rpherbig / dr-scripts

A series of Lich 5 (https://github.com/elanthia-online/lich-5) scripts for use with DragonRealms (http://www.play.net/dr/). Donations are welcome (http://www.paypal.me/rcuhljr)!
GNU General Public License v2.0
52 stars 177 forks source link

Script breaks when arrested while using Crossing forge at room 760 #759

Closed cynesis closed 7 years ago

cynesis commented 8 years ago

In addition to the script not making its way back to the forge in question, we also see that retrieving crafting items from the sack does not tie them to my forger's belt.

[forge]>pound scraper on anvil with my hammer

You scoop up the scraper with your tongs and heat it over the flames of the forge.  Once the metal is glowing hot you place it back upon the anvil and hammer it steadily with your hammer.  The hammering very nearly meets your expectations.
Roundtime: 30 sec.
The guard searches the area with a wary eye.
The town guard's gaze briefly sweeps over you, but just as soon moves on.
The guard searches the area with a wary eye.
"Gotcha!" the guard crows with glee.
The town guard, with the help of several others, wrestle you to the ground, bind you in chains, and drag you off to jail.

Arriving at the jail, the guard submits you to a brutal strip search and throws your things into a large sack.  From there you are dragged down a dark hallway and into a cell.  As the door shuts, you hear the guard growl, "...and there you'll STAY!"

The door slams shut, a sound not unlike that of a tomb closing.

A town guard returns, glancing carefully around the room for any further offenders.
[Guard House, Jail Cell]
From the stench here, it is apparent that the guards have little interest in coddling criminals.  Mounds of musty-smelling hay have been pushed up along the walls, though it is impossible to imagine sleep as a viable possibility here.
You also see a barred window, a heavily barred door and a mound of smelly hay.
Obvious exits: none.

--- Lich: smartlisten paused.

--- Lich: moonwatch paused.

--- Lich: training-manager paused.

--- Lich: crossing-training paused.

--- Lich: workorders paused.

--- Lich: smith paused.

--- Lich: forge paused.


The cell door opens, and an armored guard enters, pointing a finger at you.  "Come along, Human, it's time to face the judge."
You are quickly escorted out, and the door closed behind you.

[Guard House, Chamber of Justice - 19218]
A chill races through your spine as you stare up at the platform from which justice is so mercilessly dispensed by the local magistrate.  A few low benches stretch out along the western wall, where a heavily-armed guard oversees visitors and defendants alike with a stern, watchful eye.
You also see a small sack.
Obvious exits: west.
The judge gazes down at you with stern eyes, "Keldakin, you stand before this court accused of thievery.  Though the evidence against you is considerable, final judgement has not yet been reached.  How do you plead?"

[jail-buddy]>PLEAD INNOCENT

You raise your voice and firmly declare your intent to prove your innocence!

The judge nods solemnly, "You shall be given a chance to present your arguments in your defense, then."

Doing your best to muster the entirety of your eloquence, you argue the case that you should be found innocent of the crimes before you today.  The judge listens intently, comparing what you say with notes upon his desk, and when you finish your summation, you can only hope that he was adequately moved.

After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Keldakin, this court is not moved by your arguments, and finds you guilty of the charges brought against you.  Your unwillingness to admit responsibility for your crimes shall weigh heavily upon you, Human."
After a weighty pause, the judge speaks, "Keldakin, you have been found guilty of thievery in the Principality of Zoluren.  It is with a solemn hope that you will change your ways that I pronounce a fine upon you of 1 gold.  If you cannot pay immediately, your things will be held until you can repay the debt to society that you owe.  Failure to come up with the money within twelve days shall result in a forfeiture of your possessions, and their intrinsic value removed from your debt."

The bailiff rifles through your coin purse, taking out what you owe before handing it over to you with the rest of your things.
The judge nods in satisfaction, "Very well, Keldakin.  You are free to go."
The guard releases you, and somewhat reluctantly hands you a sack containing your things.  You are shunted to a small area in the corner where you redress in relative privacy.
[Though you tried to be thorough, you feel something was left within the small sack.]

[jail-buddy]>open my sack

You open your small sack.
[jail-buddy]>look in my sack

In the small sack you see a diagonal-peen hammer and some straight tongs.
[jail-buddy]>get hammer from my sack

You get an iron diagonal-peen hammer from inside your small sack.
[jail-buddy]>stow my hammer

You put your hammer in your backpack.
[jail-buddy]>get tongs from my sack

You get some straight iron tongs from inside your small sack.
[jail-buddy]>stow my tongs

You put your tongs in your backpack.
[jail-buddy]>look in my sack

There is nothing in there.
[jail-buddy]>drop my sack

You drop a small sack.

--- Lich: smartlisten unpaused.

--- Lich: moonwatch unpaused.

--- Lich: training-manager unpaused.

--- Lich: crossing-training unpaused.

--- Lich: workorders unpaused.

--- Lich: smith unpaused.

--- Lich: forge unpaused.

[forge]>pound scraper on anvil with my hammer

[forge: *** No match was found after 15 seconds, dumping info]

[forge: messages seen length: 0]

[forge: checked against [/You must be holding/i, /needs more fuel/i, /need some more fuel/i, /As you finish working the fire dims and produces less heat/i, /As you finish the fire flickers and is unable to consume its fuel/i, /Roundtime/i, /ready for cooling in the slack tub/i, /ready for a quench hardening in the slack tub/i, /straightening along the horn of the anvil/i, /would benefit from some soft reworking./i, /sets using tongs/i, /into wire using a mandrel or mold set/i, /set using tongs/i, /That tool does not seem/i, /push them deep into the fire to set/i, /You need a larger volume of metal/i]]

[forge]>pound scraper on anvil with my hammer

I could not find what you were referring to.
I could not find what you were referring to.
[forge: *** No match was found after 15 seconds, dumping info]

[forge: messages seen length: 3]

[forge: message: I could not find what you were referring to.]

[forge: message: I could not find what you were referring to.]
rcuhljr commented 8 years ago

Probably better to just let people opt out of forging outside, there's a crazy amount of complexity in trying to deal with interrupted crafting.

rpherbig commented 8 years ago

Agreed. Recovering from being arrested is really hard.

Though it wouldn't hurt to add some messaging to ;forge to cover 'I could not find what you were referring to.'.

cynesis commented 8 years ago

Forge will walk to the lava forge if all other anvils are in use, so even removing that room from the list of possible anvils wouldn't be that big of a deal.