rrirower / DP2SceneGraphWizard

Direct Publisher to SceneGraph wizard.
MIT License
15 stars 1 forks source link

Sideload error #112

Closed rain-dotcom closed 3 weeks ago

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago
Captura de Tela 2024-06-07 às 13 52 53

this is the error i try to slide the package

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago


this is the package file

rrirower commented 1 month ago

Your manifest file shows a feed URL without an extension:


Per the requirements of this project:

NOTE: Your feed file MUST use an extension of '.JSON' or '.XML' and MUST conform to the Direct Publisher JSON and MRSS feed specifications AND define Category objects.

This is so that the code knows how to parse your feed file.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

ok but i want to use your software i don't get it, did have Tutorial video to host the channel

rrirower commented 1 month ago

What is it that you don't understand? Perhaps reading some of the discussions or the wiki may help you.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

okay please help me check this can this feed work for the package file


rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago


rrirower commented 1 month ago

You can use the Channel Fed Manager tool to validate your feed file.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

hello how can i change the channel text to white

rrirower commented 1 month ago

Please see the wiki for more info.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

okay please send me link to wiki

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

ok image i get it how can i save can i use the notepad i use to open the code to save it, right

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

I have another question. I see that you released another version 9 hours ago. I already have the sftowear. Does the new release affect my sftowear?

or how can i update it to use new release

rrirower commented 1 month ago

You can use any editor to make changes.

Each release of the software either fixes a bug, or, adds a new feature. You should make sure to keep up to date on the software by downloading a new version when it is available and recreating your channel zip file.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

okay how can i change this play text


to my normal language spanish like this

Captura de pantalla 2024-06-09 a la(s) 15 10 34
rrirower commented 1 month ago

You'll need to scan through the source code in the zip file to locate those strings. There's no other way at the moment.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-11 a la(s) 20 04 07

hello please help me After i change the channel text colour the channel is not working again

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

Zip 1111.zip this is file

rrirower commented 1 month ago

You need to upload the zip file before clicking the Install button. Your zip file loaded correctly on my system:

PXL_20240612_131904639 MP

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

okay thanks

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

Annotation 2024-06-12 235841 but how can i change the text style to normal i find it on font, i don't see it

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

Annotation 2024-06-13 000432

and also how can i remove the playlist that show on the screen

rrirower commented 1 month ago

The theme.json file controls the font that is used throughout the code. You need to change the font, or, add a new font to the theme.json file.

You should consider using an editor like Visual Studio Code or something similar that allows you to search the code within the zip file. Then search for "Playlist". You are responsible for any changes you make within the source code. If you're not comfortable changing source code, you should find an experienced person to make changes for you.

Lastly, I am working on making it easier to translate text in the source code. There's no time frame when this will be available.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

ok can send the zip file to make the change

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-15 at 19 00 49_c60620f3

the is not publish

rrirower commented 1 month ago

You can use any editor to make changes.

Each release of the software either fixes a bug, or, adds a new feature. You should make sure to keep up to date on the software by downloading and recreating your channel zip file.

rrirower commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom please read through some of the other issues on this site. They mention how to get your channel to pass.

@ferdiworks Can you help this user? I am currently away.

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom How can I help? Just got notice that you may need help! Please explain the issue to me and provide the Feed file url and package you completed before enqrytion!

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

@ferdiworks ok i have test the package on my device and it work
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-12 at 17 35 58_a6180e83

so i i slideload the file and upload to my roku account this what it show WhatsApp Image 2024-06-15 at 19 00 49_c60620f3

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

this is the file Zoppp.zip

after slideload the file

rrirower commented 1 month ago

@ferdiworks thank you.

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom First lets start at your json feed file! Your feed is not formated correctly! 1)Your categories are not formated correctly on bottom of feed! 2)You classified the type as Movies and it should be tvSApecials - Why because you are using playlist and you do not need trickplay with tv specials and you do not have trickplay files or code attched in your feed so you need to use "tvSpecials" not "movies? and change your playlist categories to the following format: See two examples below

"name":"Snack TV",
"playlistName":"Snack TV",
"playlists":[{"name":"Snack TV",

Or format like this code:

