rpm-software-management / dnf

Package manager based on libdnf and libsolv. Replaces YUM.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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dnf behaves differently depending on installing local rpm or from repo #2087

Open brianjmurrell opened 2 months ago

brianjmurrell commented 2 months ago

I am finding an odd situation in Fedora 39's DNF. It seems it behaves differently with regard to Obsoletes: and Conflicts: based on whether the RPM is installed from a repo or from a local file (with the repo still enabled). Observe:

First from the repo:

$ sudo dnf --refresh install python3-hass-nabucasa
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                             Architecture     Version                     Repository                                                            Size
 python3-hass-nabucasa               noarch           0.78.0-0.01                 copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant           119 k
Installing dependencies:
 python3-acme                        noarch           2.8.0-1.fc39                copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant           197 k
 python3-async-timeout               noarch           4.0.2-9.fc39                fedora                                                                19 k
 python3-boto3                       noarch           1.34.47-1.fc39              updates-home                                                         366 k
 python3-botocore                    noarch           1.34.47-1.fc39              updates-home                                                         7.0 M
 python3-envs                        noarch           1.4-0.01                    copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant            29 k
 python3-jose                        noarch           3.3.0-24.fc39               fedora                                                                85 k
 python3-jose+cryptography           noarch           3.3.0-24.fc39               fedora                                                                10 k
 python3-josepy                      noarch           1.13.0-6.fc39               fedora                                                                82 k
 python3-pycognito                   noarch           2023.5.0-0.01               copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant            49 k
 python3-pyrfc3339                   noarch           1.1-16.fc39                 fedora                                                                19 k
 python3-s3transfer                  noarch           0.10.1-1.fc39               updates-home                                                         152 k
 python3-snitun                      noarch           0.36.2-0.01                 copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant            78 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 python-josepy-doc                   noarch           1.13.0-6.fc39               fedora                                                                19 k

Transaction Summary
Install  14 Packages

Total download size: 8.1 M
Installed size: 94 M

Yet, when the exact same RPM is downloaded locally and installation is attempted:

$ sudo dnf install ~/Downloads/python3-hass-nabucasa-0.78.0-0.01.noarch.rpm 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:40 ago on Wed 24 Apr 2024 06:26:26 AM EDT.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                             Architecture     Version                     Repository                                                            Size
 python3-hass-nabucasa               noarch           0.78.0-0.01                 @commandline                                                         376 k
     replacing  python3-homeassistant.noarch 2024.3.0-1.fc39
Installing dependencies:
 python3-acme                        noarch           2.8.0-1.fc39                copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant           197 k
 python3-async-timeout               noarch           4.0.2-9.fc39                fedora                                                                19 k
 python3-boto3                       noarch           1.34.47-1.fc39              updates-home                                                         366 k
 python3-botocore                    noarch           1.34.47-1.fc39              updates-home                                                         7.0 M
 python3-envs                        noarch           1.4-0.01                    copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant            29 k
 python3-jose                        noarch           3.3.0-24.fc39               fedora                                                                85 k
 python3-jose+cryptography           noarch           3.3.0-24.fc39               fedora                                                                10 k
 python3-josepy                      noarch           1.13.0-6.fc39               fedora                                                                82 k
 python3-pycognito                   noarch           2023.5.0-0.01               copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant            49 k
 python3-pyrfc3339                   noarch           1.1-16.fc39                 fedora                                                                19 k
 python3-s3transfer                  noarch           0.10.1-1.fc39               updates-home                                                         152 k
 python3-snitun                      noarch           0.36.2-0.01                 copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:brianjmurrell:homeassistant            78 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 python-josepy-doc                   noarch           1.13.0-6.fc39               fedora                                                                19 k

Transaction Summary
Install  14 Packages

Total size: 8.4 M
Total download size: 8.0 M

As you can see, when installed from a local file, DNF properly makes python3-hass-nabucasa replace python3-homeassistant but when installing the exact same RPM from the repo, it does not have python3-hass-nabucasa replace python3-homeassistant .

The repo in question here is https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/brianjmurrell/homeassistant/.

m-blaha commented 2 months ago

Are they really the same package (not only same NEVRA)? For me both variants behave the same - not obsoleting python3-homeassistant.

Which is I think correct:

# dnf repoquery python3-hass-nabucasa

# dnf repoquery --obsoletes python3-hass-nabucasa
python3-homeassistant <= 2024.3.0

# rpm -q python3-homeassistant

So the installed version of python3-homeassistant is bigger than the obsoleted, thus nothing is obsoleted.

brianjmurrell commented 2 months ago

Are they really the same package (not only same NEVRA)?

They are the same as far as I would understand. I downloaded it from https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/brianjmurrell/homeassistant/fedora-39-x86_64/07340075-python-hass-nabucasa/python3-hass-nabucasa-0.78.0-0.01.noarch.rpm

For me both variants behave the same - not obsoleting python3-homeassistant.

Interesting. What else could be different between our reproductions then?

Which is I think correct:

# dnf repoquery python3-hass-nabucasa

# dnf repoquery --obsoletes python3-hass-nabucasa
python3-homeassistant <= 2024.3.0

So this would mean that if python3-homeassistant-2024.3.0-1.fc39 were installed, that Obsoletes: should replace it right? That version is <= 2024.3.0 isn't it?

# rpm -q python3-homeassistant

So the installed version of python3-homeassistant is bigger than the obsoleted, thus nothing is obsoleted.

How do you figure it's bigger? 2024.3.0 is <= 2024.3.0 isn't it? Or is the -1 release also being factored into this comparison and what I really need is:

Obsoletes: <= 2024.3.0-1


m-blaha commented 2 months ago

Yes, it's not only version, but the whole EVR - see https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/#renaming-or-replacing-existing-packages The Obsoletes is often used with < operator, so that you don't need to worry about release number, e.g.:

Obsoletes: python3-homeassistant < 2024.4.0
m-blaha commented 2 months ago

Regarding my attempt to reproduce the issue, this is what I did:

$ podman run --rm -ti  registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39 bash
# dnf install dnf-plugins-core -y
# dnf copr enable brianjmurrell/homeassistant -y
# dnf install python3-homeassistant-0:2024.3.0-1.fc39.noarch -y
# dnf download python3-hass-nabucasa

and then the test:

# dnf install python3-hass-nabucasa


# dnf install ./python3-hass-nabucasa-0.78.0-0.01.noarch.rpm
m-blaha commented 2 months ago

And one small note - do not forget about the dist tag (.fc39) - your current version used for obsoletes is 2024.3.0-1.fc39.