenient to use, but we want to use Mondrian 4 (and develop new versions of Mondrian 4) and dropping Mondrian-4 into xmondrian.war produces some exceptions due to missing classes.

In http://rpbouman.blogspot.nl/2016/03/need-mondrian-war-checkout-xmondrian.html you say the ant script is "not particularly valuable to me but it's also not of very high quality that's why I'd rather not share it." Could you reconsider? It doesn't matter if it's crappy. We've all written crappy code that does the job. If it's open source we can make it better.

kc14 commented 4 years ago

What do you think of converting it into a complete dynamic web application project with maven? I think this should not be too hard, to create a project which builds an executable WAR and which contains mondrian simply as standard maven dependency. This way it should be easy to include newer versions of mondrian.

As far as I can see the other projects in the WAR also exist on GitHub, so it should be easy to include them, too, as project dependencies. But I must admit, I don't know, how hard it would be to port these projects, so that they would work with Mondrian 4.

Also I don't know if you have a project for the Foodmart Sample Cube with the embedded HSQLDB.

But it would be great to have this as a regular WAR project.

If this sounds interesting, I would try to setup a standard maven project to build the existing WAR and if this succeeds to try port it to Mondrian 4 ... of course with your help since I am not familiar with the other projects.