"categories":[{ "name":"3CTV", "playlistName":"3CTV", "order":"manual"}, {"name":"Island Vibez", "playlistName":"Island Vibez", "order":"manual"},{"name":"Rhythm & Soul", "playlistName":"Rhythm & Soul", "order":"manual"}, {"name":"Kool Kountry", "playlistName":"Kool Kountry","order":"manual"}, {"name":"LIT", "playlistName":"LIT", "order":"manual"}], "playlists":[{"name":"3CTV", "itemIds":["97784-22388-4286878"]}, {"name":"Island Vibez", "itemIds":["97786-22390-4286880"]}, {"name":"Rhythm & Soul", "itemIds":["97788-22392-4286882"]}, {"name":"Kool Kountry", "itemIds":["97790-22394-4286884"]}, {"name":"LIT", "itemIds":["97792-22396-4286888"]}]}

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

Your feed fle top should look like this:

{"providerName":"MytvShow","lastUpdated":"2023-07-15T16:59:58+00:00","language":"en","liveFeeds":[],"tvSpecials":[{"id":"96488-19978-3177862","title":"Happy Birthday Mia Lamb","content":{"dateAdded":"2023-01-01T19:50:08+00:00","videos":

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

ok i will change it

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago


ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom Notice the id number for the video which is used in the playlist and categories on bottom!

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

see full feed sample here:

