rpcxio / rpcx-gateway

http gateway for rpcx services. Clients in any programming languages can call them
Apache License 2.0
204 stars 40 forks source link

register bug #2

Closed wangwanttt closed 6 years ago

wangwanttt commented 6 years ago

var ( addr = flag.String("addr", ":9981", "http server address") st = flag.String("st", "http1", "server type: http1 or h2c") //registry = flag.String("registry", "peer2peer://", "registry address") registry = flag.String("registry", "consul://localhost:8500", "registry address") --------- i use consul ------ ...... case "consul": //regAddr is localhost:8500 return client.NewConsulDiscovery(*basePath, "placeholder", []string{regAddr}, nil), nil

compli error:

2018/01/06 12:20:06 consul_discovery.go:59: INFO : cannot get services of from registry: rpcx/placeholder%!(EXTRA *errors.errorString=Key not found in store) panic: Key not found in store

smallnest commented 6 years ago

please attach your full code

wangwanttt commented 6 years ago
package main

import (

    gateway "github.com/rpcx-ecosystem/rpcx-gateway"

var (
    addr       = flag.String("addr", ":9981", "http server address")
    st         = flag.String("st", "http1", "server type: http1 or h2c")
    //registry   = flag.String("registry", "peer2peer://", "registry address")
    registry   = flag.String("registry", "consul://localhost:8500", "registry address")
 //-------------  改成了我自己的-------
    basePath   = flag.String("basepath", "/rpcx_test", "basepath for zookeeper, etcd and consul")
    failmode   = flag.Int("failmode", int(client.Failover), "failMode, Failover in default")
    selectMode = flag.Int("selectmode", int(client.RoundRobin), "selectMode, RoundRobin in default")

func main() {

    d, err := createServiceDiscovery(*registry)
    if err != nil {
    gw := gateway.NewGateway(*addr, gateway.ServerType(*st), d, client.FailMode(*failmode), client.SelectMode(*selectMode), client.DefaultOption)

func createServiceDiscovery(regAddr string) (client.ServiceDiscovery, error) {
    i := strings.Index(regAddr, "://")
    if i < 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("wrong format registry address. The right fotmat is [registry_type://address]")

    regType := regAddr[:i]
    regAddr = regAddr[i+3:]

    switch regType {
    case "peer2peer": //peer2peer://
        return client.NewPeer2PeerDiscovery("tcp@"+regAddr, ""), nil
    case "multiple":
        var pairs []*client.KVPair
        pp := strings.Split(regAddr, ",")
        for _, v := range pp {
            pairs = append(pairs, &client.KVPair{Key: v})
        return client.NewMultipleServersDiscovery(pairs), nil
    case "zookeeper":
        return client.NewZookeeperDiscovery(*basePath, "placeholder", []string{regAddr}, nil), nil
    case "etcd":
        return client.NewEtcdDiscovery(*basePath, "placeholder", []string{regAddr}, nil), nil
    case "consul": // -------- 改成了我自己的 ----
        return client.NewConsulDiscovery(*basePath, "Login", []string{regAddr}, nil), nil
    case "mdns":
        client.NewMDNSDiscovery("placeholder", 10*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "")
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong registry type %s. only support peer2peer,multiple, zookeeper, etcd, consul and mdns", regType)

    return nil, errors.New("wrong registry type. only support peer2peer,multiple, zookeeper, etcd, consul and mdns")
wangwanttt commented 6 years ago

我用 go客户端 访问consul 调用 服务器端是可以的,但node,js 调用gateway -->consul --> rpc服务 则不行 会报错 018/01/06 17:34:44 server.go:307: WARN : rpcx: failed to handle request: rpcx: can't find service

app.get('/test', function (req, res) {

    url: "http://localhost:9981/",
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/rpcx',
      'X-RPCX-MessageID': '12345678',
      'X-RPCX-MesssageType': '0',  //设置0作为请求 1--响应
      'X-RPCX-SerializeType': '1',
      'X-RPCX-ServicePath': '',
      'X-RPCX-ServiceMethod': 'Login'
    body: '{"Name":"node.js", "Psw":"调用网关"}'
  }, function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
smallnest commented 6 years ago
  1. gateway中
// -------- 改成了我自己的 ----

不要做修改 , placeholder是个占位符,不要动

smallnest commented 6 years ago
  1. client中,使用你正确的servicepath和servicemethod,你设置servicepath为空肯定不正确
 'X-RPCX-ServicePath': '',

设置你的servicePath, 比如 Login, 看例子

wangwanttt commented 6 years ago

case "consul": return client.NewConsulDiscovery(basePath, "placeholder", []string{regAddr}, nil), nil ---------- 改成这样,一启动就报错的--- /rpcx_test/placeholder2018/01/07 12:58:01 consul_discovery.go:60: INFO : cannot get services of from registry: rpcx_test/placeholder%!(EXTRA errors.errorString=Key not found in store) panic: Key not found in store

关于 rpcx-gateway 的配置关键点,能详细说明下吗?针对于我的这个 consul 中的 key,我 客户端和gateway 和 servcie端应该怎么配呢?现在的配置用 rpcx 的client是可以调用的,但换成 gateway 就很多莫名其妙问题,能不能给个QQ号,具体交流下啊,大神 key

wangwanttt commented 6 years ago


smallnest commented 6 years ago


smallnest commented 6 years ago



看起来你的ServierPath是Login, ServiceMethod是什么?LoginLogout?


wangwanttt commented 6 years ago


smallnest commented 6 years ago

Clone method of consul/etcd/zookeeper registry has an issue. Please pull latest rpcx to test