rrirower / DP2SceneGraphWizard

Direct Publisher to SceneGraph wizard.
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Shortform videos #8

Closed ferdiworks closed 1 year ago

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

While I have successfully converted many channels to date with Alpha3 version for tvspecials I have not been able to successfully convert any shortform vdeo feeds running the software. But when I have edited the source code myself I got it to parse shortform videos on my own. But to run the software as is and use shortform videos feeds I have not had success!

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Can you explain what you mean by "I have not had success". Please describe in more detail.

Additionally, if you can provide a feed URL to test with, I can debug deeper.

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

hello i have problem with my sdk channel.

i generate packages i view it but there is nothing content there.

please what happened

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

hello can someone help me

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

If your not seeing content its because of the feed you are using most likely, Share feed link and we cxan look at it

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response.

I hired someone on Fiverr to assist me in developing a channel, and they charged me $250. However, when I received the project, I could only see the logo and nothing else; my video didn't appear. After conducting some research on Google, I believe this group can help me instead. Attachment_1691436493

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

Snack TV.zip

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

that is the package he sent me

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

please can you help

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

Thats funny I guy tried to hire me to create this channel with the Name of Frank Ojin or by name of Lin email: Frank ojin [linmeehoo86@gmail.com](mailto:linmeehoo86@gmail.com) I however got the feed to work with the channel. But never delivered to him as he failed to pay me to redo his feed!

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

what? he hair you

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

i have report him on fiverr for not deliver as promised

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

please can you help to let the package show on my TV

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Please do not hijack a previous issue. If your problem is unrelated, open a new issue.

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago


ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

unfortunetly it is related! This is the issue I posted about. This is the feed for shortform video that the software did not parse https://api.npoint.io/3f4834c8754cdc939955

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago


Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

what is the solution now

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

I don't know why software doesnt parse your feed! However I did get your feed to work afteredits and work on code and created a working channel, you can contact me on my site at https://ondemandtvnetworks.com/contact.html

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

what software did you is it wizard software right

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

Dalidababro The wizard software would not parse your shortform video feed, I create the issue here! Howsever I change code in brightscript code and got a package created and your feed parsed! As I said before contact me at my site at https://ondemandtvnetworks.com/contact.html as this is not the place for this discussion!

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

ok i have contact you join the group i find but no response

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks the feed file you posted does not contain Category objects. My announcement post on the Roku forum indicated that categories are required in a feed file in order for the wizard code to work.

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower I understand when we started this issue and just redid the code to work for me, Most Direct publisher channels went by the tags!

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower can you post a sample of a shortform video json feed so we are on the same sheet of music and understanding the right or proper categorie tags that the software will work with!

Dalidadabro commented 1 year ago

@rrirower please what software would we parse my short form video feed,

how can i get categories for my feed

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Under Content Categories in the Roku JSON Spec, it states:

The category object defines a new category your channel will display, and the content included in it is based either on a playlist (see object description below), or a query containing one or multiple tags. You can also create them directly in Direct Publisher.

When you created your feed file(s), you had to tell Direct Publisher that the categories are defined in the Developer Portal, or, in the feed file. The wizard software assumes that the categories are defined in the feed file. Your feed file must define one or more categories based upon 'tags' or playlists. The Categories are then used to define the rows in the Grid that displays. Tags are used to associate your content with a Category.

From looking at the sample feed file you posted, there's no need to change your short-form video definitions. You simply need to define the Categories that are associated with the 'tags' defined for each short-form video. You can use the Channel Feed Manager software on this site to create and manage your feed files.

After defining Categories in your feed file, you should see entries like this:

    "name": "Cooking Shows",
    "query": "cooking AND reality shows",
    "order": "most_popular"
caloriesm commented 1 year ago


caloriesm commented 1 year ago

@rrirower yes that is the exactly what happened to my channel, my channel display no content.

but After see am so happy

but After download Channel Feed Manager software on this site it showing some error please what happened to software? gggftft

rrirower commented 1 year ago

The software could not find the file "C:\Users\MM\Documents\Channel Feed Manager\Temp\UpdateManifest.json". This may have been related to a problem when you installed the software. I recommend that you uninstall and reinstall the software and try again. If that does not fix the problem, create a dummy file called "UpdateManifest.json" within "C:\Users\MM\Documents\Channel Feed Manager\Temp\".

urabore commented 1 year ago

hello Am still getting the same i uninstall and reinstall the software and try again and also create a dummy file but it still the something xdxry

rrirower commented 1 year ago

Please do not update this issue with Channel Feed Manager problems. Please continue this discussion in the Channel Feed Manager issues #76.

ferdiworks commented 1 year ago

@rrirower I know about the category tags and how they work. I been working with feeds and roku channels for a long time now. With your software first let me say thank you! I like it for simple conversions where I can help some for free and share the wealth lol. There are other channels more complicated or that have complication with converting and becomes more work as in recreating a feed file or recoding the sdk files! So as for the software I can say it has parst evrything from Series and episodes, movies ans tv specials, however I have not had a successful conversion of short form videos that parse categories. I read your replies and have not wanted to take up your time with issues. I did ask if you had a sample working feed that has category tags to view against what I have. I have talked with many other friends and developers who share code samples and sniplets that has helped with parsing a single line of videos as I already can get without their help. I can go read that Roku help files and same page you sent over and over and I can try adding category tags as seen in other samples and feeds but still to date cannot get a shortform video feed to parse categories unless I change the formats to series episodes or tvspecials and movies but not short form video! Next is there somewhere to send a pvt message if need be?

rrirower commented 1 year ago

@ferdiworks As I stated above, there's nothing wrong with the actual short-form videos you posted in the feed file. The feed file is missing Category objects. Tags are NOT Categories. They are a way to relate a piece of content (short-form video) to a specific Category. I've given you an example of what a Category object looks like, and I've provided an additional tool for you to use to update and manage your feed files.

I'm not sure what else I can do.