{"providerName":"MytvShow","lastUpdated":"2023-07-15T16:59:58+00:00","language":"en","liveFeeds":[],"tvSpecials":[{"id":"96488-19978-3177862","title":"Happy Birthday Mia Lamb","content":{"dateAdded":"2023-01-01T19:50:08+00:00","videos":[{"url":"https://c.themediacdn.com/link/hls/W3s3aS/iTeSM39sAwz/iG2HYpsWROA_1/playlist.m3u8","quality":"FHD","videoType":"HLS"}],"duration":6813,"validityPeriodStart":null,"validityPeriodEnd":null,"adBreaks":["00:10:00","00:22:00","00:34:00","00:46:00","00:58:00","01:10:00","01:22:00","01:34:00"]},"thumbnail":"https://2-web-shpcd1.streamhoster.com/e5ce/206408/mfrs/3177862/16819270.jpg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vMi13ZWItc2hwY2QxLnN0cmVhbWhvc3Rlci5jb20vZTVjZS8yMDY0MDgvbWZycyoiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3MTkwOTgxMTd9LCJJcEFkZHJlc3MiOnsiQVdTOlNvdXJjZUlwIjoiMC4wLjAuMC8wIn19fV19&Signature=iB3jrkaLFnPFbY7G0mFzaEiSVt9A1gcMBYCgvn-sH0e3dUrwu9xHSLXk~fhjkW8yx-RfZIjd680H34t7r9tJmug73xAG5Kt395lKp2WkvT~j~1W5fP2pGHJfyDqI8Aa-Ta4vYiZGPx7wWEPOYSiY6qiMuayyX5O3Ad0~L~1oQ3ptMJ4adek2Nbp2M-luEHUEHXHM6eESwAeLaMwCg4-Rr8rSiG-RYzGBY9UwE9JL489f2il-j9m-IVZdpFVWGiCJnbivRqYYnSs~YqpdcHW1kmxKoAe7Xh7Jn32AhOTNgYKE4eyPBWLE5fFIgc3BF2ATNpLJ3IkXdUGe9QrT3rBgog__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIQCJLWNYFADX6TFA","genres":["special"],"releaseDate":"2023-01-01T19:50:08+00:00","shortDescription":"Happy Birthday Mia Lamb","longDescription":"Happy Birthday Mia Lamb"},{"id":"96488-19978-3187480","title":"Your Video on TV for $20","content":{"dateAdded":"2021-09-01T12:38:07+00:00","videos":[{"url":"https://c.themediacdn.com/link/hls/W3s3aS/iTeSM39sAwz/iGgz3DsWO9C_1/playlist.m3u8","quality":"HD","videoType":"HLS"}],"duration":42,"validityPeriodStart":null,"validityPeriodEnd":null,"adBreaks":null},"thumbnail":"https://2-web-shpcd1.streamhoster.com/e5ce/206408/mfrs/3187480/16888896.jpg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vMi13ZWItc2hwY2QxLnN0cmVhbWhvc3Rlci5jb20vZTVjZS8yMDY0MDgvbWZycyoiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3MTkwOTgxMTd9LCJJcEFkZHJlc3MiOnsiQVdTOlNvdXJjZUlwIjoiMC4wLjAuMC8wIn19fV19&Signature=iB3jrkaLFnPFbY7G0mFzaEiSVt9A1gcMBYCgvn-sH0e3dUrwu9xHSLXk~fhjkW8yx-RfZIjd680H34t7r9tJmug73xAG5Kt395lKp2WkvT~j~1W5fP2pGHJfyDqI8Aa-Ta4vYiZGPx7wWEPOYSiY6qiMuayyX5O3Ad0~L~1oQ3ptMJ4adek2Nbp2M-luEHUEHXHM6eESwAeLaMwCg4-Rr8rSiG-RYzGBY9UwE9JL489f2il-j9m-IVZdpFVWGiCJnbivRqYYnSs~YqpdcHW1kmxKoAe7Xh7Jn32AhOTNgYKE4eyPBWLE5fFIgc3BF2ATNpLJ3IkXdUGe9QrT3rBgog__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIQCJLWNYFADX6TFA","genres":["special"],"releaseDate":"2021-09-01T12:38:07+00:00","shortDescription":"Get your Video on TV for $20","longDescription":"Get your Video on TV for $20 contact us at ondemandtvnetworks.com"},{"id":"96488-19978-3187518","title":"Carlos Maria 25th Anniversary","content":{"dateAdded":"2016-04-11T08:53:20+00:00","videos":[{"url":"https://c.themediacdn.com/link/hls/W3s3aS/iTeSM39sAwz/iGg3UesWOKU_1/playlist.m3u8","quality":"HD","videoType":"HLS"}],"duration":4258,"validityPeriodStart":null,"validityPeriodEnd":null,"adBreaks":["00:10:00","00:22:00","00:34:00","00:46:00","00:58:00"]},"thumbnail":"https://2-web-shpcd1.streamhoster.com/e5ce/206408/mfrs/3187518/16889262.jpg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vMi13ZWItc2hwY2QxLnN0cmVhbWhvc3Rlci5jb20vZTVjZS8yMDY0MDgvbWZycyoiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3MTkwOTgxMTd9LCJJcEFkZHJlc3MiOnsiQVdTOlNvdXJjZUlwIjoiMC4wLjAuMC8wIn19fV19&Signature=iB3jrkaLFnPFbY7G0mFzaEiSVt9A1gcMBYCgvn-sH0e3dUrwu9xHSLXk~fhjkW8yx-RfZIjd680H34t7r9tJmug73xAG5Kt395lKp2WkvT~j~1W5fP2pGHJfyDqI8Aa-Ta4vYiZGPx7wWEPOYSiY6qiMuayyX5O3Ad0~L~1oQ3ptMJ4adek2Nbp2M-luEHUEHXHM6eESwAeLaMwCg4-Rr8rSiG-RYzGBY9UwE9JL489f2il-j9m-IVZdpFVWGiCJnbivRqYYnSs~YqpdcHW1kmxKoAe7Xh7Jn32AhOTNgYKE4eyPBWLE5fFIgc3BF2ATNpLJ3IkXdUGe9QrT3rBgog__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIQCJLWNYFADX6TFA","genres":["special"],"releaseDate":"2016-04-11T08:53:20+00:00","shortDescription":"Carlos and Maria's 25th Anniversary","longDescription":"Carlos and Maria's 25th Anniversary"},{"id":"96488-19978-3187490","title":"ElizabethSweet16","content":{"dateAdded":"2015-11-08T11:49:38+00:00","videos":[{"url":"https://c.themediacdn.com/link/hls/W3s3aS/iTeSM39sAwz/iGgbcwsWO9y_1/playlist.m3u8","quality":"HD","videoType":"HLS"}],"duration":1472,"validityPeriodStart":null,"validityPeriodEnd":null,"adBreaks":["00:10:00"]},"thumbnail":"https://2-web-shpcd1.streamhoster.com/e5ce/206408/mfrs/3187490/16889152.jpg?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vMi13ZWItc2hwY2QxLnN0cmVhbWhvc3Rlci5jb20vZTVjZS8yMDY0MDgvbWZycyoiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3MTkwOTgxMTd9LCJJcEFkZHJlc3MiOnsiQVdTOlNvdXJjZUlwIjoiMC4wLjAuMC8wIn19fV19&Signature=iB3jrkaLFnPFbY7G0mFzaEiSVt9A1gcMBYCgvn-sH0e3dUrwu9xHSLXk~fhjkW8yx-RfZIjd680H34t7r9tJmug73xAG5Kt395lKp2WkvT~j~1W5fP2pGHJfyDqI8Aa-Ta4vYiZGPx7wWEPOYSiY6qiMuayyX5O3Ad0~L~1oQ3ptMJ4adek2Nbp2M-luEHUEHXHM6eESwAeLaMwCg4-Rr8rSiG-RYzGBY9UwE9JL489f2il-j9m-IVZdpFVWGiCJnbivRqYYnSs~YqpdcHW1kmxKoAe7Xh7Jn32AhOTNgYKE4eyPBWLE5fFIgc3BF2ATNpLJ3IkXdUGe9QrT3rBgog__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIQCJLWNYFADX6TFA","genres":["special"],"releaseDate":"2015-11-08T11:49:38+00:00","shortDescription":"Happy Birthday Elizabeth","longDescription":"Happy Birthday, Elizabeth. Happy Sweet 16"}],"categories":[{"name":"Special Events","playlistName":"Special Events","order":"manual"}],"playlists":[{"name":"Special Events","itemIds":["96488-19978-3177862","96488-19978-3187480","96488-19978-3187518","96488-19978-3187490"]}]}

