rpherbig / dr-scripts

A series of Lich 5 (https://github.com/elanthia-online/lich-5) scripts for use with DragonRealms (http://www.play.net/dr/). Donations are welcome (http://www.paypal.me/rcuhljr)!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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hunting-buddy and crossing-trainer running simultaneously and conflicting. #1054

Closed arkrail closed 7 years ago

arkrail commented 7 years ago

I've been having multiple instance of hunting-buddy and crossing-trainer being run simultaneously by training-manager, causing me to die to things like box picking naked in hunting grounds, or removing my armor to repair gear in front of 4 dire bears. I'm attaching log snippets of what I can find of the errors starting, let me know if you need more of the logs.

Kalravion: sell-loot]>deposit all

The clerk slides a small metal box across the counter into which you drop all your Kronars. She counts them carefully and records the deposit in her ledger.


[sell-loot]>withdraw 3 silver

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Kalravion, it looks like your current balance is 1100 platinum, 6 gold, 9 silver, 9 bronze, and 9 copper Kronars."

[sell-loot]>check balance

The clerk counts out 3 silver Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger.

--- Lich: sell-loot has exited.

--- Lich: crossing-training active.

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Kalravion, it looks like your current balance is 1100 platinum, 6 gold, 6 silver, 9 bronze, and 9 copper Kronars." Summoning Lord Torgro just arrived.

--- Lich: hunting-buddy active.


[hunting-buddy: STATUS stopping due to time]

You cup your hand before thrusting your palm up and out in a slapping motion at a dire bear! Angry hissing accompanies green-hued liquid spraying forth from your palm to form a viridian glob that quickly leaps towards a dire bear. The glob completely covers its back with stinging fumes as it flies on by. Roundtime: 1 sec. You feel fully rested. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


You take note of all the tracks in the area, so that you can hunt anything nearby down.

To the east, northeast, north, down: 1) a blood wolf 2) a blood wolf

Roundtime: 8 sec.



You bob suddenly, lowering yourself into a smaller target. [You're nimbly balanced and in good position.] Roundtime: 4 sec. A dire bear stands up on its hind legs and sniffs inquisitively at the air.

[combat-trainer]>pre pv 2

You trace a hasty sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Petrifying Visions spell.


You come out of hiding. You hesitate and change your mind, circle back awkwardly. The dire bear easily out maneuvers you. [You're nimbly balanced with no advantage.] Roundtime: 3 sec.


You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved. Roundtime: 3 sec.


You leap out of hiding and ambush a dire bear, completely surprising it. < Attacking gracefully, you punch your brass knuckle at a dire bear. A dire bear attempts to evade, stepping partially into the shot. The knuckle lands a solid hit (4/23) to the bear's left arm. [You're nimbly balanced with no advantage.] [Roundtime 2 sec.]


You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved. Roundtime: 3 sec. You feel fully prepared to cast your spell. You feel fully rested. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


You are convinced that your stalking went unobserved. You move into position to stalk a dire bear when it moves. Roundtime: 2 sec.


You leap out of hiding and ambush a dire bear, gaining a slight advantage. < Moving fluidly, you punch your brass knuckle at a dire bear. A dire bear fails to evade, pivoting toward safety but still partially within harm's reach. The knuckle lands a solid hit (4/23) to the bear's chest. [You're solidly balanced with no advantage.] [Roundtime 2 sec.] You feel fully rested.


You gesture at a dire bear. You whisper several words of arcane power, attempting to twist a dire bear's mind with primal terror. Your malefic assault overtakes a dire bear, petrifying it to the spot! Roundtime: 2 sec.


You reach out with your senses and see pale (7/21) streams of black Necromantic mana oozing through the area. Letting your senses extend further, you feel there is immensely more mana to the northwest, and around the same mana to the east. You sense the Rite of Contrition spell upon you, which will last until you fail to provide 6 mana for it. You sense the Manifest Force spell surrounding you, which will last for eight roisaen or until it has endured six more blows. You sense the Obfuscation spell upon you, which will last for about eight roisaen. Roundtime: 7 sec.



...wait 1 seconds.


You leap out of hiding and ambush a dire bear, startling it. < Moving fluidly, you punch your brass knuckle at a dire bear. A dire bear fails to evade, avoiding most of the blow. The knuckle lands a solid hit (4/23) to the bear's left leg. [You're solidly balanced with no advantage.] [Roundtime 2 sec.] You feel fully rested.

[combat-trainer]>tar ACS 2

You trace a hasty sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Acid Splash spell. You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a dire bear. A dire bear wheels around quickly and drops to all fours.

[combat-trainer]>charge my armband 1

You harness a small amount of energy and attempt to channel it into your cambrinth armband. You are able to channel all the energy into the armband. The cambrinth armband absorbs all of the energy. Roundtime: 2 sec.

[combat-trainer]>invoke my armband

The cambrinth armband pulses with Arcane energy. You reach for its center and forge a magical link to it, readying all of its mana for your use. Roundtime: 1 sec. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


You weave back and forth in a dance-like motion, drawing your opponent's attention away from the fight. [You're nimbly balanced and in good position.] Roundtime: 4 sec. Your formation of a targeting pattern around a dire bear has completed. Your cambrinth armband thrums softly as it discharges all its power to maintain your spell.


