rr- / szurubooru

Image board engine, Danbooru-style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: Abstract tags/aliases #653

Open LeonWilzer opened 2 months ago

LeonWilzer commented 2 months ago

It would be cool if you could assign the same alias to different tags to create something similar to abstract classes: Let's say we have the tags “4chan”, “twitter” and “reddit”. We could then give each tag the alias “social_media”, “website”, etc. If you then search for “social_media” or “website” website, you would then find posts tagged with “4chan”, “twitter” or “reddit”. The difference to tag implication is that these are not tags, and thus you cannot tag a post with a generic “social_media” tag, which could otherwise lead to imprecisely tagged posts, depending on the use case for the image board. The advantage over tag categories is also, that this allows to add multiple “abstract tags” to one tag instead of just one. This is admittedly a very niche feature.