rpherbig / dr-scripts

A series of Lich 5 (https://github.com/elanthia-online/lich-5) scripts for use with DragonRealms (http://www.play.net/dr/). Donations are welcome (http://www.paypal.me/rcuhljr)!
GNU General Public License v2.0
53 stars 175 forks source link

Jail Buddy with Pick #1839

Closed mwest152 closed 6 years ago

mwest152 commented 6 years ago

My log describing this is pretty long, but basically arrested during "pick" script, when jail buddy is done and pick is unpaused, the box you were previously holding is stowed and then pick hangs looking for a box. I think previously I made sure to pick out of town to avoid arrest, but there is a threshold of debt, I think like 50 plat, where the guards will come find you out of town.

With a dramatic flourish, you pull out a strip of cloth and tie it around your head, covering your eyes.

You then deftly remove a lockpick from the lockpick ring and begin to work at somehow blindly picking open the caddy. Your lack of knowledge of the lock hinders your initial efforts somewhat. Your armor hinders your attempt. Your bear handwraps hinders your attempt. You are unable to make any progress towards opening the lock. You return your lockpick to the lockpick ring. Roundtime: 9 sec. R> "Stop right there!" The shout reverberates through the area as the guard charges towards you. "We've been looking for you for a while now. You're under arrest!" Before you really realize what's going on, your hands are firmly bound behind you and you are marched off. The guard brings you to the jail, where several companions aid to hold you down and strip you of all your possessions. They are placed in a sack under the watchful eye of the jail warden, and then you are ushered to a cell, the door opened just long enough for you to be shoved inside.

[Guard House, Jail Cell] From the stench here, it is apparent that the guards have little interest in coddling criminals. Mounds of musty-smelling hay have been pushed up along the walls, though it is impossible to imagine sleep as a viable possibility here. You also see a mound of smelly hay, a heavily barred door and a barred window. Obvious exits: none.

PR> PR> --- Lich: smartlisten paused.

--- Lich: training-manager paused.

--- Lich: hunting-buddy paused.

--- Lich: pick paused.


The cell door opens, and an armored guard enters, pointing a finger at you. "Come along, Gnome, it's time to face the judge." You are quickly escorted out, and the door closed behind you.

[Guard House, Chamber of Justice] A chill races through your spine as you stare up at the platform from which justice is so mercilessly dispensed by the local magistrate. A few low benches stretch out along the western wall, where a heavily-armed guard oversees visitors and defendants alike with a stern, watchful eye.
Obvious exits: west. The judge gazes down at you with stern eyes, "Giulietta, you stand before this court accused of thievery. Though the evidence against you is considerable, final judgement has not yet been reached. How do you plead?" [PLEAD INNOCENT or PLEAD GUILTY]

Room Number: 19218

[jail-buddy]>PLEAD INNOCENT

You raise your voice and firmly declare your intent to prove your innocence!

The judge nods solemnly, "You shall be given a chance to present your arguments in your defense, then."

Doing your best to muster the entirety of your eloquence, you argue the case that you should be found innocent of the crimes before you today. The judge listens intently, comparing what you say with notes upon his desk, and when you finish your summation, you can only hope that he was adequately moved.

After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Giulietta, this court is not moved by your arguments, and finds you guilty of the charges brought against you. Your unwillingness to admit responsibility for your crimes shall weigh heavily upon you, Gnome." After a weighty pause, the judge speaks, "Giulietta, you have been found guilty of thievery in the Principality of Zoluren. It is with a solemn hope that you will change your ways that I pronounce a fine upon you of 63 platinum, 8 gold, 8 silver, 3 bronze, and 6 copper. If you cannot pay immediately, your things will be held until you can repay the debt to society that you owe. Failure to come up with the money within twelve days shall result in a forfeiture of your possessions, and their intrinsic value removed from your debt."

The bailiff rifles through your coin purse briefly, until it is obvious you do not have the necessary cash. He tosses it back to you. The judge nods, "Return when you have paid your debts, your possessions will be in a sack marked with your name, Giulietta." [You have ++72++ RL hours to pay off your debts at the local collection office, then retrieve your things. If you have not paid your debt at that point, your items will be forfeit, and some of their value put towards your debts.]

--- Lich: pay-debt active.


Debt: You owe 63 platinum, 8 gold, 8 silver, 3 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren. (638,836 copper Kronars)

Wealth: 9 platinum, 9 gold, 12 silver, 5 bronze, and 9 copper Kronars (100,259 copper Kronars). 3 bronze, and 1 copper Lirums (31 copper Lirums). 15 silver, 15 bronze, and 48 copper Dokoras (1,698 copper Dokoras).

[pay-debt]>wealth kronars

9 platinum, 9 gold, 12 silver, 5 bronze, and 9 copper Kronars (100,259 copper Kronars).

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:03 (15 rooms to move through)]


You scamper west.

[Guard House, Hallway] At the far end of the hallway, faint light illuminates the iron grating set into a heavily barred door. Hideous green paint flakes from the walls, settling onto the stone floors and crunching underfoot with each step. You also see a heavily barred door and a battered wooden closet. Obvious exits: east, west.

Room Number: 19217



You scamper west.

[Guard House, Office] Like most towns, this one spared every expense when decorating the office of the local guard. An ancient desk, battered and scarred from years of neglect, is positioned a little too closely behind the counter that divides the room in half. Scraps of yellowed parchment flutter from a massive cork board just inside the door, where one of the local militia is busily arranging and rearranging the jumble. You also see a large chest with the words LOST AND FOUND enscribed on it, a plain sign, a plaque and an ancient rickety desk with several things on it. Obvious exits: east, out.

Room Number: 19216

You scamper out.


[The Crossing, Commerce Avenue] The congested junction of Commerce Avenue, Bank Street and Ustial Road is here. One block east is the Traders' Guildhall, and to the south lie the giant warehouses and customs clearing houses that serve the river trade. Farther east lies the Mercantile Union, and farther south lie the docks and the roaring currents of the great Segoltha River itself. The wealthy traders in the immediate vicinity deemed this the perfect spot for the Guard House.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 896


You scamper south.

