rreusser / glsl-solid-wireframe

draw wireframes or grids on a solid mesh using a fragment shader
173 stars 12 forks source link

Error compiling fragment shader #3

Open kevzettler opened 6 years ago

kevzettler commented 6 years ago
file number 0: http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:1349:28
   1|  #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
   2|  precision mediump float;
   3|  #define GLSLIFY 1
   4|  float gridFactor_1_0 (vec2 vBC_1_1, float width_1_2, float feather_1_3) {
   5|    float w1 = width_1_2 - feather_1_3 * 0.5;
   6|    vec3 bary = vec3(vBC_1_1.x, vBC_1_1.y, 1.0 - vBC_1_1.x - vBC_1_1.y);
   7|    vec3 d = fwidth_1_4(bary);
    |            ^^^
    | no matching overloaded function found
    | ^^^
    | dimension mismatch
    |          ^^^
    | cannot convert from 'const mediump float' to 'mediump 3-component vector of float'
   8|    vec3 a3 = smoothstep(d * w1, d * (w1 + feather_1_3), bary);
   9|    return min(min(a3.x, a3.y), a3.z);
  10|  }
  12|  float gridFactor_1_0 (vec2 vBC_1_1, float width_1_2) {
  13|    vec3 bary = vec3(vBC_1_1.x, vBC_1_1.y, 1.0 - vBC_1_1.x - vBC_1_1.y);
  14|    vec3 d = fwidth_1_4(bary);
    |            ^^^
    | no matching overloaded function found
    | ^^^
    | dimension mismatch
    |          ^^^
    | cannot convert from 'const mediump float' to 'mediump 3-component vector of float'
  15|    vec3 a3 = smoothstep(d * (width_1_2 - 0.5), d * (width_1_2 + 0.5), bary);
  16|    return min(min(a3.x, a3.y), a3.z);
  17|  }
  21|  varying vec2 b;
  22|  void main () {
  23|    gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(gridFactor_1_0(b, 1.0)), 1);
  24|  }

This error is happening when trying to copy the regl example from the README

kevzettler commented 6 years ago

looks like maybe related to https://github.com/glslify/glslify/issues/46

rreusser commented 6 years ago

Weird. Can you confirm what copy of glslify you're using? It seems like a problem with it recognizing (and not renaming) builtin functions like fwidth.

kevzettler commented 6 years ago

Yes it seems the glslify import is namespacing or renaming fwidth https://github.com/glslify/glslify/issues/110

Will have to check versions and report later

rreusser commented 6 years ago

Here's a gist in which the code, copy/pasted verbatim works for me. I've used budo index.js -- -t glslify to run it. https://gist.github.com/rreusser/b18f453ea251c418846e65c0bde39857

kevzettler commented 6 years ago

Yeah I'm using webpack with glslify-loader and glsify-import-loader I suspect maybe contributing to the issue.

rreusser commented 6 years ago

Ahh, seems like the problem is the glslify version:

6.1.1: https://github.com/glslify/glslify/blob/master/package.json#L3

^2.1.1: https://github.com/glslify/glslify-loader/blob/master/package.json#L17

Looks like glslify-loader is way behind.

kevzettler commented 6 years ago

thanks @rreusser i'll see if I have any luck updating

kevzettler commented 6 years ago

@rreusser looks like you're pretty active in the outstanding upgrade PRs https://github.com/glslify/glslify-loader/pull/15 https://github.com/glslify/glslify-loader/pull/19

How can I help drive those?

rreusser commented 6 years ago

See: https://github.com/glslify/glslify-loader/issues/13#issuecomment-354366613

@kevzettler Long story short, it's basically impossible to gauge the quality and robustness of a PR by how many 👍s it has, and I have no investment in webpack, so as happy as I am to push buttons and give feedback, it's a bit more time than I have available currently to actually spend some time working with it and get it over the line. If you could give it a test run and help gauge whether it's reasonable, more or less robust, and does what it claims, that would be a big help!

rreusser commented 6 years ago

(Related: sorry to get involved without the capability/intention of getting it over the line. Open source is tough. 😞)

rreusser commented 6 years ago

(Finally, just let me know if you'd like to help maintain! If you want to test, merge & publish, that'd be 💯! Always more than happy to add collaborators/owners/etc)

