rpgmaker / NetJSON

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When deserialize null result it throw "Input is not a valid JSON". #247

Closed Mutuduxf closed 4 months ago

Mutuduxf commented 9 months ago

The code like this:

TestModel? nullModel = null;
var json = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(nullModel, NetJSONSettings.CurrentSettings); // The serialize result is "null" 
var result = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<TestModel>(json); // Throw "Input is not a valid JSON."
rpgmaker commented 9 months ago

Thanks. Will look into it

rpgmaker commented 4 months ago

I have fixed the issue. It was failing because it was checking the character for { and ] and explicit "null" string was causing the failure. I will push it as part of the next update later.

rpgmaker commented 4 months ago

@Mutuduxf , I have pushed the changes to version 1.4.4. Please test again and reopen if it is still an issue. Thanks