You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved. Roundtime: 3 sec. A dire bear stands up on its hind legs and sniffs inquisitively at the air. A dire bear stands up on its hind legs and sniffs inquisitively at the air.


You bob suddenly, lowering yourself into a smaller target. [You're nimbly balanced and in very strong position.] Roundtime: 4 sec. You feel fully rested. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again. A dire bear lumbers in. A dire bear stands up on its hind legs and sniffs inquisitively at the air.


You reveal yourself. You cup your hand before thrusting your palm up and out in a slapping motion at a dire bear! Angry hissing accompanies green-hued liquid spraying forth from your palm to form a viridian glob that quickly leaps towards a dire bear. As the glob races by its left leg, several drops fly off and sizzle while burning pits into the flesh. The dire bear is lightly stunned! Roundtime: 1 sec. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


To the east, northeast, north, north: 1) a blood wolf

To the east, northeast, north, down: 2) a blood wolf

Roundtime: 8 sec. A dire bear appears less distracted. You've gained a new rank in your overall defensive maneuvering. The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.


You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved. Roundtime: 3 sec. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


A dire bear stands up on its hind legs and sniffs inquisitively at the air. You leap out of hiding and ambush a dire bear, catching it off guard. < Moving in gracefully, you punch your brass knuckle at a dire bear. A dire bear attempts to evade, not quite escaping the blast. The knuckle lands a hard hit (5/23) that bruises the left forearm. [You're nimbly balanced and in good position.] [Roundtime 2 sec.]

[combat-trainer]>stance set 100 0 82

Setting your Evasion stance to 100%, your Parry stance to 0%, and your Shield stance to 82%. You have 0 stance points left. The dire bear closes to pole weapon range on you!

[combat-trainer]>pre pv 2

You feel fully rested. You trace a hasty sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Petrifying Visions spell.


You fake a dire bear, first moving one way and then another, leaving it off balance. [You're nimbly balanced and in superior position.] Roundtime: 3 sec. The dire bear closes to melee range on you!


[combat-trainer]>get my cutlass

You get a steel cutlass from inside your shoulder tote.

[combat-trainer]>stance set 100 82 0

A dire bear lumbers in. A dire bear lumbers in. The dire bear begins to advance on Gamila. The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.

[combat-trainer]>app bear quick

You are certain that the dire bear is in extremely bad shape. The dire bear has more than a few relatively minor wounds. You are confident that it is about as strong as you are. You are confident that it is somewhat less agile than you are. You wonder if it is quite a bit less disciplined than you are. You are confident that it is rather less quick to react than you are. You wonder if it is apparently as conditioned as you are. You weren't able to observe long enough to even guess at its offensive skill. Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a steel cutlass, you wonder if the dire bear is something that you'd kill quickly.

[Roundtime: 3 seconds]


< You draw a steel cutlass at a dire bear. A dire bear evades, barely managing to get out of the way.
[You're winded, adeptly balanced and overwhelming opponent.] [Roundtime 3 sec.]



[combat-trainer]>tar ACS 2

You trace a hasty sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Acid Splash spell. You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a dire bear. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again. The dire bear no longer seems petrified.

[combat-trainer]>charge my armband 1

[You're nimbly balanced and in better position.] You harness a small amount of energy and attempt to channel it into your cambrinth armband. You are able to channel all the energy into the armband. The cambrinth armband absorbs all of the energy. Roundtime: 2 sec.

[combat-trainer]>invoke my armband

The cambrinth armband pulses with Arcane energy. You reach for its center and forge a magical link to it, readying all of its mana for your use. Roundtime: 1 sec.


You fake a dire bear, first moving one way and then another, leaving it off balance. [You're adeptly balanced and overwhelming opponent.] Roundtime: 4 sec. Your formation of a targeting pattern around a dire bear has completed.


< Moving fluidly, you slice a steel cutlass at a dire bear. A dire bear attempts to dodge, mainly avoiding the blow. The cutlass lands a strong hit (6/23) that splinters bones and nearly severs the left arm. A dire bear growls one last time and collapses. [You're adeptly balanced] [Roundtime 4 sec.] You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


[combat-trainer]>release spell

You let your concentration lapse and feel the spell's energies dissipate.


Your body feels at full strength. Your spirit feels full of life. You have no significant injuries.

[combat-trainer]>perform preserve on bear

You bend over the bear's corpse to make one long, continuous cut with your ritual knife that just barely pierces into it. Unseen energies seep into the creature's fluids, suspending the corpse in unnatural stasis for a time. Roundtime: 4 sec. You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.

[combat-trainer]>perform harvest on bear

You bend over the bear's corpse to make a few quick, precise motions with your ritual knife, focusing your thanatological insight intently in order to prepare it for harvesting. You then plunge your knife efficiently into the corpse and carve out an average piece of fetish material. Roundtime: 4 sec.

