rpremraj / mailR

A utility to send emails from the R programming environment
190 stars 57 forks source link

issue with mailR in R , either Java jdk1.8.0_281.jdk or jdk-15.0.2.jdk, R version 4.0.3 RStudio Version 1.4.1103 #98

Closed 15538 closed 3 years ago

15538 commented 3 years ago

on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 R version 4.0.3 RStudio Version 1.4.1103 :

install_github("rpremraj/mailR") Downloading GitHub repo rpremraj/mailR@HEAD ✓ checking for file ‘/private/var/folders/n1/5byp3w956jnf42mcq5_dt_th0000gp/T/RtmpUimtkx/remotes693662f1b428/rpremraj-mailR-4c119d0/DESCRIPTION’ ... ─ preparing ‘mailR’: ✓ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... ─ checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts ─ checking for empty or unneeded directories ─ building ‘mailR_0.6.tar.gz’

Installing package into ‘/Users/brunochevallier/PEM/Shiny/renv/library/R-4.0/x86_64-apple-darwin17.0’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

library(mailR) send.mail(from = "**@protonmail.com",

  • to = "****@gmail.com",
  • subject = "Test email subject",
  • body = "Test emails body",
  • smtp = list(host.name = "", port = 1025,
  • user.name = "***",
  • passwd = "***", ssl = TRUE),
  • authenticate = TRUE,
  • send = TRUE)

results in this message

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataHandler

with either Java jdk1.8.0_281.jdk or jdk-15.0.2.jdk

I have been hanging with this for 2 days , have you any clue ?

Thanks !


15538 commented 3 years ago

got it ! added the following Java apps activation.jar mail.jar additional.jar into the lib folder.