rplcnn / SuperGuilds

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General errors #86

Closed DevLan-Fargus closed 7 years ago

DevLan-Fargus commented 7 years ago

Just to inform u that superguild still doesn't work.

I take it from a while and I never used it.

when u will fix my issues?


With your latest update: 4.9.4 inventory click doesn't work... when I click on an object, it remains in my hand

and some items in menu are not showed

rplcnn commented 7 years ago

Console log?

DevLan-Fargus commented 7 years ago

I already sent u all what I have

DevLan-Fargus commented 7 years ago

I already told u, come to my server to see yourself


let me know when u come, becouse server is closed

rplcnn commented 7 years ago

I fixed.