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom Once your feed is set correct it will display categories correctly and name them correctly!

The Software will comply with what it reads from the feed file!

Then you can seek and change your fonts in sofware code as @rrirower explained in an editor! Made backups of everything before edits!

Once done test by sideload, enqrypt and upload to Roku package!

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

hello thanks for your help

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

@ferdiworks can i use this code

i have make some change to the code


ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom = NO! you cannot add categories after the closing brackets! Look at the sample I posted! The provider code should be at top!\ And the label "movies" should be changed to tvSpecials, tvSpecials do not need trickplay files and all videosd need be "HLS" m3u8 videos which you already have listed!

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago


rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

i think it okay now

{ "providerName": "Live Network", "lastUpdated": "2024-07-15T16:59:58+00:00", "language": "en", "liveFeeds": [], "tvSpecials": [ { "id": "83b7270cbb564353b60caab36aea1d6f", "title": "IDDPMI PAJUIL TV", "content": { "dateAdded": "2024-01-01T19:50:08+00:00", "videos": [ { "url": "https://96vd925eyxq7-hls-live.5centscdn.com/7413_push_2748_010/a00699b2893eb271017a361041555400.sdp/playlist.m3u8", "quality": "FHD", "videoType": "HLS" } ], "duration": 1211 }, "genres": [ "documentary" ], "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1867795389-878467d3137d1a482673f663d80dcf11a37f1c10537b6ca47d9eaca041851511-d_800x450", "releaseDate": "2018-05-08", "shortDescription": "Drone flying over the real Noah's ark site October 2017.", "longDescription": "Canal oficial de la Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal MI en PAJUIL.", "tags": [ "live" ] }, { "id": "9b1d302d9a0a4b5380cfd1d7102efbe3", "title": "El Poder del Espíritu Santo y la Misión- IDDPMI PAJ", "content": { "dateAdded": "2024-09-01T12:38:07+00:00", "videos": [ { "url": "https://player.vimeo.com/external/953232443.m3u8?s=4821148a3aaa7d4326f1b9f1eef6bc0afba470d8", "quality": "HD", "videoType": "HLS" } ], "duration": 1539 }, "genres": [ "documentary" ], "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1867793316-e11f8a8742d5a95d60ac43369ba3ddfb5c06c7ce2eea397264a2d2d698c97cb4-d_800x450", "releaseDate": "2024-05-08", "shortDescription": "TEl Poder del Espíritu Santo y la Misión- IDDPMI PAJUI", "tags": [ "VOD" ] }, { "id": "23268c8943bc4f6ebdc040a5525f8be9", "title": "Honrando a las madres", "content": { "dateAdded": "2024-04-11T08:53:20+00:00", "videos": [ { "url": "https://player.vimeo.com/external/953232418.m3u8?s=16ed517d5e8a3473ba31510ff40b15ba87c8b394", "quality": "HD", "videoType": "HLS" } ], "duration": 1507 }, "genres": [ "documentary" ], "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1867793316-e11f8a8742d5a95d60ac43369ba3ddfb5c06c7ce2eea397264a2d2d698c97cb4-d_800x450", "releaseDate": "2018-05-08", "shortDescription": "Honrando a las madres - Culto especial - IDDPMI PAJUIL.", "tags": [ "VOD" ] },

  "id": "20f7279f919245769e1c344797cf8dc0",
  "title": "Llamados a servir",
  "content": {
    "dateAdded": "2024-04-11T08:53:20+00:00",
    "videos": [
        "url": "https://player.vimeo.com/external/953232390.m3u8?s=208e77300511ee846d1970eb95843c03504f9b91",
        "quality": "HD",
        "videoType": "HLS"
    "duration": 1744
  "genres": [
  "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1867793316-e11f8a8742d5a95d60ac43369ba3ddfb5c06c7ce2eea397264a2d2d698c97cb4-d_800x450",
  "releaseDate": "2019-02-02",
  "shortDescription": "Llamados a servir - IDDPMI PAJUIL. ",
  "tags": [
    " VOD"

