rpremraj / mailR

A utility to send emails from the R programming environment
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DEBUG SMTP: AUTH LOGIN failed for mailr #83

Open jsabree14 opened 5 years ago

jsabree14 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to use mailr to send automatic emails from within the company that I'm interning. I can make this code work using my school email; however, it fails when I use my company email:

send.mail(from = "me@companydomain.com", to = c("coworker@companydomain.com"), subject = "Test Email", body = "Hi Coworker! Did this email send?", authenticate = TRUE, smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.office365.com", port = 587, user.name = "me@companydomain.com", passwd = "Password1", sls = TRUE, tls = TRUE), debug = TRUE)

Because I was getting errors, I turned on debug. It turns out, my code was able to get on the server, etc, but something is failing with the authentication (and I've checked multiple times--I have the right user name and password). Debug throws these errors:

DEBUG SMTP: Attempt to authenticate using mechanisms: LOGIN PLAIN DIGEST-MD5 NTLM DEBUG SMTP: AUTH LOGIN command trace suppressed DEBUG SMTP: AUTH LOGIN failed

How can I get around this while maintaining security? Again, I know that my code works because I can send emails from my school Outlook email address--its only with my company.


ghost commented 4 years ago

You've set sls as true. Shoudn't that be ssl?