rpremraj / mailR

A utility to send emails from the R programming environment
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Can not install mailR #64

Open camilogavo opened 7 years ago

camilogavo commented 7 years ago

Hi, I want your advices I am on Ubuntu 16.04 trying to install mailR package. I got a message error as:

he downloaded source packages are in ‘/tmp/RtmpvyRhSb/downloaded_packages’ Warning messages: 1: In install.packages("mailR") : installation of package ‘rJava’ had non-zero exit status 2: In install.packages("mailR") : installation of package ‘mailR’ had non-zero exit status

What could I do?

billchenxi commented 7 years ago

I have similar problem! Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object '/......................./R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.3/stringi/libs/stringi.so': libicui18n.so.57: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘mailR’

rpremraj commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I only work on mac/win. You'll need to rely on the community to help you.

Jan-E commented 6 years ago

Might be releated to https://github.com/dragua/xlsx/issues/83#issuecomment-310215615

Thanks to everyone's help working on this. I have been able to recreate the issue locally, and it looks very much like the issue is due to the security updates released for Ubuntu, and seems to affect the rJava package - particularly when .jpackage is called within .onLoad or .onAttach during install (the canonical approach). If the package has already been installed, then .onLoad and .onAttach have no problems.

TomWeishaar commented 6 years ago

On Amazon Lightsail running under Amazon Linux (2017.09.1), I had to add the following three symbolic links to get the rJava package to install:

ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-amazon-linux/6.4.1/libgomp.spec /usr/lib64/libgomp.spec
ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-amazon-linux/6.4.1/libgomp.a /usr/lib64/libgomp.a
ln -s /usr/lib64/libgomp.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib64/libgomp.so

There was an error message about not being able to find libgomp.spec. I found it using the Linux find command. The trick to solving these kinds of problems is to look closely for error messages in the installation output.