[combat-trainer]>drop material

Having no further use for an average chunk of bear material, you discard it. The material quickly degrades into uselessness.


You search the dire bear. You find nothing of interest.

[combat-trainer]>tar ACS 2

[combat-trainer]>charge my armband 1

You harness a small amount of energy and attempt to channel it into your cambrinth armband. You are able to channel all the energy into the armband. The cambrinth armband absorbs all of the energy. Roundtime: 2 sec.

[combat-trainer]>invoke my armband

The cambrinth armband pulses with Arcane energy. You reach for its center and forge a magical link to it, readying all of its mana for your use. Roundtime: 1 sec.


You cup your hand before thrusting your palm up and out in a slapping motion at a dire bear! Your cambrinth armband emits a loud snap as it discharges all its power to aid your spell. Angry hissing accompanies green-hued liquid spraying forth from your palm to form a viridian glob that quickly leaps towards a dire bear. The glob coats its abdomen with an irritating mist as it hurtles on past. Roundtime: 1 sec.

[combat-trainer]>release ROC

The Rite of Contrition matrix loses cohesion, leaving your aura naked.


You retreat back to pole range.


The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear advances from nearby and is closing steadily. You retreat from combat.

[combat-trainer]>stow my cutlass

You put your cutlass in your shoulder tote.

--- Lich: combat-trainer has exited.


You are already as far away as you can get! The dire bear closes to pole weapon range on you! The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily. The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.

[hunting-buddy]>release ROC

Release what? [Check RELEASE HELP for more information.]

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:36 (168 rooms to move through)]


You are engaged to a dire bear at pole weapon range!


You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.


You retreat from combat.


You are already as far away as you can get!

[go2: move: failed]

You go east. [Rocky Outcrop] Little light penetrates this narrow gap between the two mounds of the outcropping. Grey rock soars toward the sky to the north and south, with a deep, treacherous looking crevasse in between to the immediate south of the trail. A few sickly ferns grow in gaps and chinks in the rock, and a scrubby bush with poisonous looking berries clings to one side of the slope.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.

[go2: restarting script...]

[go2: error: your current room was not found in the map database]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

[hunting-buddy: Failed to navigate to room 8926, attempting again]

[hunting-buddy: In an unknown room, manually attempting to navigate to 8926]

[hunting-buddy: failed to find a matching room]

[hunting-buddy]>inv combat

All of your combat:

a lelori forester's stonebow some lumium ring gloves a lumium ring balaclava a polished steel parry stick a quilted silk hauberk sealed with protective wax a small gryphon-pelt shield sealed with protective wax some silver-chased elbow spikes some brass knuckles [Type INVENTORY HELP for more options]

--- Lich: hunting-buddy has exited.

--- Lich: safe-room active.


Your body feels at full strength. Your spirit feels full of life. You have no significant injuries.

[safe-room: STATUS No wounds, skipping healing]

--- Lich: safe-room has exited.

--- Lich: crossing-repair active.

[crossing-repair]>inv combat

All of your combat:

a lelori forester's stonebow some lumium ring gloves a lumium ring balaclava a polished steel parry stick a quilted silk hauberk sealed with protective wax a small gryphon-pelt shield sealed with protective wax some silver-chased elbow spikes some brass knuckles [Type INVENTORY HELP for more options]

[crossing-repair]>wealth kronars

3 silver Kronars (300 copper Kronars). A dire bear saunters in, swinging its head from side to side.

[crossing-repair: In an unknown room, manually attempting to navigate to 1900]

[crossing-repair: failed to find a matching room]

[crossing-repair]>withdraw 9 gold

You must be at a bank teller's window to withdraw money. A dire bear saunters in, swinging its head from side to side. The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily. The dire bear begins to advance on you! The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.

[crossing-repair: *** No match was found after 15 seconds, dumping info]

[crossing-repair: messages seen length: 8]

[crossing-repair: message: You must be at a bank teller's window to withdraw money.]

[crossing-repair: message: A dire bear saunters in, swinging its head from side to side.]

[crossing-repair: message: Manifest Force (5 roisaen)]

[crossing-repair: message: Obfuscation (5 roisaen)]

[crossing-repair: message: The dire bear begins to advance on you!]

[crossing-repair: message: The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.]

[crossing-repair: message: The dire bear begins to advance on you!]

[crossing-repair: message: The dire bear is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.]

[crossing-repair: checked against [/The clerk counts/i, /The clerk tells/i]]

[crossing-repair: In an unknown room, manually attempting to navigate to 19093]

[crossing-repair: failed to find a matching room]

The dire bear closes to pole weapon range on you!

[crossing-repair]>remove my ring.balaclava

You take a lumium ring balaclava off your head. Roundtime: 1 sec. The dire bear closes to pole weapon range on you! The dire bear closes to melee range on you!

[crossing-repair]>give my ring.balaclava to Catrox

What is it you're trying to give? The dire bear closes to melee range on you!

rpherbig commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed by @rcuhljr in c41219c1b47e3e5f40e6d929b7480522789a28b2