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ShaderTilemap, very hard to manage, how add child in ZLayer or befor ? #127

Closed jonlepage closed 6 years ago

jonlepage commented 6 years ago

how and when to add layers when map build? I try in several classes, but impossible. I want to avoid rewriting the pixi code, but I want to add child to this place. did you have triks ?

//TODO: faire un scan de tous les layer possible, et ajouter de haut en bas. Le scan peut etre fait au debut dans le plugin parameter
Scene_Map.prototype.addPictureAniLayers = function(aniLayersContainers) {
    var tilemap = this._spriteset._tilemap;
    //create all layer, but need check if we assign special rmmv layer
    for(layer in aniLayersContainers){
        if( aniLayersContainers[layer]._asignedRmmvLayer ){ // if assigned rmmv zLayer
            var layerGameName = aniLayersContainers[layer]._asignedLayerGame;
            if(layerGameName==='belowEvents'){ // couche sous Event dans lowerZLayer
                var Z = tilemap.lowerZLayer.z;
                tilemap.addChildAt(aniLayersContainers[layer],0); // why i can no add all child to 0

        }else{ // default Top Picture ZLayer




the addChildAt work one time , but after , they go in middle ???

jonlepage commented 6 years ago

how we supose to deal with somthing like thats . I do not want documentation comparable to Unity with here super doc on C# but these difficult to understand what happens here OMG!

var PIXI;
(function (PIXI) {
    var tilemap;
    (function (tilemap_1) {
        var ZLayer = (function (_super) {
            __extends(ZLayer, _super);
            function ZLayer(tilemap, zIndex) {
                var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
                _this._lastAnimationFrame = -1;
                _this.tilemap = tilemap;
                _this.z = zIndex;
                return _this;
            ZLayer.prototype.clear = function () {
                var layers = this.children;
                for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
                this._previousLayers = 0;
            ZLayer.prototype.cacheIfDirty = function () {
                var tilemap = this.tilemap;
                var layers = this.children;
                var modified = this._previousLayers != layers.length;
                this._previousLayers = layers.length;
                var buf = this.canvasBuffer;
                var tempRender = this._tempRender;
                if (!buf) {
                    buf = this.canvasBuffer = document.createElement('canvas');
                    tempRender = this._tempRender = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(100, 100, { view: buf });
                    tempRender.context = tempRender.rootContext;
                    tempRender.plugins.tilemap.dontUseTransform = true;
                if (buf.width != tilemap._layerWidth ||
                    buf.height != tilemap._layerHeight) {
                    buf.width = tilemap._layerWidth;
                    buf.height = tilemap._layerHeight;
                    modified = true;
                var i;
                if (!modified) {
                    for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
                        if (layers[i].isModified(this._lastAnimationFrame != tilemap.animationFrame)) {
                            modified = true;
                this._lastAnimationFrame = tilemap.animationFrame;
                if (modified) {
                    if (tilemap._hackRenderer) {
                    tempRender.context.clearRect(0, 0, buf.width, buf.height);
                    for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
                this.layerTransform = this.worldTransform;
                for (i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
                    this.layerTransform = layers[i].worldTransform;
            ZLayer.prototype.renderCanvas = function (renderer) {
                var wt = this.layerTransform;
                renderer.context.setTransform(wt.a, wt.b, wt.c, wt.d, wt.tx * renderer.resolution, wt.ty * renderer.resolution);
                var tilemap = this.tilemap;
                renderer.context.drawImage(this.canvasBuffer, 0, 0);
            console.log('zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZLayer: ', ZLayer);
            return ZLayer;

        tilemap_1.ZLayer = ZLayer;
    })(tilemap = PIXI.tilemap || (PIXI.tilemap = {}));
})(PIXI || (PIXI = {}));
jonlepage commented 6 years ago

ok am not shure at 100% but what do you think about

ShaderTilemap.prototype._paintAllTiles = function(startX, startY) {

is the good class to call function and add some children in the ZLayer ?

jonlepage commented 6 years ago

ok close #127 it solved. I hate this ShaderTilemap. 4 hours on and I think I have a solution. Why rmmv, do not do as UNITY and comment all codes.!!!!!!

pixiSSA._rmmvAlias.ShaderTilemap_paintAllTiles = ShaderTilemap.prototype._paintAllTiles;
ShaderTilemap.prototype._paintAllTiles = function(startX, startY) {
    pixiSSA._rmmvAlias.ShaderTilemap_paintAllTiles.call(this,startX, startY);
    // start add layer aniPictures


//TODO: faire un scan de tous les layer possible, et ajouter de haut en bas. Le scan peut etre fait au debut dans le plugin parameter
ShaderTilemap.prototype.addPictureAniLayers = function(aniLayersContainers) {
     console.log(this,'32áaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa32'); // wow work register Zindex
    //create all layer, but need check if we assign special rmmv layer
    for(layer in aniLayersContainers){
        console.log('layer: ', layer);
        if( aniLayersContainers[layer]._asignedRmmvLayer ){ // if assigned rmmv zLayer
            var layerGameName = aniLayersContainers[layer]._asignedLayerGame;
            if(layerGameName==='belowEvents'){ // couche sous Event dans lowerZLayer
                console.log('belowEvents: +++++++++++++++++++++');
                this.lowerZLayer.addChild(aniLayersContainers[layer]); // why i can no add all child to 0


        }else{ // default Top Picture ZLayer TODO:


