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Change calendar event types #162

Open tceluzza opened 1 year ago

tceluzza commented 1 year ago

Currently, the following event types exist:

Game (EES Present), which allows for credential-based signups Game (NO EES), which allows for credential-based signups Event, which can either be a general list for signups or disabled signups.

The officer board discussed and thinks it would be more useful on the calendar (given the standbys that we do) to change the name of "Game (EES Present)" to simply "Game", as well as the name of "Game (NO EES)" to "Standby", plus allow EES signups. The thought is that if an EES is needed, they can sign up as such, but otherwise, the EES spot can remain empty.

This would essentially create two functionally identical options but visually distinct on the calendar by color for regular game standbys and assorted other standbys.