Closed strcter closed 7 years ago
This repository uses English as the main language.
1)Maybe OK.
2)Please ask KADOKAWA support team. The stable version is planned to be offered as a Tkool license.
[1] Under MIT License, you can use, publish, distribute and sublicense softwares. So in this case OK.
Hi, Thanks for quick reply. I will write the text in English here. (Tkool License was written in japanese, so I reported issue in japanese on GitHub) Should I translate previous quesions? Are there available English version of Tkool License?
[1] I understand, It's ok.
[2] (1) If it isn't permitted, when contributer modifiy and run the MIT Licensed corescript, it is a violation for Tkool License on many cases. Because modified corescript is own program(in japanese word:自作プログラム), So IMHO, it shall be permitted.
(2), (3) If case[2]-(1) is permitted, I think [2] (2),(3) is also permitted naturally.
(4) I think this is a borderline case. All of RPG Tkool Software had been proprietary licensed until yesterday. So, If someone use and play Tkool Software or Tkool Game, the man agreed with Tkool License, we couldn't imagine a case of non-officialy Tkool Software. But corescript of Tkool MV license was freed under the MIT License, So we can suppose possibility of forked version(i.e. Non-official but it's permitted legally by copyright holders) of Tkool Software. In such case, what is mean of a Game made by Tkool?, The game was editted by Official Tkool Editor?, or the game has possibility to run on corescript(which includes derivied version of corescript) License Agreements looks like to not suppose such cases.(In addition, these doen't suppose that releasesing codes under the MIT License anyway)
Finally, I really loves Tkool Games. I used to make games by RPG Tkool 2000 on Windows when I were teenager. Thanks for releasing source codes under free license!
This time license became MIT because tkool community and DWANGO who manages "RPG atsumaru" proposed to KADOKAWA.
Therefore, corescript license is tkool license and MIT's duel license. In general, loose rules take precedence over hard licenses, but we are not in a position to judge it.
This is also common sense talk, but the contract is for protecting business. And OSS is for developers to enjoy development and contribute to the community. Unless there is inevitability,I think that is not it necessary to strict boundary examples.
@strcter If you solve issue, please close it.
こんにちは、MIT License でリリースされたcorescriptの ライセンス上許可される事項について質問があります。
[1] RPGツクールMVでエディットされたゲームのスクリプト部分(RTP素材などをもちろん除く)をMIT Licenseなど(Apache 2.0, BSDL, GNU GPLなどへのサブライセンスも含む)の下でゲームとして公開することは可能ですか?
ここでいうスクリプトとは(このリポジトリで公開されている)corescript + 公開者が自ら書いたコードとライセンスによる許諾を得て使っているコードを指します。
[2] ツクールシリーズ利用許諾には以下のような記述があります。
RPGツクールMVの公式エディタから出力した作品のcorescriptの部分をGitHub上のcorescriptで置き換えた場合 (テスト目的や新機能を使う目的でDevelopブランチを落としてきて置き換えることなどが想定される)