[The Crossing, Ustial Road] This stretch of Ustial Road is a strange mixture of people and buildings. Several prosperous-looking townhouses line the north side of the street. Their windowless exteriors rise above thick town walls decorated with glazed ceramic tiles. Through the iron gates that lead within, you spy well-appointed rooms clustered around shady courtyards. On the south side of the street, the houses are more modest, as though some invisible boundary had been drawn straight down the middle of the road. You also see a large building displaying the flag of a stylized raven. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Room Number: 897

You run south.


[The Crossing, Stevedore's Wend] The scene is monotonous - warehouses to the west, warehouses to the east, and the hulking shell of the customs clearing house and main warehouse, Riverfront Portage. Its back wall looms due south, as you skirt around this corner. Few but the bedraggled longshoremen trudging by have business along this byway and they eye you listlessly. You also see an old warehouse. Obvious paths: north, southeast.

Room Number: 898


You run southeast.

[The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned] An apparent contradiction, the toney esplanade here is right in the midst of a group of warehouses to the north and the customs and storage house of Riverfront Portage to the west. The strollers and workers mingle, with most of the leisure traffic centering around the noisy amusement pier to the south. You also see a small mahogany building. Obvious paths: east, southwest, west, northwest.

Room Number: 899

You run east.

[The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned] The path here runs right along the river bank, as the shore curves into the land to form a small protected inlet. Directly south, a few small craft are beached, anchored by heavy rocks. One has oars but no rudder, another has a rudder but no bottom, and yet another has a bottom riddled with holes. Several tattered nets are hung on driftwood frames to dry, and alongside them, a few gutted fish.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 915



You run east.

[The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned] Hustling businessmen mingle with grimy dockworkers and indolent strollers here, all proceeding at very different paces. Handcarts filled with baskets and burlap bundles are pushed by stout, young lads past ladies decked in their finery. Most of the well-heeled leisure set seems to be headed to and from the freshly painted dock here. Some private boats and pleasure craft are moored to it.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 923


You run east.

[The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned] The promenade here is a pleasant place to stroll along the riverbank and watch the activities on the broad and swift Segoltha River. The walkway is broad and clean, paved with bright red bricks forming whimsical patterns and abstract designs. The breeze off the river is invigorating. Several young hawkers try to peddle snacks and flowers to families or couples out taking the air, while merchants and seamen rush by.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 930


You run east.

[The Crossing, Chieftain Walk] The warehouses and low buildings to the northwest resolve into a flat, open stretch of turf to the south, where the two rivers that shape the Crossing begin to come together. This level alluvial delta is home to the Crossing's main shipyard, where many of the barges, ferries, frigates, merchant ships, and corsairs that ply the rivers and seas of Elanthia are built. The weathered shipyard gate leads southeast.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.

Room Number: 929

[go2]>go bridge

You run northeast.

[The Crossing, Chieftain Walk] This busy threeway is a vital link. The Longbow Bridge feeds into it from the northeast, and the warehouse and dock district which stand to the south and west bustle with activity. The commercial district to the northwest, and the pleasant and populous beach resort are to the southeast, just at the mouth of the River Oxenwaithe, where it empties into the Segoltha.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest.

Room Number: 928


[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach] This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames brightly visible in the dark flare from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see the Longbow Bridge, the locked almsbox and a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds. Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

Room Number: 741

[go2]>go bank

You run northeast.

[The Crossing, Hodierna Way] The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf. Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.

Room Number: 732

[go2]>go window

[First Provincial Bank, Lobby] Marble tiled floors covered with heavy rugs and walls of polished jasper that gleam a cool blue mark this bank as solid and secure (and expensive). An official money-changing booth is to one side and a row of tellers windows faces you. Several guards, armed and armored, stand ready for trouble of any sort. Near the tellers stands a table of fine wood for those who need to do some writing. You also see the tellers' windows, a bucket of viscous gloop and a money-changer's booth. Also here: Apothecary Makarov. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1901

[Provincial Bank, Teller] A neat row of barred windows faces you along a marble counter. Several patrons are already busy but there seems to be one window available. The clerk smiles at you and beckons you over. You also see a freshly painted sign. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1900

[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

[pay-debt]>withdraw 53 platinum

The clerk counts out 53 platinum Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger. balance A burly Gor'Tog taps you on the shoulder and says, "Giulietta, roight? I'm Barg, from da Debt Collector's Office. I tink y'have sometin' I been sent t' collect." With a resigned sigh, you hand your coins to the collector. "Dis ain't all da debt, but dis is enough for now. You still owe 8,577 Kronars dough - don't forget." The collector grins and steps aside.

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,711 platinum, 2 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze, and 4 copper Kronars."

[pay-debt]>withdraw 8 gold

The clerk counts out 8 gold Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger. balance

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,710 platinum, 4 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze, and 4 copper Kronars."

[pay-debt]>withdraw 5 silver

The clerk counts out 5 silver Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger. balance

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,710 platinum, 3 gold, 8 silver, 6 bronze, and 4 copper Kronars."

[pay-debt]>withdraw 7 bronze

The clerk counts out 7 bronze Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger. balance

Epesr just arrived.

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,710 platinum, 3 gold, 7 silver, 9 bronze, and 4 copper Kronars."

[pay-debt]>withdraw 7 copper

The clerk counts out 7 copper Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger. balance

Epesr exchanges some words with the clerk.


The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,710 platinum, 3 gold, 7 silver, 8 bronze, and 7 copper Kronars."

Debt: You owe 8 gold, 5 silver, 7 bronze, and 7 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren. (8,577 copper Kronars)

Wealth: 8 gold, 5 silver, 7 bronze, and 7 copper Kronars (8,577 copper Kronars). 3 bronze, and 1 copper Lirums (31 copper Lirums). 15 silver, 15 bronze, and 48 copper Dokoras (1,698 copper Dokoras).