Fabiantjoeaon commented 5 years ago

Hi! Any updates on this? I'm sorry, but I have no clue on how to solve this issue. :(

I have exactly the same issue, it seems like GL_OES_standard_derivatives can not be used, as the fwidth function etc. can not be found. I am using regl with canvas-sketch (which used glslify and budo)

file number 0:
   2|      #ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives
   3|          #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
   4|      #endif  
   5|      precision mediump float;
   6|  #define GLSLIFY 1
   8|      float gridFactor (vec2 vBC, float width, float feather) {
   9|    float w1 = width - feather * 0.5;
  10|    vec3 bary = vec3(vBC.x, vBC.y, 1.0 - vBC.x - vBC.y);
  11|    vec3 d = fwidth(bary);
    | ^^^
    | extension is not supported
  12|    vec3 a3 = smoothstep(d * w1, d * (w1 + feather), bary);
  13|    return min(min(a3.x, a3.y), a3.z);
  14|  }
  16|  float gridFactor (vec2 vBC, float width) {
  17|    vec3 bary = vec3(vBC.x, vBC.y, 1.0 - vBC.x - vBC.y);
  18|    vec3 d = fwidth(bary);
    | ^^^
    | extension is not supported
  19|    vec3 a3 = smoothstep(d * (width - 0.5), d * (width + 0.5), bary);
  20|    return min(min(a3.x, a3.y), a3.z);
  21|  }
  23|      varying vec2 b;
  24|      void main () {
  25|          gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(gridFactor(b, 1.0)), 1);
  26|      }

regl.js:48 Error: (regl) Error compiling fragment shader,
    at Function.raise (regl.js:47)
    at Function.checkShaderError [as shaderError] (regl.js:327)
    at Object.getShader [as shader] (regl.js:5058)
    at regl.js:6327
    at Function.checkOptional [as optional] (regl.js:420)
    at parseShader (regl.js:6326)
    at parseProgram (regl.js:6352)
    at parseArguments (regl.js:7450)
    at Object.compileCommand [as compile] (regl.js:8783)
    at compileProcedure (regl.js:9377)
rreusser commented 5 years ago

@Fabiantjoeaon extension not supported is a different issue. You'll need to enable GL_OES_standard_derivatives by loading the extension and then the shader with:

#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable

It looks like maybe the issue is the line:

   2|      #ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives
   3|          #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
   4|      #endif 

With the #ifdef, it seems like maybe that only enables the extension if the extension is already enabled?? Perhaps you simply need to remove the #ifdef.

(It's also possible that your hardware does not support oes_standard_derivatives, though support for it is generally pretty good, so this is perhaps unlikely)

Fabiantjoeaon commented 5 years ago

@rreusser Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, I added it because of a last resort, it also doesn't work without #ifdef. It's very strange however, I am using a 2017 macbook pro, and it's possible for me to run the example you have online.

What do you mean by loading the extension? You mean switching the chrome flags?

rreusser commented 5 years ago

@Fabiantjoeaon Based on your example, it looks like you're using regl. In case you aren't, you need to specify the oes_standard_derivatives extension when initializing regl. You can find more details here: https://github.com/regl-project/regl/blob/master/API.md#extensions

Fabiantjoeaon commented 5 years ago

@rreusser Yes, using regl (for the first time actually), I haven't noticed the extension property so thanks, I added that in. However, things get very strange right now, it still isn't working. Whenever I set extensions: ["GL_OES_standard_derivatives"], I get the following error:

Error: (regl) "GL_OES_standard_derivatives" extension is not supported by the current WebGL context, try upgrading your system or a different browser

Which is weird because I am using the latest version of Chrome, and my GPU inside my macbook is pretty up to date (AMD Radeon Pro 560). So I called gl.getExtensions(), and it has9: "OES_standard_derivatives" inside of it.

I have no clue anymore, might post this on StackOverflow also, or file an issue in the regl repo..

Fabiantjoeaon commented 5 years ago

Never mind, I figured it out, I had to enable EOS_STANDARD_DERIVATIVES inside regl, and I then had to enable and prefix it with GL_ inside of my fragment shader!