rpt14-codeblooded / photo-gallery-service

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Photo gallery component loads with no styling in the carousel on a first load from a fresh bundle. #45

Closed manuelreneduran closed 5 years ago

manuelreneduran commented 5 years ago

@creationator just a heads up, you might run into this. From my own investigations it seems that styled components doesn't like that both of our services are using it at the same time.

This is the warning I'm getting: image

What's happening is that when you first load the page just after creating a bundle, my service will have no styling on the carousel, leaving it looking like this:


However, if you reload everything looks and works fine.

I'm going to continue investigating.

hegitsit commented 5 years ago

Hmmm this is interesting. I hope that it isn't the case where styled components don't play nice when being loaded from two different services.

manuelreneduran commented 5 years ago

I managed to solve the problem but I'm not proud of the solution. I installed a previous version of styled components in my service and kept yours the same. You still get the collision error but everything works fine. I'm going to push up my latest code so that hopefully you don't have to deal with the same error.