[pay-debt]>wealth kronars

Epesr exchanges some words with the clerk.

8 gold, 5 silver, 7 bronze, and 7 copper Kronars (8,577 copper Kronars).

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:01 (7 rooms to move through)]


You scamper out.

[First Provincial Bank, Lobby] Marble tiled floors covered with heavy rugs and walls of polished jasper that gleam a cool blue mark this bank as solid and secure (and expensive). An official money-changing booth is to one side and a row of tellers windows faces you. Several guards, armed and armored, stand ready for trouble of any sort. Near the tellers stands a table of fine wood for those who need to do some writing. You also see the tellers' windows, a bucket of viscous gloop and a money-changer's booth. Also here: Apothecary Makarov. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1901



You scamper out.

[The Crossing, Hodierna Way] The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf. Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.

Room Number: 732

You scamper northwest.


[The Crossing, Alamhif Trace] This pivotal junction connects many of the Crossing's key locations. Blazing to the south in the night sky are the flames on the Temple's three towers, while the lights of Town Green and Town Hall can be seen off towards the north and northeast. The babble of many languages, clan and guild and folk fill the air here, busy at every hour. Travelers dressed in all manner of costume, garb and battle gear amble past, admiring the darkened outlines of the buildings, or looking about to get their bearings. You also see the Carousel square. Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.

Room Number: 733


You scamper north.

[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road] Majestic lunat trees line this byway, donated by the town's prosperous traders, a reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 753

You scamper east.

[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road] A modest two-story building with a slate roof and large windows dominates this section of town. This is the Town Hall, the place to pay fines and taxes, obtain permits and licenses, and attend the occasional town meeting. On the other side of this tree-lined street is the Plaza. Looking east from here you can barely make out the ramparts of the Eastern Wall over the low roofs of the houses and shops. You also see a gilded walkway. Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 752

[go2]>go town hall

[go2]>go collection office

[Town Hall, Lobby] Surrounded by the nerve centers of the administrative arm of the local government, the lobby is an area open to the second floor with skylights in the roof overhead. Various offices open off the main floor, and a flight of stairs leads upward. An attempt at a cheerful paint scheme has become worn and faded with time until it is now a dusty grey and anemic beige, dull and unremarkable. You also see a notice for potential home buyers, the Town Collection Office and a Citizenship Registration Office. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 8283

[Town Hall, Debtors' Office] This large room is full of clerks processing citizens' and travellers' payments for the various debts, fines and taxes any town needs to operate. A well-worn and scuffed counter keeps the public at bay from the harried civil servants and the tile floor is badly in need of waxing from the countless feet that have shuffled in and out during the day. The room has that somewhat grim and cheerless feel common to most places where people are forced to hand over money. You also see a heavy wooden sign. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 8282

[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

[pay-debt]>pay 8577

The clerk nods and takes your money, noting that your debt is now settled.

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:03 (16 rooms to move through)]


You scamper out.

[Town Hall, Lobby] Surrounded by the nerve centers of the administrative arm of the local government, the lobby is an area open to the second floor with skylights in the roof overhead. Various offices open off the main floor, and a flight of stairs leads upward. An attempt at a cheerful paint scheme has become worn and faded with time until it is now a dusty grey and anemic beige, dull and unremarkable. You also see a notice for potential home buyers, the Town Collection Office and a Citizenship Registration Office. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 8283



You scamper out.

[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road] A modest two-story building with a slate roof and large windows dominates this section of town. This is the Town Hall, the place to pay fines and taxes, obtain permits and licenses, and attend the occasional town meeting. On the other side of this tree-lined street is the Plaza. Looking east from here you can barely make out the ramparts of the Eastern Wall over the low roofs of the houses and shops. You also see a gilded walkway. Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 752

You scamper west.

[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road] Majestic lunat trees line this byway, donated by the town's prosperous traders, a reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.


Room Number: 753


You scamper south.

[The Crossing, Alamhif Trace] This pivotal junction connects many of the Crossing's key locations. Blazing to the south in the night sky are the flames on the Temple's three towers, while the lights of Town Green and Town Hall can be seen off towards the north and northeast. The babble of many languages, clan and guild and folk fill the air here, busy at every hour. Travelers dressed in all manner of costume, garb and battle gear amble past, admiring the darkened outlines of the buildings, or looking about to get their bearings. You also see the Carousel square. Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.

Room Number: 733

You scamper southeast.

[The Crossing, Hodierna Way] The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf. Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.

Room Number: 732


[go2]>go bridge

You run southwest.

[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach] This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames brightly visible in the dark flare from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see the Longbow Bridge, the locked almsbox and a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds. Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

Room Number: 741


[The Crossing, Chieftain Walk] This busy threeway is a vital link. The Longbow Bridge feeds into it from the northeast, and the warehouse and dock district which stand to the south and west bustle with activity. The commercial district to the northwest, and the pleasant and populous beach resort are to the southeast, just at the mouth of the River Oxenwaithe, where it empties into the Segoltha.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest.

Room Number: 928


You run north.

[The Crossing, 3 Retainers' Crescent] The Longbow Bridge is due east, as the river flows beneath it, just at the edge of your vision. To the south is the Shipyard and The Strand, a pleasant beach where the two rivers that define the life of the Crossing meet. To the west are the commercial institutions that are the centers of trade and finance.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Room Number: 927


You run west.

[The Crossing, Drayhorse Trace] The constant clamor of hooves on cobblestones echoes off the walls of the distribution centers, granaries, magazines, and storehouses that border the street in this part of town. Horse-drawn flatbed wagons, mounted merchants on fine steeds, and carriages bearing regal ladies all clatter by, raising whorls of dust.
Obvious paths: east, northwest.

Room Number: 924


Entail just arrived.

