rrdelaney / ReasonablyTyped

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Converts Flow and TypeScript definitions to Reason interfaces
MIT License
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FlowTyped Mega Issue #8

Open rrdelaney opened 7 years ago

rrdelaney commented 7 years ago

Heres a list of the most common issues when compiling libraries from FlowTyped:

34  Exists type is not currently supported 
20  Type parameter bounds is not currently supported 
17  Intersection types is not currently supported 
16  Import statements is not currently supported 
15  Unknown declaration when converting a module property declaration 
13  static CallProperty on Object types is not currently supported 
12  Indexer on Object types is not currently supported 
10  Inheriting in interfaces is not currently supported 
9  Unknown declaration type when converting a module declaration 
7  Cannot use string literal outside the context of a union type
7  Typeof can only operate on variable declarations
5  Inheritance not supported
4  Built-in type $Exports is not currently supported 
3  React components is not currently supported 
3  Class declatations is not currently supported 
3  Built-in type $Subtype is not currently supported 
2  Unknown identifier
2  Built-in type $Shape is not currently supported 
2  Type parameter variance is not currently supported 
1  undefined
1  Built-in type $PropertyType is not currently supported 
1  typeof can only operate on classes

Starting from the top these are the biggest problems we face right now.

How to generate this report: npm run test:collect && node docs/find-error.js

rrdelaney commented 7 years ago

Created #17 for StringLiteral is not currently supported

rrdelaney commented 7 years ago

Created #14 for Intersection types is not currently supported

rrdelaney commented 7 years ago

Created #19 for Type parameter bounds is not currently supported

stereobooster commented 7 years ago

Also want to note you that if somebody unfamiliar with flow-typed want to use it, we need to put a bit more documentation, like:

npm install -g reasonably-typed
npm install -g flow-typed
npm install --save-dev flow-bin
touch .flowconfig
flow-typed install axios@0.16.x
retyped compile --flow-typed
rrdelaney commented 7 years ago

@stereobooster This issue is more about what the top issues compiling definitions from FlowTyped are 🙂 If you want to help out with the docs that'd be awesome, or even better add a mode to automatically download and compile from FlowTyped!