Closed FMKerckhof closed 6 years ago
Alternatively, we could let the user provide any distance matrix of their choice to Diversity_16S
Would need to check formula for calculating the similarity based diversity metrics but should be fairly straightforward to implement, I think
Started working on it.
I wouldn't mind doing this in lieu of you, but I am only available from the 2nd of Feb on.
Sure you can go for it - I'm curious. I'm afraid the computation of those indices will take a lot of time, due to the size of the expected dissimilarity matrix.
would there be a heuristic approach?
@rprops what about using the Mahalanobis distance? Or is it too sensitive to the number of selected parameters?
Not possible (for now) to include in Phenoflow given the type of data we get from FCM.
A similarity-sensitive diversity metric may be of added value. Phyloseq's data structure allows including a phylogenetic tree within the object, which should be relatively eassy to extract distance information from. However, the question remains: how would you make a similarity-sensitive metric on flowcytometric fingerprint data?