rrmeister / pyQuEST

Python interface for the Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit (QuEST)
MIT License
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Release of puQuEST package #1

Closed TerraVenil closed 1 month ago

TerraVenil commented 1 month ago

Hi, I am just curious if you have any plans/estimations in the nearest future release of pyQuEST package? I am looking for a Python interface to interact with the QuEST toolkit. So any kind of details regarding current progress and long term plans will be very helpful to make a correct decision on how to do such integration in the most efficient way. Thanks.

rrmeister commented 1 month ago

Hi Oleksii! Thanks very much for your interest in pyQuEST. I am currently implementing unit tests to make sure the interface operates as intended and has no incorrect edge cases. After that, we are pretty much ready for the first official release. In any case, the package is ready to use as-is, just be a little more cautious than usual about verifying the results you obtain using pyQuEST. Cheers! Richard