Entail runs east.

You run northwest.

[The Crossing, Drayhorse Trace] A long, fortified warehouse here extends to the west into Mercantile Street. It looks more like some kind of military storehouse or armory. Guards dressed in some kind of private uniforms discourage you from further satisfying your curiosity about the structure. You turn your attention to the waters of the River Oxenwaithe, which from this spot is visible both to the north and the east, as it snakes its way southwards around this promontory.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.

Room Number: 911


You run north.

[The Crossing, Gold Barque Quay] Several swank-looking private boats, gondolas and a few sleek, flat-bottomed river boats are tied up here. A large log raft stands in dry dock on some stone pilings, ready to be put into service on those occasions when the floods of demonic weather cause the River Oxenwaithe to o'erflow its banks and wash out the town's two bridges or if invaders breach the town's defenses and set torch to them.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, west.

Room Number: 910


You run west.

[The Crossing, Bank Street] The Moneylender's commands a breathtaking view of the River Oxenwaithe and its aquatic commerce flowing south towards the mighty Segoltha River and thence eastward to the sea. From its top-floor windows the bankers can keep watch over the Traders' Guild to the west, and can view the low sprawling warehouses and docks to the south. Directly across the river is a curious dwelling with a glass gazebo atop it. You also see a well-used road leading to the Engineering Society Depot and the Zoluren Alchemy Society Building. Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 909


You run west.

[The Crossing, Bank Street] A lovely view of the river bend is afforded to the northeast, but the vast majority of the pedestrians here hurry by oblivious, as they make their way to the various commercial, financial and trade establishments located in this part of town. Wealthy merchants, determined traders, intent-looking shopkeepers and wholesalers, and their hangers-on, pass you by. You could swear you also see a crafty cutpurse or two among the jostling throng. You also see the Zoluren Engineering Society Building. Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 908


You run west.

[The Crossing, Bank Street] You stand at the entrance to the Traders' Guildhall, an understated, elegant structure with carved wooden doors, stout brick chimneys, tiled gables, pargetted decorations and leaded glass windows. The door that leads inside is guarded by an officious concierge. Due west along this busy street is the Crossing's Guard House, and east is the Moneylender, a financial institution for merchants great and small all over Elanthia.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 901

[go2]>go guard

You run west.

[The Crossing, Commerce Avenue] The congested junction of Commerce Avenue, Bank Street and Ustial Road is here. One block east is the Traders' Guildhall, and to the south lie the giant warehouses and customs clearing houses that serve the river trade. Farther east lies the Mercantile Union, and farther south lie the docks and the roaring currents of the great Segoltha River itself. The wealthy traders in the immediate vicinity deemed this the perfect spot for the Guard House.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 896

[Assuming you mean the Guard House.]

[Guard House, Office] Like most towns, this one spared every expense when decorating the office of the local guard. An ancient desk, battered and scarred from years of neglect, is positioned a little too closely behind the counter that divides the room in half. Scraps of yellowed parchment flutter from a massive cork board just inside the door, where one of the local militia is busily arranging and rearranging the jumble. You also see a large chest with the words LOST AND FOUND enscribed on it, a plain sign, a plaque and an ancient rickety desk with several things on it. Obvious exits: east, out.

Room Number: 19216

[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

[pay-debt]>get Giulietta sack

You reach for your sack and retrieve the equipment stored inside. [Though you tried to be thorough, you feel something was left within the small sack.]

--- Lich: pay-debt has exited.

[jail-buddy]>open my sack

You open your small sack.

[jail-buddy]>look in my sack

In the small sack you see a mud-stained brass caddy.

[jail-buddy]>get caddy from my sack

You get a mud-stained brass caddy from inside your small sack.

[jail-buddy]>stow my caddy

You put your caddy in your black haversack.

[jail-buddy]>look in my sack

There is nothing in there.

[jail-buddy]>drop my sack

You drop a small sack.

--- Lich: sell-loot active.

[sell-loot]>open my duffel bag

[sell-loot]>tap my fuzzy pouch in my duffel bag

That is already open.

You tap a fuzzy gem pouch inside your duffel bag.

[sell-loot]>tap my bundle

You tap a tight bundle that you are wearing.

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:03 (16 rooms to move through)]


You scamper out.

[The Crossing, Commerce Avenue] The congested junction of Commerce Avenue, Bank Street and Ustial Road is here. One block east is the Traders' Guildhall, and to the south lie the giant warehouses and customs clearing houses that serve the river trade. Farther east lies the Mercantile Union, and farther south lie the docks and the roaring currents of the great Segoltha River itself. The wealthy traders in the immediate vicinity deemed this the perfect spot for the Guard House.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 896



You scamper north.

[The Crossing, Commerce Avenue] This is a transitional block of busy Commerce Avenue, leading between the mercantile, financial and dock districts to the south, and the somewhat shabby, older and less savory neighborhood to the north. You also see some massive iron doors. Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 895

You scamper north.

[The Crossing, Scorpion Lane] Though no sinister dead-end or perilous cul-de-sac, you feel wary as you make your way along this lane. The shadowy rear wall of a large nondescript building bounds the north side of the street here, instilling an irrational but unshakable sensation of countless unseen departures and arrivals through secret doors at your back and hidden tunnels beneath your feet. Glimmers of light east toward Water Sprite Way provide some comfort, as do the busy sounds from Kertigen Road to the west. You also see a brilliantly painted sign displayed prominently in front of the Artificer's Shop. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Room Number: 894



You scamper north.

[The Crossing, Dodgers' Row] Feet tread the cobbled streets here, booted feet, sandaled feet, armored feet, rag-wrapped feet, all thumping against the pavement and reverberating off the closely-spaced, rundown buildings. In the slimy gutter, along the west curb, a pile of dry straw has been heaped up against a sewer grating. You also see a shattered wooden fence. Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 893

You run north.


