rranelli / auto-package-update.el

Automatically update Emacs packages.
151 stars 26 forks source link

Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil) #15

Closed spaceotter closed 9 years ago

spaceotter commented 9 years ago

Auto update triggered and gives this error.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
  -filter(apu--package-out-of-date-p (ace-link ace-jump-mode ack-and-a-half anzu arduino-mode auto-package-update dash browse-at-remote s f dash s browse-kill-ring bts-github gh logito pcache bts pos-tip s dash yaxception log4e widget-mvc clojure-test-mode cider queue pkg-info epl dash clojure-mode clojure-mode company-anaconda anaconda-mode f dash s dash json-rpc company company-c-headers company diminish drupal-mode php-mode drupal-spell elisp-slime-nav emacs-eclim s epc ...))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-887492> nil "c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/personal/eric.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 1358
  load-with-code-conversion("c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/personal/eric.el" "c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/personal/eric.el" nil nil)
  mapc(load ("c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/personal/custom.el" "c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/personal/eric.el" "c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/personal/keys.el"))
  (progn (message "Loading personal configuration files in %s..." prelude-personal-dir) (mapc (quote load) (directory-files prelude-personal-dir (quote t) "^[^#].*el$")))
  (if (file-exists-p prelude-personal-dir) (progn (message "Loading personal configuration files in %s..." prelude-personal-dir) (mapc (quote load) (directory-files prelude-personal-dir (quote t) "^[^#].*el$"))))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 4738
  load-with-code-conversion("c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/init.el" "c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
  load("c:/Users/Eric/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/init" t t)
  #[0 "\205\262
rranelli commented 9 years ago


Looks like you're on windows. I ran it on windows actually =x.

Which version of auto-package-update you're using?
Have you tried running package-refresh-contents before updating? Does this error occur only for ack-and-a-half ?

spaceotter commented 9 years ago

This also occurs on linux. I use both. Version 20150125.1550, the lastest in melpa. The apu--package-up-to-date-p works on other packages, it seems to have a particular problem with ack-and-a-half.

rranelli commented 9 years ago

Alright. I will install ack-and-a-half over here and see what I can find.

If nothing works I will handle the exception and notify the user which packages could not be updated.

spaceotter commented 9 years ago

You may have trouble installing ack-and-a-half. The package has been abandoned for a rewrite and is no longer in melpa. I will just remove it.

rranelli commented 9 years ago

Just found it out now over here

While you're at it, I really recommend ag.el. That's what I use for searching text. Not sure if it would work on windows though.

rranelli commented 9 years ago

16 Fixes problems like these, so I'm closing this issue.