Closed hessaHamad closed 3 months ago
I see that you are using the dataset parameter in the launch file, To use that feature you need to set the below param as true.
arg name="dobag" default="false" <!-- if we should play back the bag -->
Also, The end of the launch file seems correct, Openvins is waiting for the rostopics imu and video_source/raw. Can you verify they are being published by the bag file. Can you share the snippet of the Rviz window as well.
I recommend making sure your topics are correct. You can use rostopic to inspect the connections. video_source/raw
looks to be missing a /
at the start? Please reopen with further details on the topics your driver is producing rostopic list
am trying to use my own dataset in . bag file, contains IMU and raw images of mono cam. I followed patrick's youtube video and all my config files are set as shown there, The steps I tried:
Term 0
Term 1
rviz -d src/open_vins/ov_msckf/launch/display.rviz
Term 2
rosbag play mydataset.bag
Term 3
(no error but keep waiting for the data, it might be a topic issue) roslaunch ov_msckf subscribe.launch config:=gp dolivetraj:=true max_cameras:=1 dataset:=Test03_newcalib
and (error as shown) roslaunch ov_msckf subscribe.launch config_path:=/home/gp/workspace/catkin_ws_ov/src/open_vins/config/gp/estimator_config.yaml dataset:=Test03_newcalib bag:=Test03_newcalib.bag