Abandon the idea of auto-generating the changelog, its purpose is to inform the users about the changes, not list the applied PRs. See also: https://keepachangelog.com/
Instead of linking to PRs, link to actual issues behind those PRs. As part of that, remove (most) entries that don't have an associated issue, those often aren't user-visible changes anyway.
Lastly, also abandon the use of arbitrary category prefixes/postfixes, they just never feel right and are mostly just noise.
The changelog script is still useful as raw input but there is value in hand-crafted changelogs, actually. This realization comes from today's team chat.
Abandon the idea of auto-generating the changelog, its purpose is to inform the users about the changes, not list the applied PRs. See also: https://keepachangelog.com/
Instead of linking to PRs, link to actual issues behind those PRs. As part of that, remove (most) entries that don't have an associated issue, those often aren't user-visible changes anyway.
Lastly, also abandon the use of arbitrary category prefixes/postfixes, they just never feel right and are mostly just noise.
The changelog script is still useful as raw input but there is value in hand-crafted changelogs, actually. This realization comes from today's team chat.