rrirower / DP2SceneGraphWizard

Direct Publisher to SceneGraph wizard.
MIT License
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V4 video play issue #15

Closed ferdiworks closed 1 year ago

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

Ok so we got Verion 4 to load after adding line to manifest bs_libs_required=roku_ads_lib

Channel now siseloads but video player has issues!

Videos open but stay in loading then freeze!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Are you side loading a package or zip? I tested with a zip and it appeared to work fine. Is it a specific type of feed content that hangs?

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

Nothing special, I tested it with my tvSpecials feed and I tested one of my client feeds who has movies series and shortform videos, Alpha 3 runs with no issues on those feeds nut Alpha 4 video play keeps loading and freezes on those test and a few others. I see your coder changes and looked at it, it loasd if we add the line to manifest so the sideload error goers away but them that playe of the video freezes!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a URL for me to test with?

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

OK this is one of my tvSpecials channels I tried w version 3 and 4 works well w V3 video freezes V4


rrirower commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I'll test and report back.

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a list of the steps you used to side-load the code? I want to walk through your steps since the application works when I install it from a zip file.

rrirower commented 1 year ago

I think I found the problem. It appears that somehow I zipped the wrong version of the code. I must have zipped the Ads version I am working on instead of the correct one. That's why you had to add that line to the manifest.

I am preparing to package a new zip.

fronderblash commented 1 year ago


rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks Can you take a look at the attached zip and let me know if it resolves the issues? You should not need to add any lines to your manifest. If this works, I will repost it.


ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

That zip did not load, Application Received: 224924 bytes stored. Install Failure: No manifest. Invalid package. I'll try and test again!

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

I unzip the zip sent and the manifest file is gone but I will add one and test it!

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

OK added manifest file zipped it loaded it and freezes at load

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

I was curious and tried it with the Ad Libs line in mainfest and without and both froze at loading!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Can you provide the steps you are using when you test? I need to figure out why the code works for me and not you.

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

OK i will do a screen record just cant capture the Roku load!

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

I sidseload the zip you sent and it froze! I created the manuifest with your tool software then copied it over to the zip you sent!

Note version 3 works just fine no problems but v4 has the issue.

Here is the video screen record


ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower You wrote: Can you provide the steps you are using when you test? I need to figure out why the code works for me and not you.

1) I used the software to create test channel 2)Copied manifest over to the zip you suplied! 3)Zipped it 6_sideloaded the zip 7)Roku open on screen and froze at loading! 8) Updated software on Roku device, Restarted system, tried again! Same result! 9_Retested V3 with edits from me and all loaded good! 10) Changed feed with new manifest file and your zip provided and it froze again! 11) Tried the V4 again with zip from version 4 output Application Received: 219610 bytes stored. Install Failure: Compilation Failed.PlayerTask add line ad libs loads fine!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the video. Unfortunately, it ended right at the time you were to upload the zip file, so, I did not get to see the error. Additionally, I used the URL you posted above and the one in your video and both opened and played on my Roku. I sideloaded the zip and both played correctly.

I used the code from the DPtoSceneGraph.zip file posted above and updated the manifest to use your URL. I tested from within my debugger and by sideloading the zip file.

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Here's my test:


PXL_20230820_145329520 MP

fronderblash commented 1 year ago

Hello Am sorry for interrupt

please can HpD.zip you help me to test this file also

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@fronderblash The zip file you posted contains corrupt code as I indicated above. If you'd like to test with a potential fix, download the zip I posted above for Joe, and add your manifest to the zip file. Then, sideload the zip.

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower I watch your video and seen the install failure and I seen in the debugger window the ad libs line in therter! I see the image posted above from one of my feeds! Thanks for your patience and support! I support the project and what you are doing here! I keep trying and testing, sorry my video cut off as my monitor is a Roku TV and when it laurnches unless I capture w a second camera or phone record i dont get the second video to edit into one!

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower I don't understand as well, I am more seasoned working w SDK files and working w coding and have published many sites for myself and clients over the years! I keep tedsting your files and will report back! I don't know why I get the a difference from your test! I tried another device and tested again ensuring system updates and restarts to devixces and computer!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks Can you try the following:

You do not need to re-run the Wizard tool since there were no changes to the tool.

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@fronderblash I tested your zip and get same errors as my own w version 4 and with the zip given here and your feed, Your feed works w version 3 just fine!

What I don't understand is why 3 different people here in the issues section keep asking for this snack tv channel help even after I myself was hired and produced a fully working SDK Channel with my own sdk template and script.

fronderblash commented 1 year ago


thanks it worked Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 10 56 29 AM

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks I'm still not sure what error you are getting. Can you take a picture of the screen, or, something like that? I'd liek to release this updated version if I can resolve this issue.

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks As you can see from his post, @fronderblash got his channel to work with the updated zip above. Please double-check your steps.

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower I just tested his zip posted and ran the test and got same errors I am now taking and redownloading the Dp to scenegraph zip again and going to test it again!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks His zip was corrupt. I gave him the steps to follow above to test with the new zip.

fronderblash commented 1 year ago

it show this thing wddddddddd


rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks I've seen that message if your manifest is missing a FEED_URL line or it is commented out with "#".

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower I know this lol I am not new to this! I just tried this again and again and what i get is the same error that fronerblash just reported! Over and over with many manifest changes from different working channels! He just posted an image asnd thats what I get!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

I apologize if I've offended either of you, but, please understand the frustrating aspects of trying to resolve this. It's been difficult trying to get clear info about the problem.

Can either of you provide your manifest file so I can test with it?

Are you side-loading the zip, or, a package.

Lastly, can either of you post the zip that fails for you so I can try to load it?

fronderblash commented 1 year ago

[Uploading DPtoSceneGraph (5).zip…]()

fronderblash commented 1 year ago

DPtoSceneGraph (5).zip

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

here is a test channel w same error he repoted as well https://ondemandtvservices.net/source.zip

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

I apologize if I've offended either of you, but, please understand the frustrating aspects of trying to resolve this. It's been difficult trying to get clear info about the problem.

Can either of you provide your manifest file so I can test with it?

Are you side-loading the zip, or, a package.

Lastly, can either of you post the zip that fails for you so I can try to load it?


I support the project and don't mind testing the templates or software! I have some expeirence so I believe I can contribute and help!

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

it show this thing wddddddddd


This is the same error I been reporting all along!

fronderblash commented 1 year ago


rrirower commented 1 year ago

I found the bug by looking into your individual zip files. These should fix it. Please let me know so I can post an updated zip.

ferdiworks.zip fronderblash.zip

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

I found the bug by looking into your individual zip files. These should fix it. Please let me know so I can post an updated zip.

ferdiworks.zip fronderblash.zip

That zup worked and loaded, Now I will test it w other feeds!

fronderblash commented 1 year ago

yes it work

I found the bug by looking into your individual zip files. These should fix it. Please let me know so I can post an updated zip.

ferdiworks.zip fronderblash.zip

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower Ok testing with other feeds and adding background image works weell for me now!

fronderblash commented 1 year ago


fronderblash commented 1 year ago

ferdiworks please how did you add background images

fronderblash commented 1 year ago

rrirower ferdiworks Thanks for your help but

how can i change this image to my own image rdtdtr

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

rrirower ferdiworks Thanks for your help but

how can i change this image to my own image rdtdtr

You can use photoshop or another photo editor

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Thanks to you both for helping. I will be posting a new zip shortly.