[The Crossing, Damaris Lane] Unlike most of the Crossing's broad and expansive intersections, the corners where Damaris Lane meets Cutpurse Alley are shadowy and sinister. Though the junction makes for a small plaza of sorts, there is a claustrophobic feel here that does not bode well. You also see the Academy of Agility. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Room Number: 891


You run north.

[The Crossing, Cutpurse Alley] Cutpurse Alley runs between the Pawn Shop on the east side of the way, and the notorious Viper's Nest Inn on the west. You feel a mob of shadowy figures skulking past you, although you can discern no one clearly. The hot breath of a covetous scoundrel on the nape of your neck reminds you of how this byway got its name and causes you to quicken your step.
Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 890

You run north.

[The Crossing, Varlet's Run] This murky lane connects the Viper's Nest Inn, whose entrance is to the southwest, and the Pawnshop, whose doors are just east, around the corner. Anonymous but brisk traffic between the two establishments makes you wonder whether the patrons are pawning their goods to buy more drink or are relieving themselves of slightly hot merchandise acquired in some ill-lit nook of the tavern. You also see a scruffy doorway.


Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Room Number: 889


You run north.

[The Crossing, Goodwhate Pike] The gates to the west, the river and Oxenwaithe Bridge to the east, the town walls and dense forests and scrub just beyond to the north - all serve as a reminder of the dichotomy between the untamed forces of nature and the works of mortals that life in Elanthia constantly confronts its inhabitants with. Such cosmic musings are soon cut short, however, as a foul-smelling Dwarf barbarian shoves aside a few passersby rudely and lumbers past.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 863

You run east.


[The Crossing, Oxenwaithe Bridge] This bridge is wide and sturdy, its strong oaken planks weathered but in good repair. Across this span must stream all the traffic directly proceeding to or coming from the Northern and Western Tiers. Oxcarts laden with imports and exports rumble past.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 862


You run east.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] The meandering course of the River Oxenwaithe lies dead ahead. Wooden carts, powered by all manner of two- and four-legged beasts, rumble past, headed west towards the broad, well-worn planks of the Oxenwaithe Bridge and east into the heart of the Crossing. Groups of armed adventurers, mystics, merchants and rogues weave in and out of the wheeled and hoofed mobs. You also see a grizzled old war veteran. Obvious paths: east.

Room Number: 772


You run east.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] From the west comes the sound of currents rushing through a narrow river bend, while in the distance, just barely evident to the northwest, is a corner of the outer town wall, over which the calls of birds can be heard. Mingled among the sublime sounds of nature, are the equally sweet sounds reaching your ears from a small, unpretentious building set unobtrusively off to the south side of the road. You also see a small building. Also here: Paladin Qualtor. Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 771


Paladin Qualtor goes west.

You run east.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] A side entrance to the Academy, in the form of a low, bronze gate, stands here. Students and faculty come and go through it, since it provides convenient access to the inns and eateries clustered to the north and east of Elanthia's most renowned seat of learning and research. Several blocks to the east looms the dome of the Champions' Arena, which also houses the Barbarians' Guild and farther north, both within and without the sheltering walls of town, lie various other Guilds.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 770

You run north.


[The Crossing, Truffenyi Place] Truffenyi Place runs straight along the north-south axis of the Crossing and leads to the Guilds and Academy, vital institutions of town life. A quiet but constant buzz of citizens and adventurers engaged in missions, commerce, debate and worship fills the street. More pronounced are the peals of amiable laughter and snippets of modest songs that come from Taelbert's Inn, perched proudly on the west curb. You also see a squat stone stable with a scarred oak door. Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 810


You run north.

[The Crossing, Truffenyi Place] Stands of sicle trees shade the intersection here, and continue to line the lane leading west. Your path follows the town wall, which takes a 90-degree turn here from east to north. Over the wall, to the west, beyond the low fruit trees, you see taller, darker vegetation, as though the forest itself is gathering its forces to lay siege to this outpost of civilization set among the wilderness.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Room Number: 819

You run west.

[The Crossing, Sicle Grove Lane] A low, shed-like building stands beneath the trees along the road here. It has a gabled roof that dips off to the side, covering a smaller annex from which a vent disgorges noxious vapors into the street. Various antlers, skulls, and tusks decorate the outside of the shed.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 820

[go2]>go shed

[Falken's Tannery, Workshop] The Tannery, presided over by the ever-alert Falken, reeks of dead things, chemicals, and unwashed adventurers who rush in to sell or appraise their latest haul of skins and furs. On the rough, deobar-paneled walls are mounted stuffed heads of animals, and specimens of birds and fish. You are struck by the absence of stuffed reptiles, however. On the counter lies a bundle of assorted furs and hides. You also see some bundling rope, a stuffed stag's head, a stuffed vulture, the tanner Falken, a sturdy door and a miniature empath. Obvious exits: west, out.

Room Number: 8266

[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

[sell-loot]>remove my bundle

You remove a tight bundle from your belt.

[sell-loot]>sell my bundle

You ask the tanner Falken to buy a tight bundle. The tanner Falken ponders over the bundle for a while, then hands you 18,606 Kronars. Tanner Falken says, "And there's your rope back again."

[sell-loot]>stow rope

The twisted steel buckle of your thighband pulses with a soft light for a moment, and you feel more focused.

You put your rope in your pink backpack.

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:03 (15 rooms to move through)]


You scamper out.

[The Crossing, Sicle Grove Lane] A low, shed-like building stands beneath the trees along the road here. It has a gabled roof that dips off to the side, covering a smaller annex from which a vent disgorges noxious vapors into the street. Various antlers, skulls, and tusks decorate the outside of the shed.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 820



You scamper east.

[The Crossing, Truffenyi Place] Stands of sicle trees shade the intersection here, and continue to line the lane leading west. Your path follows the town wall, which takes a 90-degree turn here from east to north. Over the wall, to the west, beyond the low fruit trees, you see taller, darker vegetation, as though the forest itself is gathering its forces to lay siege to this outpost of civilization set among the wilderness.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Room Number: 819


You scamper south.