  "id": "6f3da5310be74ec6aec31b19cf04ce3b",
  "title": "Culto de adoracio",
  "content": {
    "dateAdded": "2024-04-11T08:53:20+00:00",
    "videos": [
        "url": "https://player.vimeo.com/external/953232360.m3u8?s=17ea8da2d6329118057cdfa5a0753906a14139ba",
        "quality": "HD",
        "videoType": "HLS"
        "duration": 856,
        "language": "en-US"
      "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1867793316-e11f8a8742d5a95d60ac43369ba3ddfb5c06c7ce2eea397264a2d2d698c97cb4-d_800x450",
      "episodeNumber": 12,
      "releaseDate": "2019-11-26",
      "shortDescription": "Culto de adoración - IDDPMI PAJUIL."

  "id": "fd42bfb10d46485f84547a778f0e782e",
  "title": "¿Cómo manejar el _desá",
  "content": {
    "dateAdded": "2024-11-08T11:49:38+00:00",
    "videos": [
        "url": "https://player.vimeo.com/external/953232330.m3u8?s=1f440a27a3133323a0b1289d755ccf30bf32a76a",
        "quality": "HD",
        "videoType": "HLS"
    "duration": 1472,
    "validityPeriodStart": null,
    "validityPeriodEnd": null,
    "adBreaks": [
  "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1867793316-e11f8a8742d5a95d60ac43369ba3ddfb5c06c7ce2eea397264a2d2d698c97cb4-d_800x450",
  "genres": [
  "releaseDate": "2015-11-08T11:49:38+00:00",
  "shortDescription": "¿Cómo manejar el _desá",
  "longDescription": "¿Cómo manejar el _desánimo__ - IDDPMI PAJ"

], "categories": [ { "name": "STREAMING / EN VIVO", "query": "STREAMING / EN VIVO", "order": "manual" },

  "name": "NUESTROS VIDEOS",
  "query": "NUESTROS VIDEOS",
  "order": "manual"

], "playlists": [ { "name": "STREAMING / EN VIVO", "itemIds": [ "83b7270cbb564353b60caab36aea1d6f", ] },

  "name": "NUESTROS VIDEOS",
  "itemIds": [
    "9b1d302d9a0a4b5380cfd1d7102efbe3", "23268c8943bc4f6ebdc040a5525f8be9", "20f7279f919245769e1c344797cf8dc0","6f3da5310be74ec6aec31b19cf04ce3b", "fd42bfb10d46485f84547a778f0e782e"


] }

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom I cannot promiser you that your Queries will work with the mixing of playlist! You sent back a Category list that to my knowledge will not work, When it comes to categories you need to decide to use Query or playlist., I gave you samples of categories with playlist and you returned something different from what I suggested! Roku doers have a feed validator you can look up and test your feed!

However I can only suggest what I know what works and tell you the why of it working! I do not believe mixing Query and playlist in your category code will work, I can be wrong I am not perfect and maybe @rrirower knows better than me!

I suggest you look back at my sample code and follow the code for non Query as I suggested!

Then you can test the feed in a channel package!

rrirower commented 1 month ago

You can mix categories based on a query or a playlist in your code. The best way to do this is by using the software I commented about above. The channel feed manager tool can manage your feed file to accomplish this.

ferdiworks commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom Use the json feed validator to check ur feed file! https://www.jsonschemavalidator.net

If it is correct and validates then you are good to go!!

rrirower commented 1 month ago

@rain-dotcom the JSON feed validator is a good way to validate JSON syntax. However, it will not catch logic errors in your feed file. To check for logic errors, you can use the Channel Feed Manager to validate for errors.

rain-dotcom commented 1 month ago

Annotation 2024-06-21 171842 I try to install the software, it say error

rrirower commented 1 month ago

Are you getting the error when you start the channel feed manager, or, when you install it? It appears you get the error when you start it.

Also, make sure you check the prerequisites for running the software. It must be installed on your local hard drive.

Please use the channel feed manager project for discussions and issues.

rain-dotcom commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you i find the error and i fix it the problem is not with my feed url the problem is with deep link i Add i have fix the error and my channel is working now