rrirower / DP2SceneGraphWizard

Direct Publisher to SceneGraph wizard.
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Channel Movies and content not showing #74

Closed furynightwing closed 9 months ago

furynightwing commented 9 months ago

Hello, After creating the channel using the generator and sideloading it to my roku device, the content from my feed is not showing at all.. please help.


all i can see is the background image

rrirower commented 9 months ago

Some things to look for:

  1. Does your feed URL end in . Json or .xml?
  2. Do you define categories in your feed file?
  3. Are there any messages displayed?

If you can, please provide your feed URL and manifest file.

furynightwing commented 9 months ago


this is the manifest it generated:

Channel Details

Auto-generated by DPtoSceneGraph wizard version

(c) Copyright 2023, Michael Harnad, All rights reserved.

Support at https://github.com/rrirower

NOTE: Uppercase attributes are CUSTOM.

bs_libs_required=roku_ads_lib title=EliYah Live major_version=1 minor_version=0 build_version=1 FEED_URL=https://roku.eliyah.com/roku/feed.json splash_color=#000000 BACKGROUND_COLOR=#8A2BE2 ui_resolutions=sd,hd,fhd USE_RAF=0 OFFER_SUBSCRIPTIONS=0 supports_input_launch=1 mm_icon_focus_hd=pkg:/images/channel.png splash_screen_hd=pkg:/images/splash.png BACKGROUND_IMAGE=pkg:/images/background.jpeg

Optional settings. To use, uncomment. Read the Wiki for more info.


rrirower commented 9 months ago

Your feed file is not syntactically correct. I used the Channel Feed Manager to validate your feed file and it reported several of the following messages:

"Item 'Commands of the Apostles - Part 58' defines tags, but, a category that associates those tags could not be found."

I took a look at your feed file and noticed you defined 'categories' as part of a content object. That does not conform to the Roku Json Feed Spec. For example,

"thumbnail": "https://roku.eliyah.com/roku/thumbs/25648.png",
        "releaseDate": "2023-12-30T12:39:14",
        "shortDescription": "Sorry, this archive currently has no description",
        "longDescription": "Sorry, this archive currently has no description",
        "categories": [
            "name": "Eliyah.com",
            "order": "most_recent",
            "query": "Eliyah.com"

You'll need to correct this error before side-loading your channel.

furynightwing commented 9 months ago

so, can you give me an example of how i should go about adding categories?

rrirower commented 9 months ago

The link I posted for the feed spec shows what your feed contents should look like.

jsonnentag commented 9 months ago

Looking at things above I think for me in that situation I would be helped by seeing a feed that is working and how that was formed. Here's a link to what works for me. (I find looking at something working in totality a lot easier to decipher than just trying to figure out the feed specifications. After I see something working I can THEN look at the specification and see how what it is referring to is put into practice. That's my most productive way of figuring things out anyway.) :)

(All the Categories info is at the very end of the feed.) http://sabbathschooltv.com/roku/sabbathschooltv.json

rrirower commented 9 months ago

Or, rather than creating a feed file by hand, which is error-prone, you might want to use the Channel Feed Manager to produce a feed file without syntax and/or logic errors.

furynightwing commented 9 months ago

I figured it out, however when i load the channel to my roku device it doesnt size up? like it still stays small in the corner of the screen? I have it set to sd hd and fhd

furynightwing commented 9 months ago

Also, is there a way to change the color of the title and description text? Capture

rrirower commented 9 months ago

@furynightwing There's an issue using FHD at the moment. Remove that setting.

See the Wiki for how to set the font and color of the text.

furynightwing commented 9 months ago


furynightwing commented 9 months ago

Is there a way to set the background to the currently highlighted video thumbnail easily?

rrirower commented 9 months ago

Have you tried using the custom attribute "USE_THUMBNAIL_BACKGROUND"? There's info on the wiki that explains custom attributes. Some of the attributes are not enabled yet. That one should be.

furynightwing commented 9 months ago

would i put that in the manifest file under background image?

rrirower commented 9 months ago

You should see some optional custom attributes in the manifest file at the bottom. They are listed as all Capital letters. That attribute should be there. Let me know if it's not.

furynightwing commented 9 months ago

yep its here, thanks