[The Crossing, Truffenyi Place] Truffenyi Place runs straight along the north-south axis of the Crossing and leads to the Guilds and Academy, vital institutions of town life. A quiet but constant buzz of citizens and adventurers engaged in missions, commerce, debate and worship fills the street. More pronounced are the peals of amiable laughter and snippets of modest songs that come from Taelbert's Inn, perched proudly on the west curb. You also see a squat stone stable with a scarred oak door. Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 810


You scamper south.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] A side entrance to the Academy, in the form of a low, bronze gate, stands here. Students and faculty come and go through it, since it provides convenient access to the inns and eateries clustered to the north and east of Elanthia's most renowned seat of learning and research. Several blocks to the east looms the dome of the Champions' Arena, which also houses the Barbarians' Guild and farther north, both within and without the sheltering walls of town, lie various other Guilds.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 770

You run east.


[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] You pause a moment at one of the busiest crossroads of town. Through this intersection must pass most of those traveling from the wilderness of the Western Tier into the heart of the Crossing, and those departing as well. To the east lie the gates to the Eastern Tier, affording access to the Warrior Mages' Guild and the Observatory, and other, more perilous, destinations.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 769


You run east.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] The cobblestones here are grey and flecked with crystals that sparkle as you move along the boulevard. High walls over which loom still higher structures with shuttered, mute windows that face the street and baked tile roofs, indicate you are passing through one of the wealthier residential sections of the Crossing. You also see a small hut with a grey raven perched on the roof and a grand stone archway with a bronze plaque on it. Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 768

You run south.


[The Crossing, Via Iltesh] This small lane off of Clanthew Boulevard narrows to the south and grows wider as it leads north into the main road, giving it a shape reminiscent of the blade of a huge greatsword. Due south you can see the verdant border of the Town Green and the shops of the Weaponsmith and Armorer. To the northeast is the dome of the Champions' Arena and to the west, the three-story colonnades of the Academy dominate the skyline.
Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 786


You run south.

[The Crossing, Via Iltesh] The lane is quite narrow here, with the sides of the Armorer's and Weaponsmith's shops encroaching on the path itself. Their huddling structures and the shady hedges and lunats that form this northern boundary of the Town Green cause slippery moss to grow upon the cobblestones and cast a cool, damp pall over this end of the street.
Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 787

You run south.


[The Crossing, Town Green North] A small path of bent grass leads to a narrow stretch of cobblestones between the grass and the privet hedge that stands before Milgrym the Weaponsmith's. The town's main source of serviceable arms, Milgrym does a good trade and has a solid reputation. The stream of customers, though steady, seems careful not to disturb the usual tranquility of the facing greensward. You also see a wandering minstrel, the town green pond and a public listings board. Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south, southwest, west.

Room Number: 788


You run south.

[The Crossing, Town Green South] A gap in the stand of lunat trees leads south into Lunat Shade Road. In that general direction the lights shining from Berolt's Dry Goods, the Town Hall, the soaring presence of the Temple, the Provincial Bank and other key structures can be seen. A few loafers loll on the grass, watching those entering and leaving the green, or laying back to gaze at the night sky. A lone nightingale serenades from the hedges bordering the park, unaware of its appreciative audience.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest.

Room Number: 792

You run south.


[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road] Majestic lunat trees line this byway, donated by the town's prosperous traders, a reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 753


You run south.

[The Crossing, Alamhif Trace] This pivotal junction connects many of the Crossing's key locations. Blazing to the south in the night sky are the flames on the Temple's three towers, while the lights of Town Green and Town Hall can be seen off towards the north and northeast. The babble of many languages, clan and guild and folk fill the air here, busy at every hour. Travelers dressed in all manner of costume, garb and battle gear amble past, admiring the darkened outlines of the buildings, or looking about to get their bearings. You also see the Carousel square. Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.

Room Number: 733

You run southeast.

[go2]>go bank

[The Crossing, Hodierna Way] The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf. Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.

Room Number: 732

Zharyn just arrived.

Zharyn runs southwest.

Lindale just arrived.

[go2]>go booth

[First Provincial Bank, Lobby] Marble tiled floors covered with heavy rugs and walls of polished jasper that gleam a cool blue mark this bank as solid and secure (and expensive). An official money-changing booth is to one side and a row of tellers windows faces you. Several guards, armed and armored, stand ready for trouble of any sort. Near the tellers stands a table of fine wood for those who need to do some writing. You also see the tellers' windows, a bucket of viscous gloop and a money-changer's booth. Also here: Apothecary Makarov. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1901

[Provincial Bank, Money-changer] This small booth holds the official money-changing office for the town. The clerk works behind a thickly barred window and you pass your money in and out via a small drawer that can only be worked by the clerk. A well-padded chair is placed for your comfort while waiting for your money to be processed. You also see the exchange rate board. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1902

[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

Lindale just arrived.

[sell-loot]>exchange all dokoras for kronars

You hand your money to the money-changer. After collecting a modest fee, he hands you 2 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars.

[sell-loot]>exchange all lirums for kronars

You hand your money to the money-changer. After collecting a modest fee, he hands you 3 bronze, and 7 copper Kronars.

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:00 (2 rooms to move through)]


You scamper out.

[First Provincial Bank, Lobby] Marble tiled floors covered with heavy rugs and walls of polished jasper that gleam a cool blue mark this bank as solid and secure (and expensive). An official money-changing booth is to one side and a row of tellers windows faces you. Several guards, armed and armored, stand ready for trouble of any sort. Near the tellers stands a table of fine wood for those who need to do some writing. You also see the tellers' windows, a bucket of viscous gloop and a money-changer's booth. Also here: Apothecary Makarov. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1901

[go2]>go window

[Provincial Bank, Teller] A neat row of barred windows faces you along a marble counter. Several patrons are already busy but there seems to be one window available. The clerk smiles at you and beckons you over. You also see a freshly painted sign. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1900

[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

Lindale just arrived.


