rrirower / DP2SceneGraphWizard

Direct Publisher to SceneGraph wizard.
MIT License
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background missing #96

Closed AndrewRCD closed 4 months ago

AndrewRCD commented 4 months ago

H I just installed the new version beta 5

but I cannot make it show the background image I uploaded only a color. What am I doing wrong?

form the manifest

splash_color=#8A2BE2 BACKGROUND_COLOR=#8A2BE2 ui_resolutions=hd USE_RAF=0 OFFER_SUBSCRIPTIONS=0 supports_input_launch=1 mm_icon_focus_hd=pkg:/images/channel.png splash_screen_hd=pkg:/images/splash.png OVERHANG=pkg:/images/overhang.png BACKGROUND_IMAGE=pkg:/images/background.png

but the channel shows as the image dev

rrirower commented 4 months ago

Open the zip file and look in the images folder. Is there an image file with the same name as the manifest indicates?

AndrewRCD commented 4 months ago

yes it is - and i tried both formats - for some reason - jpg and png - none of them works.

rrirower commented 4 months ago

I'll have to try it on my end.

AndrewRCD commented 4 months ago

thank you

rrirower commented 4 months ago

Can you post the image you're using for a background?

AndrewRCD commented 4 months ago

of course one sec please

rrirower commented 4 months ago

Sorry, I meant it as an attachment so I can test with it.

AndrewRCD commented 4 months ago

also tried this 2 background (2) background

rrirower commented 4 months ago

Two issues here.

  1. There was a regression bug that broke some previously working code. It is fixed.
  2. Your image size is incorrect. Roku has some strict requirements regarding images. Please try using 1280x720 for your background image. It should work.

I've reposted the beta.5 code, so, you'll need to re-run the wizard to rebuild your zip file. Let me know if this resolves your issue.

AndrewRCD commented 4 months ago

perfect - thank you