rpremraj / mailR

A utility to send emails from the R programming environment
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send.mail fails to attach files #74

Closed trespitt closed 6 years ago

trespitt commented 6 years ago

Initially, I thought this was because I was trying to attach multiple files (3), but during testing I've found it doesn't even work for one.

I write a dataframe to disk, then pass the path to attach.files (this approach is the one which has worked before). Consider the following:

#df passed as argument, totally normal dataframe fname<-paste0('attach/attach_df_',gsub(' ','-',gsub(':','-',Sys.time())),'.csv') write.csv(df,fname) read.csv(fname) #works fine, prints the small dataframe I want to attach source('cryptRead.R') #contains my email/username and password send.mail(from=logins$user, to='primary_email@protonmail.com', cc=logins$user, subject=paste0('Test Email (', gsub(' ','-',gsub(':','-',Sys.time())),')'),body=strr, #strr passed as argument smtp=list(host.name='smtp.gmail.com',port=465,user.name=logins$user, passwd=logins$pwd, ssl=TRUE,attach.files=c(fname)), authenticate=TRUE,send=TRUE,debug=TRUE) # DOESNT WORK

send.mail(from=logins$user, to='primary_email@protonmail.com', cc=logins$user, subject=paste0('Test Email (', gsub(' ','-',gsub(':','-',Sys.time())),')'),body=strr, #strr passed as argument smtp=list(host.name='smtp.gmail.com',port=465,user.name=logins$user, passwd=logins$pwd, ssl=TRUE,attach.files=fname), authenticate=TRUE,send=TRUE,debug=TRUE) # ALSO DOESNT WORK

Not exactly sure what a 'character vector' is, but one of these should work; the second approach fname has worked for me previously and consistently in another script.

Fname is a valid path, as can be verified by calling read.csv() Here's an example fname: [1] "attach/attach_df_2018-01-12-10-28-20.csv"

In case it's not obvious, by 'DOESNT WORK', I mean that only the attachment fails. The other parts of the email (recipients, subject, body) are sent perfectly.

trespitt commented 6 years ago

My bad!! I was putting attach.files in smtp()! Perhaps a warning for extraneous arguments to smtp would be helpful (for knuckleheads like me). There are also no problems with sending my 3 attachments