Wealth: 1 platinum, 10 gold, 8 silver, 6 bronze, and 19 copper Kronars (20,879 copper Kronars). No Lirums. No Dokoras.

[sell-loot]>deposit all

The clerk slides a small metal box across the counter into which you drop all your Kronars. She counts them carefully and records the deposit in her ledger. balance


[sell-loot]>withdraw 10 platinum

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,712 platinum, 4 gold, 6 silver, 6 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars."

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,712 platinum, 4 gold, 6 silver, 6 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars."

The clerk counts out 10 platinum Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger. balance

[sell-loot]>check balance

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,702 platinum, 4 gold, 6 silver, 6 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars."

--- Lich: sell-loot has exited.

The clerk pages through her ledger. "Giulietta, it looks like your current balance is 39,702 platinum, 4 gold, 6 silver, 6 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars."

Lindale speaks with the clerk.

--- Lich: go2 active.

[go2: ETA: 0:00:05 (25 rooms to move through)]


You scamper out.

[First Provincial Bank, Lobby] Marble tiled floors covered with heavy rugs and walls of polished jasper that gleam a cool blue mark this bank as solid and secure (and expensive). An official money-changing booth is to one side and a row of tellers windows faces you. Several guards, armed and armored, stand ready for trouble of any sort. Near the tellers stands a table of fine wood for those who need to do some writing. You also see the tellers' windows, a bucket of viscous gloop and a money-changer's booth. Also here: Apothecary Makarov. Obvious exits: out.

Room Number: 1901



You scamper out.

[The Crossing, Hodierna Way] The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf. Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.

Room Number: 732

You scamper northwest.

[The Crossing, Alamhif Trace] This pivotal junction connects many of the Crossing's key locations. Blazing to the south in the night sky are the flames on the Temple's three towers, while the lights of Town Green and Town Hall can be seen off towards the north and northeast. The babble of many languages, clan and guild and folk fill the air here, busy at every hour. Travelers dressed in all manner of costume, garb and battle gear amble past, admiring the darkened outlines of the buildings, or looking about to get their bearings. You also see the Carousel square. Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.


Room Number: 733


You scamper west.

[The Crossing, Alamhif Trace] This normally sedate area is nearly still in the night hours, the occasional late-night shopper heading to or from Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop, which hugs the north side of the road. A hooded monk exits the shop into the shadows and fingers his prayer beads with unconscious familiarity as he glances up at the bright flame on the High Temple tower to the southwest, pausing a moment before continuing his journey.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 734

You scamper west.

[The Crossing, Asemath Walk] Normally filled with bustling Clerics, academics and carousers of all types and ages, this area is peaceful as most people have retired for the night, excepting the occasional joyous song that escapes an open window from the back of the two-storied Half Pint Inn to the south. The side of the Cleric's shop is to the east, bordering the smooth paving stones that have been laid to coordinate with the approaches of the High Temple.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 735

Arctavius just arrived.



You run north.

[The Crossing, Asemath Walk] Small groups of students walk by talking in animated fashion, some excitedly about the night's feature show at the famed taproom of the Half Pint Inn, others laughing themselves wearily home after a too many few rounds of liquid libation. The well-lit inn to the south as well as the blazing flames on the towers of the High Temple to the southeast add to the cheery street atmosphere. You also see a town guard. Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 784


You run north.

[The Crossing, Asemath Walk] You stand before a sign in the shape of a giant lute, painted in red and gilt and inlaid with ivory and jet, with florid script proclaiming the virtues of the True Bard d'Or, the Crossing's finest purveyor of high-quality instruments for bards, aesthetes and amateurs alike. Dashing, gaily-clad figures stream in and out of the shop, lutes slung over shoulders or pipes clasped under arms. A haunting tune, at once both exhilarating and melancholic, emanates from the doorway.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Room Number: 783


You run north.

[The Crossing, Lorethew Street] Here figures clad in black flowing robes, trimmed with white piping, wander past in a continuous parade. The focus of the throng is the impressive structure to the northwest, the town's main seat of learning and scholarship, Academy Asemath. It encompasses libraries, dormitories, convocations and lectures by the most respected thinkers of Elanthia. Some of the facilities are open to the public, while others are restricted to faculty, students and alumni.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Room Number: 782


You run north.

[The Crossing, S'zella Plaza] This small piazza stands between the Academy Asemath and the shops and residences clustered around the Town Green to the east. Its granite pavement has been well-worn, since it forms the north-south connection between the major artery of the Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard, and Lorethew Street. Several stone benches, roughly hewn out of the same material as the pavement, form a semi-circle around a polychrome plaster statue in a quiet corner of the square.
Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 781


You run north.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] You pause a moment at one of the busiest crossroads of town. Through this intersection must pass most of those traveling from the wilderness of the Western Tier into the heart of the Crossing, and those departing as well. To the east lie the gates to the Eastern Tier, affording access to the Warrior Mages' Guild and the Observatory, and other, more perilous, destinations.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 769


You run west.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] A side entrance to the Academy, in the form of a low, bronze gate, stands here. Students and faculty come and go through it, since it provides convenient access to the inns and eateries clustered to the north and east of Elanthia's most renowned seat of learning and research. Several blocks to the east looms the dome of the Champions' Arena, which also houses the Barbarians' Guild and farther north, both within and without the sheltering walls of town, lie various other Guilds.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 770


You run north.

[The Crossing, Truffenyi Place] Truffenyi Place runs straight along the north-south axis of the Crossing and leads to the Guilds and Academy, vital institutions of town life. A quiet but constant buzz of citizens and adventurers engaged in missions, commerce, debate and worship fills the street. More pronounced are the peals of amiable laughter and snippets of modest songs that come from Taelbert's Inn, perched proudly on the west curb. You also see a squat stone stable with a scarred oak door. Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Room Number: 810


You run east.

[The Crossing, Covered Alleyway] This alleyway runs between Gildleaf Circle and Truffenyi Place. It is covered with a makeshift tin canopy supported by iron nails in the closely-spaced buildings. Although narrow and unpaved, it is free of debris and appears to be frequented for deliveries and shortcuts. An archway on one side leads between the buildings. You also see the Baker's side door and the Grocer's service entrance. Obvious exits: east, west.

Room Number: 809


You run east.

[The Crossing, Gildleaf Circle] Mouthwatering aromas, gentle laughter and refined conversation emanating from the quaint twin cottages here make this corner of the Crossing a popular destination. The famed shop of the town's leading purveyor of fine victuals, Barsabe the Halfling, snuggles next to the bakery of Saranna, his wife of many years. Rotund boys scurry between both shops and dart out with baskets and trays laden with fresh delicacies. A narrow alley runs between the two shops and leads west.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

Room Number: 808


You run north.

[The Crossing, Gildleaf Circle] Well-heeled folk stroll past on their way south for a bite to eat or to errands in the heart of the Crossing. Draped in rich fur cloaks, velvets and brocades, sporting rings and brooches of rare gems and precious metals, these prosperous burghers seem a far cry from the veteran, hardened adventurers encountered elsewhere within the city limits. They are even more remote from the shanty dwellers of the Middens, who subsist on the outskirts of society.
Obvious paths: north, south.

Room Number: 807


You run north.

[The Crossing, Eylhaar Bane Road] Eylhaar Bane Road curves sharply here to become the expansive arc of Gildleaf Circle, a broad, clean road with gravel shoulders and terrazzo sidewalks. The footpaths are lined with cultivated beds of azaleas and marigolds between rows of ornamental dwarf fruit trees and dazzling gildleaf shrubs. Ornate gingerbread cottages and elegant townhouses with wrought-iron balconies and grillwork are set back from the curb, behind sturdy gates or thickets of topiary. You also see the Almhara Arch and a tall stone building. Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Room Number: 805

[go2]>go arch

You run west.

[North Gate, Gate] Nearly forgotten and in disrepair, the North Gate sits untended among a cluster of weeds. Night's dim light casts shadows among the impressionistic ridges and gashes covering the sides of the arches: all that erosion has left of once magnificent decorative carvings. Loose stones scattered across the broken pavement threaten to send unwary travelers sprawling.
Also here: Alens who is surrounded by a shimmering shield. Obvious paths: east.

Room Number: 806


[North Turnpike, Forest] Plunging into the woods, the road deteriorates still further into a track of loose stones and cobbles. Brambles, spike bushes, and poison fern line the edges of the turnpike, forming an impassable barrier to anyone who wished to explore the depths of the forest. You also see a crumbling archway. Also here: Father Apte. Obvious paths: north.

Room Number: 1621


The eyes of your monk pendant flash white for a moment, and you feel more focused.

You run north.

[North Turnpike, Forest] Dirt gradually replaces the remaining pavement stones to form a rutted earthen track. The sweet smell of rotting leaves and pine needles wafts from the surrounding woods. The road breaks through the forest, bending to the northeast towards open meadow and farmland.
Obvious paths: northeast, south.

Room Number: 1620

You run northeast.

[North Turnpike, Meadow] Clumps of tiny wild flowers hug the dirt road as it winds through the meadow. Towards the northwest, rippling hills cloaked with greenish-brown fields and a large monastery are visible in the distance.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southeast, southwest, west.

Room Number: 1619



You run northeast.

[Northwall Trail, Grassland] A narrow trail, either cut or worn through grasses waist-high on a stout elf, winds northeast from the turnpike that rumbles with traffic. The calls of caravan drivers hurrying their animals along can be heard from the road, while the quietude of the flatlands offers no such command but the whispering of the wind through the grass.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.

Room Number: 1623


You run east.

[Northwall Trail, Grassland] As you move through the fragrant waves of grasses, small burrs catch on your clothing like the small hands of a child vying for attention. The warm glow of the town rises in the night sky just above the horizon to the south.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.

Room Number: 1625

[go2]>go copse

You run northeast.

[Northwall Trail, Grassland] The winds skim through the tall grasses, whispering secrets to the constellations floating in the night sky. A copse of birch trees rises to the northeast like a pale specter in the darkness.
Obvious paths: southwest.

Room Number: 1626

[go2]>climb tree

[Northwall Trail, Birch Copse] Glowing a ghostly pale in the moonlight softly filtered through their rustling canopy, the birch trees lend credence to the old traveler's tale of the spirit of the birch. The White Handed Ones could stop any heart or riddle with wicked visions any head their bony limbs touched. Oddly set amidst the birch is a curiously bent black willow tree.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest.

Room Number: 1642

[Birch Copse, Aevren Mod] Towering above the shorter birch, the twisted limbs of the willow tree offer a breathtaking view of the landscape. The leafless branches clatter and scrape against each other in the wind. You also see a pile of rocks, a braided heavy rope and a braided heavy rope. Also here: Sophister Krystorm, Farceur Falun, Doctor Mimz who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Leech Farmer Riphik and Ashalf. Obvious paths: none.

Room Number: 1645

[go2: travel time: 0:00:03]

--- Lich: go2 has exited.

--- Lich: smartlisten unpaused.

--- Lich: training-manager unpaused.

--- Lich: hunting-buddy unpaused.

--- Lich: pick unpaused.

[pick]>pick my caddy blind You'll need to have the item in your hands or placed on the ground [pick: *** No match was found after 15 seconds, dumping info]

rcuhljr commented 6 years ago

I don't think there's any good solution for the myriad of problems like this besides collecting a set of known scripts that should be killed if jail buddy hits while they're running.

mwest152 commented 6 years ago

Maybe coming up with something to surrender to the guards on your own terms before debt gets too high. Though I guess I should just do it on my own. takes a day or 2 to get to that debt level where I can be arrested out of town.